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How to access free JCBS articles

Access to all articles published in the Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science (JCBS) is a benefit of paid ACBS membership. In order to reach these articles, follow these instructions:

1) Log in with your ACBS username and password under a current membership, here:

2) Then, go here:

3) Next, click the link that says “Read all issues”

4) Finally, click the link that says "ACBS Member Access to JCBS"

That last link is a special one which will allow you access to free downloads of all JCBS articles. The url will be unique each time you click it, so don’t try copying and pasting. It will only work if you are currently logged in to the ACBS website.

Note that you will have to browse some to find the latest articles. One way to do this is to click where it says “Articles in Press”. There is also a button at the bottom of the page that allows for scrolling forward in the journal.