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AAQ-II in Arabic

AAQ II, 7 item, with scoring.  Courtsey of Belal Mustafa.


Hemaid, Fairouz & El-Astal, Sofián & Cangas, Adolfo & Navarro, Noelia & Aguilar-Parra, Jose & Alsaqqa, Ayah & Saqer, Ayah. (2017). PSYCHOMETRIC PROPERTIES OF THE PALESTINIAN VERSION OF THE ACCEPTANCE AND ACTION QUESTIONNAIRE-II (AAQ-II) APPLIED IN THE GAZA STRIP. International Journal of Psycho-Educational Sciences, 5(3), 52-59. 

Bougueffa, I. (2020) فعالية العلاج بالتقبل والإلتزام في التخفيف من أعراض الوسواس القهري [The effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy in relieving OCD symptoms]. Dissertation, University of Batna. The AAQ-II Arabic version is in the appendix. Retrieved from

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