ACBS Newsletter
December 2018
ACBS Research Development Grants
Congratulations to Mary Lally, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, USA and to Nima Golijani Moghaddam, University of Lincoln, UK for being awarded the 2018 - 2019 ACBS Research Development Grants. You can read about their projects on the ACBS website.
Thank you to the Grants Committee
ACBS committees are staffed entirely by volunteers. We want to thank the Grants Committee Chair Megan Kelly and her committee members for the outstanding work that they do. ACBS received 44 grant applications this year and the committee managed the process smoothly and professionally.
Joshua Pritchard Appointed Representative to the Coalition of Behavioral Science Organizations
We are pleased to announce the ACBS Board of Directors has appointed Joshua Pritchard to be the ACBS representative to the Coalition of Behavioral Science Organizations. You can read more about the Coalition of Behavioral Science Organizations on the ACBS website.
Michael J. Asher Student Dissertation Awards
The Asher Dissertation Awards will be given to two students based on their doctoral dissertation proposal related to the use of Contextual Behavioral Science with children/adolescents. Accompanying this honor will be monetary awards of $750 USD and $250 USD to be used in support of research and/or to facilitate travel to the ACBS annual conference. The deadline to apply is February 1, 2019.
Four New Listservs for Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
ACBS recently created new listservs for four Special Interest Groups (SIGs): Occupational Therapy & ACT SIG, ACT for Military Personnel SIG, Forensic & Corrections SIG, and Contextual Philosophy of Science SIG. Most SIGs have a dedicated listserv for ACBS members to share information that might be of interest to the other SIG members. We encourage you to stay connected with your colleagues by joining a SIG listserv today. You can see the full list of ACBS listservs on our website.
Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science
From receiving our first Impact Factor score of 1.216 to sharing 79,523 full-text downloads with readers like you, 2018 was an amazing year for JCBS. Spend some of your holiday downtime catching up on what your colleagues have been up to this year with JCBS, the only peer-reviewed journal dedicated to contextual behavioral science. ACBS members can read it for free in the JCBS member portal.
ACBS World Conference 17: Dublin, Ireland 25-30 June, 2019