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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Emilia Veresezan

Emilia Veresezan

ACT Romania
Psychotherapist, MA M.Sc.
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj
Highest Degree Held: None
Types of Clients: Adults
Languages spoken: English
ACT/CBS Background and Training: I am a clinical psychologist and cognitive behavioral psychotherapist. In my practice, I use acceptance and commitment therapy and schema therapy as my main modalities. Developing as a professional is a motivating force for me and I have been consistently attending national and international ACT conferences as well as taking part in schema therapy training. I work with adults in individual psychotherapy with issues ranging from anxiety and depression to relationship difficulties, personality disorders and trauma. My focus is on providing evidence-based treatments in an empathetic and experiential manner.

Contact Emilia

Contact emilia.veresezan