It is our pleasure to announce the 2021 - 2022 ACBS Board of Directors: President, Miranda Morris; President Elect, Maria Karekla; Past President, Lisa Coyne; Secretary-Treasurer, Jill Stoddard; Members-at-Large, Jenna LeJeune, Diana Ferroni Bast, Rhonda Merwin, and Sindhu BS; Student Representative, Marianna Zacharia.
New Process-Based Therapy SIG
A new SIG has been formed that is dedicated to the advancement of Process-Based Therapy (PBT) research, education, and clinical practice. This group aims to develop a diverse, inclusive, and value-guided social network that advances education, disseminates tools and resources to facilitate successful implementation of PBT in clinical practice. Visit here for more information, you can also join this SIG here.
The Sounding Board: Updates from the ACBS President
In her new blog, ACBS President Lisa Coyne discusses news from the ACBS Board of Directors, the DEI Committee, and the Conference Strategy Committee. She also highlights two inspiring members in our community, Fredrik Livheim and Duncan Gillard. Check out Lisa's blog post here.
ACBS Virtual World Conference - Join us!
We invite you to join us virtually for the Annual World Conference 24-27 June 2021. Register today! It is sure to be a memorable virtual learning and networking experience. New in 2021, ten simultaneous session tracks, Spanish language presentations (also translated into English), and a Portuguese language translation track. You can find more detailed information here.
Student Spotlight Award: Anne I. Roche
It is our pleasure to introduce the most recent Student Spotlight Award recipient! This month's featured student is Anne I. Roche, a graduate student at the University of Iowa, and is currently completing her clinical internship at the University of Kansas Medical Center (USA). Anne hopes to pursue a career that allows her to disseminate ACT and other CBS-based interventions. Read more about Anne here. The application is open until March 31.
An experimental investigation on the effects of perspective-taking on emotional discomfort, cognitive fusion and self compassion
In JCBS Vol. 20, Louise Boland, Dorian Campbell, Monika Fazekas, Wataru Kitagawa, Lorna MacIver, Klaudia Rzeczkowska, and David Gillanders generate a SRNT in a non-clinical sample, and capture ratings of emotion discomfort, state cognitive fusion, and state self-compassion. Click here to learn more about the results of the study! ACBS members can read the full text of all JCBS articles for free in the JCBS member portal.
ACBS Foundation: Successful First Open Call for Grants
The ACBS Foundation was excited to receive such a great group of applications during the recent open call. A team of volunteer reviewers will examine the applications and selections will be made based on funding criteria. Grant Awards will be announced by June 1, 2021 and shared on the Foundation page here – stay tuned to see which innovative projects are selected!