2017 Annual Report

2017 Annual Report

As we embark on a new year, ACBS is looking back at 2017. With over 7,400 members worldwide, ACBS has been busy in 2017. We hosted our largest conference in Seville, Spain in June, published Volume 6, Issues 1-4 of JCBS, and surpassed the 200 RCTs threshold as a community. The community is vibrant with 2,000 people on our professional listserv, and many members actively working within our numerous Chapters and Special Interest Groups throughout the world.

In 2018 we look forward to welcoming everyone to Montréal, Canada in July. The organization is growing in many ways, and you can look forward to learning more about the services we are providing throughout this year!

To view the ACBS 2017 Annual Report and learn more about the organization and what the Board was working on in 2017, please login to your ACBS member account and download the report attached to this webpage.

Please strongly consider getting personally and professionally involved with the mission of ACBS by volunteering here: https://contextualscience.org/volunteer

Wishing you the best,

Nanni Presti, Ph.D.
ACBS President
ACBS staff