2020 #1 Newsletter (January)

2020 #1 Newsletter (January)

A brief history of the ACBS BeNe Chapter

A brief history of the ACBS BeNe Chapter

In September 2010 the Belgium-Netherlands Chapter (BeNe Chapter) of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science was founded. Starting from scratch with only a webpage for Dutch speaking members on the ACBS website, the Chapter grew to what it is today – a vibrant chapter with almost 250 members. The chapter now has a website with information for both clients and professionals. (www.ACBSBeNe.com)

The BeNe Chatper has a Board and several active committees (from the science committee to the PR-committee). The chapter also offers a wide array of workshops. Throughout the years, a variety of workshop topics were presented, such as ACT and pain; compassion; values; and “working with complex clients” by both renowned English- and Dutch speaking authors, therapists and researchers. In early 2019 a series of workshops on RFT by Yvonne Barnes-Homes et al. was launched, with a focus on experiential, clinical-technical and technical; like the HDML-model.

In October 2015; the chapter celebrated its first lustrum with a conference in The Netherlands. In March 2020, the chapter will celebrate its 10th anniversary in Antwerp, Belgium. We welcome you to join the BeNe Chapter in a 2-day conference on March 19 – 20, 2020, themed “ACT toge/ather.” This second conference of ACBS BeNe is dedicated to connect and deepen our knowledge and experience about ACT. The conference will feature Dutch and English speakers: Robyn Walser, Rikke Kjelgaard, Yvonne Barnes-Holmes and Ross White. Click here to learn more about the conference.


ACBS Australia-New Zealand Chapter Responds to the Australian Bushfire Emergency

ACBS Australia-New Zealand Chapter Responds to the Australian Bushfire Emergency

January 7, 2020

Dear ANZ ACBS community,

We stand united with our entire community grieving the ongoing loss of lives, properties, flora and our precious wildlife, as the bushfire emergency continues across Australia. We share your fear, uncertainty, sadness and anger during this difficult time. We also stand side-by-side with the many members and their families who have been personally and directly affected by the bushfires. Finally, we recognise the wide ranging impact of this disaster more broadly, such as the known impact on the skies and glaciers as far as New Zealand. As a Board, we have been considering how our ANZ ACBS community best be part of the mental health response, as well as more broadly supporting facilitating action in response to the worldwide climate emergency. We know that there are immediate needs and many of our members are wanting to take proactive steps right now.

We have decided, at this time, that there are three ways ANZ ACBS as an organisation can facilitate responding:

  • If any of our Australian rural members hear of further requests for trauma counsellors, in a paid or pro bono capacity, please contact us, and we will help spread the word to mobilise those in our membership who are trained for these responses.
  • We would like to coordinate the provision of supervision and support to our Australian members who are providing services to those impacted by this ongoing, unprecedented natural disaster. We are calling for ANZ ACBS members who are not directly working with people impacted by the bushfire emergency, but who have a willingness, skills and capacity to offer supervision and support to those who are doing this work. We are asking for those people to be able to volunteer at least six hours, over a period of up to one year. If this is you, please email us with the subject line “I can help”. If you are directly involved in service provision to those affected by the bushfires, and you would like to access this supervision/ support service for yourself, please email us with the subject line “Please help me”.
  • In the coming weeks and months, we hope to work with members with expertise and experience in working with trauma associated with natural disasters, working with those affected by the climate emergency and in taking action around the climate emergency to put together CBS informed resources to help provide guidance to members. If you are willing to help us with any of these, please email us.

Let’s stay in touch as a community so that always going forward we can be agents for change. We encourage members to share, via our Facebook group, any actions that you may be taking as an individual in response to the bushfires or the climate emergency more generally; that we may learn from you, and be inspired to step out right alongside you. We also welcome any further suggestions about how we can use our knowledge and skills in behavioural science to help others, and help influence positive change.

Daniel, Tiff, Lisa, Andrew, Farah, Kali, Sarah, Jennifer, Shelley, Karen, Nathan and Claire.
The ANZ ACBS Board of Directors

Australia-New Zealand (ANZ ACBS) Chapter Links


Call for Nominations: Board of Directors

It's time again for elections to the ACBS Board of Directors! Being on the ACBS Board is a fun and rewarding experience, and an opportunity to help shape a vibrant, creative, and collaborative contextual behavioral community. This year, we will need to elect 4 new members to the board: President, Student Representative, and 2 Members-at-large. If you would like to nominate someone, please submit them here by January 31.


Michael Levin Appointed Editor of Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science

We are excited to announce the appointment of Michael Levin, Ph.D. as the next editor of the Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science (JCBS). Michael is the co-director of the Utah State University ACT Research Group and a former Associate Editor of JCBS. He replaces Emily Sandoz, Ph.D., as the Editor-in-Chief. We thank Emily for her contributions to JCBS and ACBS.


Article Co-authored by ACBS Members Published in Lancet

We are pleased to share a new article co-authored by ACBS members Felicity Brown and Ross White published in Lancet Global Health: Wietse A. Tol, Marx R. Leku, et al. (2020) "Guided self-help to reduce psychological distress in South Sudanese female refugees in Uganda: a cluster randomised trial." Lancet Global Health, Volume 8, Issue 2, Pages e254–63. Click here to read more about this important study on ACT.


Belgium-Netherlands Chapter Celebrates its 10th Anniversary

In September 2010, the Belgium-Netherlands Chapter (ACBS BeNe) was founded. Starting from scratch with only a webpage for Dutch speaking members on the ACBS website, the Chapter has grown to a vibrant community with almost 250 members. The ACBS BeNe Chapter will celebrate its 10th anniversary in Antwerp, Belgium on March 19 – 20, 2020. Click here to read more about the chapter.


Australia-New Zealand Chapter responds to the Australian Bushfires

On January 7, the Australia-New Zealand Chapter (ANZ ACBS) sent an email to its members which suggested three ways that the chapter could facilitate responding to the Australian bushfires emergency. One suggestion was working with chapter members with expertise in  trauma associated with natural disasters. Click here to read the entire letter from the ANZ Chapter's Board.


Evaluating the psychometric characteristics of the Work-related Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (WAAQ) in a sample of healthcare professionals

In JCBS Vol. 14, Johan Holmberg, Mike Kemani, Linda Holmström, Lars-Göran Öst, and Rikard Wicksell evaluate the reliability and validity of the Swedish translation of WAAQ in a sample of 184 healthcare professionals. The paper concludes that WAAQ is a promising measure of psychological health among healthcare professionals. ACBS members can read the paper for free in the JCBS member portal.

ACBS Foundation Student Scholarship

A goal of the ACBS Foundation is to support existing activities within ACBS. The ACBS Foundation Student Scholarship will enable students to attend the annual ACBS World Conference. The scholarship will cover the full conference registration fee for two students. The application dealine is February 15th. For more information about the new scholarship, click here.


Michael J. Asher Student Dissertation Awards: Application Deadline February 1, 2020

The Awards Committee is accepting applications for the Asher Student Dissertation Awards, which will be given to two students based on their doctoral dissertation proposal related to the use of CBS with children/adolescents. Accompanying this honor will be monetary awards of $750 USD (first place) and $250 USD (second place) to be used in support of research or to travel to the ACBS World Conference.


ACBS World Conference: Call for Submissions

We are excited to invite you to join us in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA for the Annual World Conference of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS) July 14-19, 2020. The general Call for oral presentations (symposia, papers, panels, ignites, and workshops) is open until February 15, 2020. Poster submissions will be accepted until March 20, 2020. Click here for more information about the Call for Submissions.


ACBS World Conference: Scholarship Application Deadlines

- Developing Nations Conference Scholars - application deadline is February 1
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Conference Scholars - application deadline is February 1
- Student World Conference Scholars - application deadline is February 15
- ACBS Foundation Student Scholarship - application deadline is February 15

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