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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - seyed ali kolahdouzan

seyed ali kolahdouzan

Isfahan University of Medical Sciiences
University Faculty
Esfahan, Esfahan
Iran, Islamic Republic of
Highest Degree Held: Ph.D.
Specialties: Palliative Care
Types of Clients: Adults, Couples, Groups (group therapy), Organizations, Not listed
Languages spoken: English, (Farsi/Persian) فارسی
ACT/CBS Background and Training: - Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Process-Bases Work: Treating Trauma and Other Challenging Life Events - Robyn Walser (12Hrs) - 24-25 July 2023

- ACBS World Conference 2023 (11 Hrs) - 26-28 July 2023

- ACT II - Sacramento - Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Clinical-Skills Building Intensive - October 9-11, 2015

- ACT BootCamp-Raleigh- A bigger, Better, New and Improved ACT BootCamp - November 5-8, 2015
ACT/CBS Experience: Practicing ACT in Clinic since 2015
Additional Information: I am also specialized in spiritual care and using ACT for end-of-life care. I am currently working on a theory called "Immortality Theory" that uses death awareness as a therapeutic skills for patients and people who are challenged by death anxiety.

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Contact seyedali kolahdouzan