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Hayes, Acceptance, Mindulness & Science, 2002

APA Citation

Hayes, S. C., (2002). Acceptance, mindfulness, and science. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 9, 101-106.

Publication Topic
ACT: Conceptual
Other Third-Wave Therapies: Conceptual
Publication Type
acceptance, mindfulness, spirituality, acceptance and commitment therapy, worry, emotional avoidance

The inclusion of technologies drawn from spiritual and religious traditions into empirical clinical psychology is a positive step forward, but it also helps reveal problems in the technological model of treatment development. The technological model does not necessarily lead to a more coherent, innovative, and progressive discipline, which requires the development of a more adequate theory, not merely more adequate technology. If technologies drawn from spiritual and religious traditions are to be included in modern scientific psychology, the field must be free to interpret and transform them theoretically, without being limited by their religious and spiritual past.