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Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Developed within a coherent theoretical and philosophical framework, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a unique empirically based psychological intervention that uses acceptance and mindfulness strategies, together with commitment and behavior change strategies, to increase psychological flexibility. Psychological flexibility means contacting the present moment fully as a conscious human being, and based on what the situation affords, changing or persisting in behavior in the service of chosen values.

Based on Relational Frame Theory, ACT illuminates the ways that language entangles clients into futile attempts to wage war against their own inner lives. Through metaphor, paradox, and experiential exercises clients learn how to make healthy contact with thoughts, feelings, memories, and physical sensations that have been feared and avoided. Clients gain the skills to recontextualize and accept these private events, develop greater clarity about personal values, and commit to needed behavior change.

How To Start Learning About ACT

There is a vast amount of information available for browsing available on this site. When you have the time, consider browsing through the clinical resources, protocols, measures, books, visual aids, and videos available on the site (under the Resources tab). However, there is so much information available that it can be a little overwhelming.

To get started, we've compiled a comprehensive list of resources for learning more about ACT.

If you are a member of the public, you are welcome to look around the website or join our association to get full access to videos, attachments, publications, etc. You can find publications, find ACT therapists, join the ACT for the Public listserv, and so on.

ACBS members can click here to join our email listservs: ACT for Professionals listserv, RFT listserv, Student listserv, special interest group listservs, and chapter listservs. We have found that participation in these listservs predicts whether you will stay an ACBS member, probably because you can get your questions answered so easily and come to appreciate the importance of being part of a helpful and values-based community.