ACBS Research Development Grants
Congratulations to Samuel Spencer, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (USA) and to Marianna Zacharia, University of Cyprus, ACTHEALTHY Lab (Cyprus) for being awarded the 2020 - 2021 Research Development Grants. Each were awarded approximately $5,000 to complete their research projects. Read a summary of their projects.
Thank You to the Grants Committee
ACBS committees are staffed entirely by volunteers. We want to thank the Grants Committee Chair Megan Kelly and her committee members for the outstanding work they do. ACBS received 38 grant applications this year and the committee managed the process with excellence. Learn more about the ACBS Committees.
New Special Interest Groups, Chapters and Affiliates Created in 2020
In 2020, ACBS welcomed 2 new chapters, Arizona and Colombia; 3 new affiliates, Mexico City, Czech Republic, and New Mexico, USA; and 6 new SIGs: ACT Across Cultures, ACT in Education, ACT and Judaism, ACT in Perinatal, Climate Justice & Action, and Comparative Psychology. ACBS members are encouraged to explore and join our 45 chapters, 25 affiliates, and 40 SIGs. Explore here.
The empirical status of acceptance and commitment therapy: A review of meta-analyses
In JCBS Vol. 18, Andrew T. Gloster, Noemi Walder, Michael E. Levin, Michael P. Twohig, and Maria Karekla review the meta-analytic evidence on ACT. Results showed that ACT is efficacious for all conditions examined, including anxiety, depression, substance use, pain, and transdiagnostic groups. ACBS members can read the full text of the paper for free in the JCBS member portal.
Michael J. Asher Student Dissertation Award
The Awards Committee is accepting applications for the Michael J. Asher Student Dissertation Awards, which will be given to two students based on their doctoral dissertation proposal related to the use of CBS with children/adolescents. Accompanying this honor will be two monetary awards of $750 USD to be used in support of research or to attend the ACBS World Conference. Apply here.
ACBS Foundation Grant
The ACBS Foundation is proud to announce a new funding mechanism for CBS projects related to the environment, social justice, and behavior in real life contexts. The ACBS Foundation Grant application period will open on January 15, 2021 and close on March 1, 2021. Read more.
Apply here to be a grant reviewer!
ACBS Virtual World Conference: 24-27 June, 2021
The 2021 ACBS World Conference will be entirely online!
The RFT/Behavior Analysis track is accepting submissions. Read more
Awards and Scholarships applications are now open. Apply here.
Recent News
New Arizona Chapter
New ACT and Perinatal SIG
JCBS Articles Relevant to COVID-19