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ACT Check

The ACT Check is a test for Assessing Knowlege of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. The ACT Check consists of two parts: a theoretical section with 28 items for assessing understanding of the psychological flexibility model and an advanced section with 24 items for assessing applied understanding of ACT and the psychological flexibility model.  (The original version is in Japanese.)

井上 和哉, 新堂 光太郎, 村松 穂香, 林 幹浩, & 大月 友. (2022). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: ACT理解度テスト(ACT Check)の作成の試み. 行動医学研究, 27(1), 39-51. [Kazuya Inoue, Kotaro Shindo, Honoka Muramatsu, Mikihiro Hayashi, & Tomo Otsuki. (2022). Developing a Test for Assessing Knowlege of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Japanese Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 27(1), 39-51.]  DOI: 10.11331/jjbm.27.39

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