Getting Started in ACBS
Getting Started in ACBSInformation on Getting Started...
- First time visitor? There are resources on the left column of the site and across the top that are likley to meet your needs. Need a place to start? Within the ACT and RFT sections of the site, there are recommendations for learning more about each. Be sure to scroll down to the bottom of each page; there are many additional links available on most pages.
- Paid Membership provides privileged access to all materials on the site -- there are no extra fees for any of our materials. Read more about the Benefits of Membership!
- Membership is open to students, professionals, and affiliates (anyone with a professional interest in ACT, RFT or CBS even if not practicing or conducting research in a health-related field)
- Come back often! This website is constantly growing so you might find something new and useful each visit!
- Looking to Network? Consider joining one of the many email lists to get connected and supported in your work, find a Chapter in your local area, or seek other ways to connect!
A Brief Introduction to ACBS: A Society Guided By Its Science Values
This community of scholars, researchers, educators, and practitioners work in a collegial, open, self-critical, non-discriminatory, and mutually supportive way. Therefore, this society operates in ways that reflect those values:
- We are the only large society we know of with values-based dues. We are proud to say that dues received per member is up since values-based dues were instituted, because while some pay only ten dollars others are moved to pay much more.
- The community shares protocols, exercises, measures, research tips, and articles and provide feedback to each other on these materials' usefulness -- all for free as a paid member
- We welcome any paid member adding new content to the site. In fact, our members provide most of the new content to the website.
- This society is truly community-oriented and international. With members from over 44 different countries, over half of our members are from outside of North America. Many of these members collaborate across not just city, state or country lines, but also continents!
With the advent of values-based dues there really is little reason not to join ACBS!!