New ACBS Committee Chairs
We are pleased to announce new Committee Chairs! Publications Committee: Rhonda Merwin; Developing Nations Committee: Sindhushri BS and Claudette Foley; Program Committee: Jennifer Gregg & Matt Boone; Awards Committee: Staci Martin; See the full list of committees here. If you are interested in volunteering for a committee, please fill out this form.
New Video: An Experiential Introduction to Relational Frame Theory
The ACBS video collection has grown to 111 titles! We recommend you view the video of Ryan Sharma's workshop "An Experiential Introduction to Relational Frame Theory" presented at the 2018 World Conference. This interactive presentation allows attendees to learn RFT by participating in replicated match-to-sample studies, thought experiments, and guided imagery. (You need to login to your ACBS account to view the full collection of vid eos).
New ACT for Health Special Interest Group Listserv
ACBS recently created a new listserv for the ACT for Health Special Interest Group (SIG). We encourage ACT for Health SIG members to stay connected with your colleagues by joining the new SIG listserv today. Most SIGs have a dedicated listserv for ACBS members to share information that might be of interest to the other SIG members. You can see the full list of ACBS listservs on our website.
Psychological flexibility-based interventions versus first-line psychosocial interventions for substance use disorders: Systematic review and meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials
In JCBS Vol. 13, Toshitaka Ii, Hirofumi Sato, Norio Watanabe, Masaki Kondo, Akihiko Masuda, Steven C. Hayes, and Tatsuo Akechi examine 10 RCTs of Psychological flexibility (PF)-based interventions for substance use. The paper concludes PF interventions showed more substance discontinuation than first-line treatments. ACBS members can read the paper for free in the JCBS member portal.
Internships and Postdoctoral Fellowships
Does your employer have an internship or postdoctoral fellowship that would be relevant to students interested in CBS? We would love to post it on the ACBS website. Please email your internship/fellowship information to community@contextualscience.org. (If your employer already has a posting on our website, this is a great opportunity to make sure the information is still current. Email any updates to us.)
Student Spotlight Award
In conjunction with the ACBS Student Special Interest Group (SIG), it is our pleasure to introduce the most recent Student Spotlight Award recipient! This month's featured student is Joshua Schultz, a fourth year graduate student at Widener University's Institute for Graduate Clinical Psychology (USA). You can learn about Joshua Schultz on the ACBS website.
Student Spotlight Award: Application Deadline November 28, 2019
The Student Spotlight Program highlights students who are doing important work in the CBS community, whether for research, clinical, or volunteer-humanitarian efforts. This program is a great way to highlight their achievements and let the ACBS community know about important work students are doing. The spotlighted students will receive a 30% discount off the ACBS World Conference student registration fee. The application deadline is November 28.
2020 ACBS World Conference: New Orleans
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
July 14 - 19, 2020
Register your interest in the 2020 ACBS World Conference here.
