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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Ross McIntosh

Ross McIntosh

City, University of London
Organisational & Coaching Psychologist
Gines, Sevilla
Highest Degree Held: MSc
Specialties: Work psychology
Types of Clients: Adults, Organizations
Languages spoken: English, Español
Licensures/Certifications: Occupational Testing - Ability and Personality
ACT/CBS Background and Training: I am an organisational and coaching psychologist using ACT and Contextual Behavioural Science across all my work.
I work alongside Dr Paul Flaxman at City, University of London.
I also host the People Soup Podcast - where we're on a mission to unlock workplace potential with expert insights from contextual behavioural science.
See my website for more details.
ACT/CBS Experience: Coaching and Training Delivery
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