ACBS World Conference 2024 Recordings / Virtual Encore!

ACBS World Conference 2024 Recordings / Virtual Encore!
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Registration for the "Virtual Encore" grants you access to 30 session recordings of the ACBS World Conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Recordings will be available on-demand from 10 September until 10 November. This includes access for recorded session "community watch parties" and facilitated online discussions (see dates and sessions noted below). CE Credits Available! 



The following recorded 2024 World Conference sessions will have a "community watch party" immediately followed by a live virtual facilitated discussion:

20 September
  • Innovations in Measuring Processes of Change in Clinical Intervention - Merwin, Gloster, Karekla, S. Martin, McHugh (Symposium)

  • ACT and Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy: possibilities and challenges - Nico, Perez, Siqueira, S. Hayes, Luoma, Pilecki (Panel)

28 September
  • The client and therapist's behaviors in flight through the lens of RFT - Luciano, Törneke (Workshop)

  • Long life to Social Connection: Using FAP principles to build up a meaningful life - Muñoz Martinez (Invited) 

11 October
  • Shaping Bravery and Flexibility Using Values and Perspective-Taking: A Process-Based Approach to Anxiety and OCD - Coyne (Workshop) 

  • RFT analyses of the clinical implications of rule following and hierarchical framing - Ruiz, Villarroel, Martínez-Carrillo, Gil-Luciano, Luciano, Vergara (Symposium) 

19 October
  • Reboot, Reframe and Reenvision: Advancing Health Equity within Behavioral Science - Crosby (Plenary)

  • Trauma and young people: Using DNA-V as a framework for growth - L. Hayes (Workshop) 

View the detailed program, including abstracts:

Programa Detallado - ¡Haga clic aquí!

Detailed Program - Click Here!
