ACBS World Conference ONLINE Reflections
We are thrilled to report that the 2020 ACBS World Conference ONLINE had our highest number of conference attendees ever. Thank you and welcome to our first time attendees! We had over 1,300 in attendance, with 112 oral presentations, over 100 posters, 21 Ignites, plus networking rooms and chats. It worked out to be a highly engaging event due in large part to our generous community. Read more.
Thank you to the Program Committee Chairs
Thank you to the World Conference Program Committee Chairs, Jennifer Gregg and Matt Boone, and the dozens of people who volunteered for the Program Committee. Their hard work and meticulous planning made the 2020 ACBS World Conference ONLINE an outstanding event!
Women of Color World Conference Scholarships
Please join us in congratulating the inaugural Women of Color Scholarship recipients! Because of generous donations to the Women in ACBS SIG, and because ACBS committed to funding additional scholarships, we were able to provide scholarships to 18 women. Nearly all of the recipients attended the ACBS World Conference for the first time! Click here to see the list of scholarship recipients.
New Climate Change and Action SIG
We are pleased to announce the newest Special Interest Group: Climate Change and Action SIG! The contextual behavioral sciences can join the call to take action by promoting the development of theory and practice of behaviour change relevant to our climate emergency. ACBS members can join the Climate Change and Action SIG, hop onto the SIG listserv, and learn more on the SIG's webpage.
The ACBS Grant Committee Needs Your Help
ACBS provides two $5,000 Research Development Grants for research that advances the field of CBS. The Grant Committee is looking for volunteers to help select the grant recipients. Each grant application will be reviewed by two reviewers, and the review of each application takes approximately 45 minutes. If you are available to be a grant reviewer during October 2020, then we encourage you to click here.
We Are Now Offering ACBS Membership Scholarships!
ACBS is committed to outreach to scholars, practitioners, researchers, and other professionals who have an interest in ACT, RFT and CBS and who have difficulty affording membership in ACBS. For those who are interested in a membership scholarship, we ask that you read the description to learn if you are eligible, and apply here. (Applicants must reside in low and lower-middle income economies).
Using acceptance and commitment training to enhance the effectiveness of behavioral skills training
In JCBS Vol. 16, Alexandra Little, Jonathan Tarbox, and Khaled Alzaabi investigate the use of acceptance and commitment training to enhance the effectiveness of BST used within a train-the-trainer model, in the context of an autism clinic. The study found the addition of ACT to be effective in enhancing the performance of staff trainers. ACBS members can read the paper for free in the JCBS member portal.
ACBS Foundation Update
Are you interested in learning more about how the ACBS Foundation was started? What year was the ACBS Foundation founded? How many people were on the inaugural board for the Foundation? Click here to check out the Foundation’s History and read about the Foundation's current goals and activities.
2022 ACBS World Conference
We are very excited to announce that the ACBS World Conference will be in San Francisco, California, USA from June 14-19, 2022. This will be the first ACBS World Conference in the USA in 6 years! We look forward to visiting the city by the bay.
Recent News
New ACT and Judaism Special Interest Group (SIG)
New Colombia Chapter
Resources to help Children and Families Cope During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Past JCBS Articles Relevant to the COVID-19 Crisis