ACBS Affiliate Registration now open- small, simple, & connected
The ACBS Affiliate program is intended to allow ACBS members to self-organize at the local level. As Chapters are intended for language groups or countries/ large regions/ states, those at the city level may still need a way to organize in a more formal way. Peer Consultation groups may choose to organize as an ACBS Affiliate.
ACBS Affiliate members are required to be members of ACBS, and are encouraged to be members of or stay connected with their regional/state/country Chapter (where applicable). The Affiliate program does not intend for Affiliate groups to create their own by-laws, have officers/elections, etc., but the Affiliate may choose to do so, if desired. While Affiliate groups are recognized by ACBS, they are separate, self-governed entities.
If you are interested in registering an ACBS Affiliate group please click here for detailed instructions. If you have any questions about the program or registration process do not hesitate to email ACBS staff (acbsstaff@contextualscience.org) for assistance.