Benefits of ACBS Membership

Benefits of ACBS Membership

Benefits of Membership

Paid ACBS membership (professional, student, or affiliate) provides the following benefits:

  1. Full access to the website and premium content. Links to the following resources are viewable only when logged into your current, paid ACBS member account:
  2. Access to the ACT & RFT listservs (for professional members and student members only).
  3. Access to the Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science (JCBS), for practitioners and researchers.
  4. Your profile listed in the ACT Therapist Directory on our site, if you so choose (professional members only).
  5. Contributing privileges to add content to the site (publications, blogs, comments, book pages, training events, etc.).
  6. Voting privileges in ACBS and relevant Chapter elections.
  7. Eligibility to join to any of our Chapters and Special Interest Groups -- or start your own!
  8. Networking with other professionals around the world via our extremely active Listservs.
  9. Discounted ACBS World Conference registration.
  10. Supporting an organization that supports you!

Click for detailed instructions to become an ACBS member.

or just go directly here to JOIN!


ACBS Membership Scholarship

ACBS Membership Scholarship

ACBS Membership Scholarship Policy

ACBS is committed to outreach to scholars, practitioners, researchers and other professionals who have a strong interest in ACT, RFT and Contextual Behavioral Science and who have difficulty affording full membership in the organization. For those who are interested in a membership scholarship, we ask that you read the policy carefully, and complete the following scholarship application.

Scholarship Application - APPLY HERE

I. Purpose
Outreach to scholars, practitioners, researchers and other professionals worldwide with a strong interest in ACT, RFT and Contextual Behavioral Science is among ACBS’s highest priorities. To further that goal, scholarships for membership are available on a yearly basis for those who cannot afford the full membership dues.

II. Scope
Membership scholarships are provided to self-nominated individuals in the field of ACT, RFT and Contextual Behavioral Science on a case-by-case basis. Membership scholarships are designed to support the financial obligations of ACBS membership for scholars, researchers, educators, practitioners, and other professionals who support the mission of ACBS.

III. Award
Scholarship recipients receive complimentary membership to ACBS for one full calendar year.

IV. Eligibility
Scholarships are available to any scholars, practitioners, researchers and other professionals who have a strong interest in ACT, RFT and Contextual Behavioral Science. Applicants must declare an inability to pay ACBS membership dues. Prior ACBS membership does not impact eligibility.
A. Applicants must reside in one of the low and lower-middle income economies as defined by World Bank Country and Lending Groups calculated using the World Bank Atlas method. A list of eligible countries is included below.
B. Applicants who are awarded membership scholarships are expected to actively contribute to ACBS and its endeavors by way of the following: submission of an abstract to the ACBS World Conference, active participation in an ACBS Chapter/SIG or Committee, conducting research on ACT, RFT and Contextual Behavioral Science, contribution to the journal, contribution to the web page or other activities that benefit ACBS and its mission.

V. Application Process
A. Applicants must complete the application form and submit it, using the form found on the website here. Applications can be submitted any time of the year. Applications received will be reviewed twice each year (in early October and early April) and acceptance emails, will be sent out soon after the reviews are completed.
B. Applicants must re-apply annually and can renew for two more years (three years total). An email with a link to the scholarship renewal application form will be sent to scholarship recipients one month prior to their membership renewal date. Applicants must complete this application form to renew their membership.
C. Applicants must declare that they cannot afford to pay membership dues.
D. Applicants must also be able to communicate via email.

VI. Selection Process
A. Currently, ACBS accepts 50 new membership applications each year (25 memberships will be awarded both in October and in April). Prior ACBS membership does not impact eligibility.
    • ACBS staff will process new scholarship applications up to 50 memberships (25 in October and 25 in April).   Memberships will be awarded using random selection if more than 25 scholarship applications are received         (for either review/selection period).
B. Recipients will be notified of the decisions via email, by ACBS staff.

Eligible Country List
This eligible country list includes low and lower-middle income economies as defined by World Bank Country and Lending Groups calculated using the World Bank Atlas method. For a more detailed explanation by the World Bank please see their country income table. (Updated 9/27/2024).







Burkina Faso


Cabo Verde



Central African Republic




Côte d'Ivoire 


Egypt, Arab Rep.














Korea, Dem. People’s Rep.

Kyrgyz Republic








Micronesia, Fed. Sts.









Papua New Guinea




São Tomé and Principe


Sierra Leone

Solomon Islands


South Sudan

Sri Lanka


Syrian Arab Republic










West Bank and Gaza

Yemen, Rep.




Getting Started

Getting Started

New to ACBS? Welcome aboard!

This page will give you some suggestions for using this website and the wonderful world of contextual behavioral science more generally.

What is ACBS?

Founded in 2005, the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS) is a professional society dedicated to the advancement of functional contextual cognitive and behavioral science and practice, with the goals of alleviating human suffering and advancing human well-being. For more information about ACBS, click here.

Here is an introduction to contextual behavioral science, the philosophy that underlies our approach to psychological science and practice.

We recognize that you may have many interests you share in common with other ACBS members. We've found that if you join email listservs and special interests groups that reflect your passions, you are about five times more likely to remain an ACBS member! That makes perfect sense, doesn't it? We are social beings, after all. So, before you do anything else, please consider joining the main ACT for Professionals email listserv. Receive the listserv posts for a while to see how it works, and then ask your questions on the listserv. They will be answered! Then decide...

Are you interested in the basic psychological science underlying contextual behavioral science?

In that case you might want to read about Relational Frame Theory (RFT), and you should consider joining the RFT email listserv.

If you want to further your learning, we have compiled several RFT resources for novice and expert alike.

Are you interested in the application of that science to important domains such as psychotherapy and other forms of psychosocial intervention?

In that case you might want to start reading up on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).

You can find further resources for learning about ACT.

Try accessing our resources for practitioners.

You should consider joining the ACT for Professionals email listserv.

If you find yourself particularly drawn to ACT and wish to share your excitement with others, maybe you would like to start training?

Do you want to review the research done on ACT, RFT, and CBS?

A good way to do that is to peruse the official journal of ACBS, the Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science. ACBS members can read all JCBS articles for free.

Additionally, you can search our repository of publications and research resources.

Finally, perhaps most valuable of all, take advantage of the networking ACBS offers!

Remember: you are a social being! Whatever you’re interested in or wherever you live, don't stop until you find others inside ACBS who live nearby or are interested in the same thing. ACBS is home to more than 60 Chapters and Affiliates around the world. We have specific Special Interest Groups that help connect people with similar passions, from climate change to diversity, equity, and inclusion; from evolutionary science to spirituality; from autism to pain management. Check out the calendar of Chapter, Affiliate, and SIG events. ACBS members are cooperating to make a difference.  Interested in getting (more) connected and involved?  The Membership Committee shares ideas and more information here.

The ACBS community wants to hear your voice.


Hopefully this introductory guide has been helpful. If you’d like any further information on any of the above then please feel free to contact us.

Anonymous (not verified)

Member use of ACBS logo

Member use of ACBS logo

Members may use the ACBS logo on their personal websites to show that they are a member of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science.  They may only do this while they have a valid membership with ACBS.

HOWEVER, ACBS does not permit it to be used to imply an endorsement.  It must be very clear that its presence only indicates membership.

In English it could say "Member of the following associations:" or something similar and be among a list of other professional associations to which you belong.

Members may not say that they are endorsed by, or an affiliate of ACBS. This may also not be implied in any way (for example, by simply adding the logo with no explanatory text).

ACBS Chapters and SIGs have different permissions related to their use of the ACBS logo.

ACBS retains all ownership and copyright of the logo, in its original and derivitive forms. Members may not edit the ACBS logo in any way without written permission from ACBS. ACBS retains the right to revoke the logo's use by any member, for any reason, without cause. Members, Chapters, and SIGs do not have the authority to grant rights for the use of the logo or other ACBS intellectual property (including, but not limited to, content on this website, membership lists, etc.) to a 3rd party or other affiliate.
