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The ACBS Board of Directors has voted to partner with The Evolution Institute. The mission of the Evolution Institute is to use evolutionary…


The very first issue of the highly anticipated Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science (JCBS) has been released, and is now freely available! The…


This July, ACBS members from around the world gathered in Washington DC for the largest ACBS World Conference ever. The conference attracted 817…


At ACBS World Conference 10, a ceremony was held in appreciation of Psykologpartners – a partnership of psychologists in Sweden – for…


The Society of Clinical Psychology (APA’s Division 12) has recently listed ACT as having modest research support for helping patients cope with…


ACT belongs to a family of cognitive behavioral therapies, and in the years to come, it is important that the more general tradition of cognitive…


The Society of Clinical Psychology (APA’s Division 12) has recently listed ACT as having “strong research support” for the…


The ACBS Board of Directors has expressed serious concern regarding the content of the future Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fifth Edition, (…


When ACBS was officially incorporated in 2006, it had 891 members. Since then, yearly membership numbers have been recorded in mid-May in order to…


Congratulations to John Forsyth and Georg Eifert, as well as Kelly Wilson and Troy Dufrene for this recent recognition of their efforts in…


We are proud to announce the launch of the ACBS’s new flagship journal, the Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science (JCBS). After a little…

'ACT is Evidence-Based' says U.S. government agency

In case you are wondering what this all means, here is a little background.  Although there are professional lists of evidence-based treatments…