ACBS NewsletterMay 2018
2018 Diversity Committee Scholars Announced
Congratulations to 2018 Diversity Committee Scholars Gillian Grannum, Emily Munoz, Paola Ricardo, and Margaret McLauchlan. The Diversity Committee provides scholarships to attend the ACBS World Conference to ACBS members who are from varied backgrounds and who would not be able to attend without this added financial support. The scholarships are financed by money raised from the ACBS community. To donate, please visit the Diversity Committee Fund page. |
Thank you to the Diversity Committee
ACBS committees are staffed entirely by volunteers. We want to thank the Diversity Committee Co-Chairs Khashayar Farhadi Langroudi and Sandra Georgescu and their committee members for the valuable work that they do. The Diversity Committee is dedicated to creating a more inclusive ACBS community that is sensitive to diverse personal and professional backgrounds and their perspectives, experiences, and insights. |
Student Spotlight Award
In conjunction with the ACBS Student Special Interest Group (SIG), it is our pleasure to introduce the most recent student spotlight award recipient! This month's featured student is Kevin Davies, a graduate student studying at the University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA. You can learn about Kevin and his work here. |
What is the evidence for the efficacy of self-help acceptance and commitment therapy? A systematic review and meta-analysis
In JCBS Vol. 6 Issue 4, Kate French, Nima Golijani-Moghaddam, and Thomas Schröder identified and reviewed thirteen peer-reviewed randomized controlled trials totaling 2580 participants. The paper concludes that greater clinician guidance is seen to improve outcomes of ACT self-help and that psychological flexibility is a likely moderator of depression and anxiety outcomes. ACBS members can read it for free in the JCBS member portal. |
Submitting Academic Training and Research Labs to the ACBS Website
Do you work in an Academic Training and Research Lab? Then please email information about your CBS lab to and we will post it on the ACBS website. If your lab is already on the list, please make sure your lab's information is up-to-date. You can email any corrections to |
ACBS Annual World Conference 16
Montréal, Canada |
World Conference 16 Pre-Conference Workshop: A Functional Contextualist Approach to Early Language Training: Using Relational Frame Theory to Promote Linguistic Generativity
Siri Ming, Ian Stewart, John McElwee, and Diana Ferroni-Bast will be presenting the pre-conference workshop A Functional Contextualist Approach to Early Language Training: Using Relational Frame Theory to Promote Linguistic Generativity on Tuesday July 24 and Wednesday July 25, 2018 in Montréal. You can read more about the workshop here. |
World Conference 16 Invited Speaker: Christopher Martell
Christopher Martell, University of Massachusetts Amherst, is the co-author of eight books, he has published widely on behavioral treatments for depression, couples therapy, and issues affecting gay, lesbian and bisexual individuals. He is first author of Behavioral Activation for Depression: A Clinician's Guide, and Depression in Context: Strategies for Guided Action. Christopher Martell will give an invited talk at the ACBS World Conference 16 in Montréal in July 2018. |