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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Richard van Romunde

Richard van Romunde

Self Employed Psychologist
Psychologist in Process Based Interactive Therapy
Voorschoten, Zuid-Holland
Highest Degree Held: None
Specialties: Hypnotherapy, RFT, ROE
Types of Clients: Adolescents, Adults, Organizations
Languages spoken: English, Nederlands
ACT/CBS Background and Training: Educated in the updated RFT, monism and inspired by interbehaviorism.
Created a therapy inspired by the updated RFT, interbehaviorism and monism, called Process Based Interactive Therapy.
Additional Information: I'm writing an RFT glossary/blog, which is accessible online for free on my website.
You can find the blogs here:

It's in dutch, but Chat GPT does quite a good job in translating.

The blogs take you trough everything I know about RFT, from philosophy (such as Pepper's work, Mechanism, Contextualism, Functional Contextualism, Interbehaviorism (to some extend), monism vs dualism, and Behavioral Pragmatism) to theory (such as, Relational Responding, Classical and Operant conditinioning as Relational Responding, (D)AARRing, RFT, language as field, the ROE(M), etc.)

This is everything I currently know about RFT and I'd like to share that with you.

Contact Richard

Contact richard.vanromunde