ACT Exceeds 300 RCTs!
The 300 Randomized Controlled Trial milestone represents the culmination of more than 30 years of ACT research from this community. The ACBS Communication Committee maintains the list of RCTs on the ACT Randomized Controlled Trials webpage. It is a great resource with information about each study's trial area, trial conditions, sample size, and link to the full text of the study.
How We Can Use CBS to Help Humanity
In her plenary speech presented at the 2019 ACBS World Conference, Louise Hayes describes how we might use contextual behavioural science in our own lives, in our work, in our communities, and in our efforts to change the world. We invite you to look through the videos we have available on our website, which includes lectures from previous World Conferences, workshops, TED talks, and more!
Nominations for JCBS's next editor open until October 15
The new JCBS Editor will have wide latitude to phase in an editorial team and to structure its interaction. The Editor is expected to commission special issues and to solicit key articles; to work to increase the impact of the journal; and to monitor and improve the speed, efficiency, and helpfulness of the review process. If this sounds like the perfect fit for someone you know, please click here to learn more.
ACBS Research Development Grant: Application Deadline October 1, 2019
Are you a researcher or student searching for a funding source for a contextual behavioral science-related project? ACBS provides two Research Development Grants, up to $5,000 USD, for research that advances the field of contextual behavioral science. Projects eligible for the grant are relatively broad, as any topic within the array of CBS will be considered. The deadline to apply is October 1.
New Hawai'i Chapter
We are excited to announce the newest ACBS Chapter, the Hawai'i Chapter! The ACBS Hawai'i Chapter aims to advance the development of contextual behavioral science, and to create an impact within Hawai’i in an effort to alleviate human suffering and advance human well-being. ACBS members can join the Hawai'i Chapter and learn more about the new chapter on the ACBS website.
Patterns of relational responding and a healthy self in older adolescents
In JCBS Vol. 12, Orla Moran and Louise McHugh examine the relative contribution of self-as-distinction and self-as-hierarchy on depression, stress, and anxiety in a sample of 102 young people. The paper concludes higher self-as-hierarchy significantly predicts lower depression and stress. ACBS members can read the paper for free in the JCBS member portal.
ACBS Foundation Update: We Did It!
Thank you to everyone who donated to the ACBS Foundation this summer. We are thrilled to announce that the ACBS Foundation successfully met the challenge to raise $5,000 by August 31st! The challenge stemmed from a matching gift challenge from the Aaron S. Luoma Fund for Global Equity. You can find more information about the ACBS Foundation and the Luoma Fund here.
2020 ACBS World Conference: New Orleans
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
July 14 - 19, 2020
Register your interest in the 2020 ACBS World Conference here.
