ACBS Newsletter
January 2019
Call for Nominations: Board of Directors
This year, ACBS needs to elect four new members to the Board of Directors: President, two Members-at-large, and Student Representative. Submit your nominations here by February 1. In addition to the candidates' bios and platform statements, we are facilitating a brief question and answer opportunity with the candidates. This will be done in writing, and the selected questions and responses will be posted on the website. You can submit your questions here by February 10.
Interview with ACBS Member Michelle Maidenberg
Welcome to a new feature of the ACBS monthly newsletter where we learn more about the inspiring work of ACBS members. This month, we will learn about Michelle Maidenberg, the co-founder of "Thru My Eyes," a non-profit organization that creates “living” legacy videos for the children of people with life-threatening illnesses.
New Romania Chapter
We are excited to announce the newest ACBS Chapter, the Romania Chapter! The purpose of the ACBS Romania Chapter is to ensure and support the development and dissemination of contextual behavioral science and practice within Romania so as to alleviate human suffering and advance human well being. ACBS members can join the Romania Chapter and learn more about the chapter on the ACBS website.
New Physiotherapy SIG
We are excited to announce the newest ACBS Special Interest Group (SIG), the Physiotherapy SIG! The new SIG will explore all aspects of Physiotherapy and ACT, share information, and facilitate Physiotherapists (PTs) to network with each other. ACBS members can join the new Physiotherapy SIG and learn more about the SIG on the ACBS website.
Awards Committee Needs Volunteers
The ACBS Awards Committee is seeking members with diverse backgrounds to join their team. Each year the Awards Committee develops and administers awards and recognition programs including the Michael J. Asher Student Dissertation Awards and ACBS Fellows. This committee also assists in selecting the Junior Investigator Poster Awards from the poster presentations at the World Conference. Please indicate your interest here to join the Awards Committee!
Feasibility of contextual behavioral speech analyses of US presidents: Inaugural addresses of Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump, 1993–2017
In JCBS Vol. 10, Jordan Belisle, Dana Paliliunas, Mark Dixon, & Jonathan Tarbox analyze relational frames within inaugural addresses of USA presidents. The paper explains the greatest between subject variance was observed in their use of coordinative and distinctive relations, with Donald Trump using the largest number of frames of distinction and Barack Obama using the largest number of frames of coordination. ACBS members can read it for free in the JCBS member portal.
ACBS World Conference 17
Registration is now open
Join us in Dublin, Ireland, for the 17th World Conference of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS) 27-30 June, 2019 with Pre-Conference Workshops on 25-26 June, 2019. Registration is now open! Early Registration Rates available until 7 April.
Call for Submissions Deadlines
The general Call for oral presentations (symposia, papers, panels, ignites, and workshops) is open until 15 February, 2019. Poster submissions will be accepted until 20 March, 2019. You can read more about the submission process on the ACBS website.
Scholarships Deadlines
We are pleased to inform you that the ACBS Diversity Committee, Developing Nations Committee, and Student SIG have scholarships available to help attend the 17th World Conference in Dublin.
- Developing Nations Conference Scholars - Deadline is 1 February, 2019.
- Diversity Conference Scholars - Deadline is 1 February, 2019.
- Student Conference Scholars - Deadline is 15 February, 2019.
Asher Dissertation Awards Deadline
The Michael J. Asher Student Dissertation Awards will be given to two students based on their doctoral dissertation proposal related to the use of Contextual Behavioral Science with children/adolescents. Accompanying this honor will be monetary awards of $750 USD and $250 USD to be used in support of research and/or to facilitate travel to the ACBS annual conference. The deadline to apply is 1 February, 2019.