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Willingness and Action Measure for Adolescents: Psychometric validation in Spanish adolescents (Pages 46-51)

Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science (JCBS)

Volume 15, January 2020, Pages 46-51


Lidia Cobos-Sánchez, Juan M. Flujas-Contreras, Inmaculada Gómez


Psychological flexibility refers to the ability to be in contact with emotions, thoughts and feelings while behavior is directed at values. Psychological flexibility is considered to be a protective factor of health and psychological wellbeing, and includes six interrelated factors including; acceptance, values, committed action, contact with the present moment, self as context and defusion. The aim of this study is to assess the psychometric properties of a Spanish adaptation of the Willingness and Action Measure for Adolescents with 649 adolescents from Spain aged 12 to 17. The Willingness and Action Measure for Adolescents proved to be a two-factor psychometrically sound instrument, reliability and internal consistency that showed adequate psychometric goodness. Total scores of psychological flexibility correlates positively with emotional clarity and emotion regulation. Concurrent validity shows that psychological flexibility is related to skills for emotional regulation.

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