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In support of reacquainting functional contextualism and interbehaviorism (Pages 1-5)

Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science (JCBS)

Special Issue on Interbehavioralism as Contextualism

Volume 19, January 2021, Pages 1-5


Martin Finn, Dermot Barnes-Holmes


In the target article ‘Functional and Descriptive Contextualism’ the argument is made that Functional Contextualism may benefit from the Interbehavioral tradition. This commentary supports this perspective. The Functional Contextual approach is elaborated, and some of its weaknesses are highlighted. Following this some descriptions of analyses of complex behavioral events are presented, which permits a comparison of Functional Contextual and Interbehavioral approaches to such events. The ways in which Interbehavioral concepts proved to be of use in our analyses are then described. The implications of these concepts for Functional Contextualists are discussed.

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