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Türkiye Dissemination Activities 2022

Veysel GÜLEÇ Türkiye

Could you please tell us a little about you and your background?
I am 29 years old, I am studying as a psychiatrist in a training hospital in Istanbul and I am actively examining patients. I am about to complete my 5th year in the profession. I am currently a member of the acbs turkey chapter.

How did you become interested in CBS?
In Turkey, ACT is known among psychiatrists and used clinically by some psychiatrists. In the trainings given in Turkeye, behavioral sciences are explained in areas such as functional contextualism. Since I was also interested in the theoretical side of CBS, I continued additional reading groups and trainings after I received the training. During this time, I participated in groups where books such as “the ABCs of human behavior” and “Learning RFT” were read, and I worked as a coordinator in a group. I was joined a group that started years before I trained. We've been meeting weekly for years. Even though the content changes, we do readings and practices every week under the heading of CBS. I am also an active member of the turkey chapter. I took part in the organizing team of the ACT congresses, which will be held for the 4th time next year and attended by different professional groups working in the field of mental health. 

Could you tell us about your research and application interests?
Apart from psychiatric clinical diagnoses, I am interested in couple relationships, we have a working group that we conduct on the basis of contextual behavioral sciences. In this group, we are planning projects related to more application areas. I made my thesis to investigate the factors that predict dyadic adjustment in bipolar patients. I examined variables such as stigma and psychological rigidity within this framework. 

Could you tell us about your experience at the World Conference this year?
The ACBS world conference I attended this year was the first for me. I think it's been effective. After a workshop I attended at the precongress, I made a presentation in my own unit at the hospital. The workshop about “single case design” was interesting for me. After the congress, I made additional readings on the subject. In addition, I had the chance to talk about the sessions and share experiences with my friends who attended the congress in my close circle. In general, I was also pleased that both the presenters and the participants were extremely helpful and friendly at the congress.

Was there anything that stood out to you about the CBS community?
Everyone I knew was diligent, helpful, and kind. I can say that I have seen again what it means to be value-oriented.  

What did you take back from your experience that has been helpful to you?
If I evaluate not only this world congress but also my acquaintance with CBS, I can say the following. I have been following patients with ACT for about 4 years, I have had patients that I have followed with therapy, as well as with medication and therapy. Although we evaluate patients through a diagnosis-oriented and deterministic approach during examinations in the hospital, I use the CBS approach during patient examination, while formulating patients' complaints. I think the contribution of CBS to understanding my patients is great. In an environment where the mechanistic perspective is dominant, it is an advantage to consider clinical situations as a functional contextualist. Functional contextualist formulation is useful when diagnosing and determining treatment.