ACBS World Conference - Call for Submissions Is Open!
We are excited to invite you to join us in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA for the Annual World Conference of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS) July 14-19, 2020. We are accepting submissions for symposia, papers, panels, workshops, ignites sessions, posters, and Chapter/SIG meetings. Please click here for more information about the Call for Submissions.
The ACBS Foundation – A Year in Review
It has been almost one year since the ACBS Foundation was established and its work began. Highlights include the Foundation receiving designation as a non-profit organization in the United States and the creation of the Aaron S. Luoma Fund, which aims to advance global health, reduce global disparities, and promote global equity. You can read more about the ACBS Foundation's first year here.
Compassion Focused Therapy for anger: A pilot study of a group intervention for veterans with PTSD
In JCBS Vol. 13, Jed Grodin, Joshua L. Clark, Russell Kolts, and Travis I. Lovejoy examine the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary effectiveness of a manualized 12-session group CFT protocol. The paper's findings indicate that CFT shows promise for reducing anger, decreasing fears of compassion, and decreasing PTSD symptom severity. ACBS members can read the paper for free in the JCBS member portal.
New Argentina Chapter
We are excited to announce the newest ACBS Chapter, the Argentina Chapter! The ACBS Argentina Chapter aims to facilitate the development and dissemination of CBS in Argentina and to build a collaborative community of practitioners, researchers and students in the country. ACBS members can join the Argentina Chapter and learn more about the new chapter on the ACBS website.
Michael J. Asher Student Dissertation Awards: Deadline February 1, 2020
The Awards Committee is now accepting applications for the Michael J. Asher Student Dissertation Awards. These awards will be given to two students based on their doctoral dissertation proposal related to the use of CBS with children/adolescents. Accompanying this honor will be monetary awards of $750 USD (first place) and $250 USD (second place) to be used in support of research and/or to facilitate travel to the ACBS annual conference.
Student Spotlight Award: Application Deadline November 28, 2019
The Student Spotlight Program highlights students who are doing important work in the CBS community, whether for research, clinical, or volunteer-humanitarian efforts. This program is a great way to highlight their achievements and let the ACBS community know about important work students are doing. The spotlighted students will receive a 30% discount off the ACBS World Conference student registration fee. The application deadline is November 28.
ACBS World Conference Scholarships
ACBS World Conference Scholarships are now open:
- Developing Nations Conference Scholars - Deadline is February 1, 2020
- Diversity Conference Scholars - Deadline is February 1, 2020
- Student Conference Scholars - Deadline is February 15, 2020
