Congratulations to the new ACBS Fellows
ACBS is pleased to announce our 2019 class of Fellows: Kenneth Fung, M.D. (Canada), Maria Karekla, Ph.D. (Cyprus), Michael Levin, Ph.D. (USA), Darrah Westrup, Ph.D. (USA), and Patricia Zurita Ona, Psy.D. (USA) Congratulations and thank you for your contributions to contextual behavioral science and to the ACBS community.
2019 Diversity World Conference Scholars
Congratulations to the 2019 Diversity World Conference Scholars: Lais Nicolodi (Brazil), Taslim Tharani (UK), and Jan Topczewski (Poland). The DEI Committee provides scholarships to attend the ACBS World Conference to members who are from varied backgrounds and who would not be able to attend without this financial support. The scholarships are financed by donations from ACBS members. To donate, please visit the DEI Fund page.
JCBS Special Issue on ACT Process Measurement
In the JCBS Vol. 12, Maria Karekla and Nuno Ferreira guest edit the Special Issue on ACT Process Measurement. The Special Issue contains 16 articles covering several ACT measures including the acceptance and action questionnaire for university students (AAQ-US), Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire (CFQ), Open and Engaged State Questionnaire, and other measures. ACBS members can read the special issue for free in the JCBS member portal.
World Conference 17: Research Mentoring Lunch
We are happy to announce an ACBS Research Mentoring Lunch will be held on Thursday, 27 June at the upcoming ACBS World Conference in Dublin, Ireland! This lunch session is for early career researchers to have the opportunity to meet established researchers whose interests may align with theirs. All conference attendee researchers are welcome - no prior sign-up required.
World Conference 17 Plenary Speaker: Janet Helms
Janet Helms, Ph.D., is the Augustus Long Professor in the Department of Counseling, Developmental, and Educational Psychology and Director of the Institute for the Study and Promotion of Race and Culture at Boston College. Janet Helms will give her plenary address The Power Dynamics of White Racial Identity in Social Interactions at the ACBS World Conference in Dublin on Friday, 28 June.
New Hong Kong Chapter
We are excited to announce the newest ACBS Chapter, the Hong Kong Chapter! The ACBS-HK Chapter aims to serve as a scientific and professional reference group for those in Hong Kong who identify themselves as scientists, students, or practitioners in disciplines that embrace the principles and practices of contextual behavioral science. ACBS members can join the Hong Kong Chapter and learn more about the chapter on the ACBS website.
2019 Student World Conference Scholars
Congratulations to the 2019 Student World Conference Scholars: Kate Barrett, University College Dublin (Ireland), Catriona Connelly, University College Dublin (Ireland), Lauren Johnson, Drexel University (USA), Stephen Richer, Bournemouth University (UK), and Eric Tifft, University at Albany, SUNY (USA). The ACBS Student SIG provides scholarships that help subsidize the costs of attending the annual ACBS World Conference.
