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Bufink, Shanna (2009) A qualitative analysis of three pain scales translated into Dutch: The Psychological Inflexibility Pain Inventory, The Brief Pain Coping Inventory-2, The Brief Pain Response Inventory. Thesis: University of Twente.

APA Citation

Bufink, Shanna (2009) A qualitative analysis of three pain scales translated into Dutch: The Psychological Inflexibility Pain Inventory, The Brief Pain Coping Inventory-2, The Brief Pain Response Inventory. Thesis: University of Twente. Retrieved from 

Publication Topic
ACT: Empirical
Publication Type
Acceptance & Commitment Therapy, pain, Psychological Inflexibility in Pain Inventory, PIPS, Brief Pain Coping Inventory-2, BPCI-2, Brief Pain Response Inventory, BPRI

This paper gives an introduction to the field of the Acceptance & Commitment Therapy [ACT]. This form of therapy tries to help chronic pain patients to obtain a normal quality of life. ACT focuses on psychological flexibility, measured by questionnaires which are only available in English. This paper provides a qualitative analysis of three such English questionnaires translated into Dutch: the Psychological Inflexibility in Pain Inventory [PIPS], the Brief Pain Coping Inventory-2 [BPCI-2] and the Brief Pain Response Inventory [BPRI]. 18 participants, of whom six were male and 12 were female, were tested within the study.

The study was able to identify problems within the Dutch versions of the BPCI-2 and the BPRI concerning the scale and questions about mindfulness. The subjects input were used to correct these problems. Furthermore, the study was able to show a good understanding of the PIPS.