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ACT Summer Institute IV

This event has concluded.  Please find information regarding the upcoming ACBS World Conference here.



(2-day, pre-institute experiential workshops, May 26 & 27


Illinois Institute of Technology

3300 South Federal Street

Hermann Hall/ Conference Center

Chicago, IL 60616-3793

Registration: Registration is now closed for this event, which has already taken place. 

What is the ACT Summer Institute?:

This three-day institute will provide a unique opportunity to learn about cutting-edge advances in Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Relational Frame Theory (RFT), in addition to other third generation approaches in behavior therapy. Students, practitioners, researchers, and policy makers will benefit from this institute and find it an excellent opportunity to learn from the very top people involved in the development and advancement of ACT, RFT, and contextual behavioral approaches.

The basic structure will include experiential workshops the 2 days prior to the institute, targeted half-day workshops in domains of specific ACT/RFT applications, and plenary sessions where all conference participants come together. There will be a wide range of topics and presenters, with areas of interest for everyone. In addition, there will be academic and social evening events during which you can get to know your friends and colleagues in the international ACT/RFT community on a more personal basis (for anyone who hasn't been to one of these events before - these are a LOT of fun!).

The structure of the program will be similar to previously successful ACT Institutes, and will be both ACT and RFT focused. We will have 7 workshop tracks running simultaneously during the Summer Institute. We will host an evening cocktail poster session as well, which is intended to showcase clinical and experimental research in RFT and ACT.


View the final program.


General Schedule of Events:

View the times & locations of ACT SI events.

Conference committee: Patricia Bach & D. J. Moran