Membership Development

Membership Development ACBS staff

Attracting New Members

Attracting New Members

Chapters and SIGs may be curious about how to attract new members.  Here are some suggestions:

*  Maintain a Mailing List: While this may pertain more to chapters, a mailing list may include individuals who are not official members of ACBS, but yet have an interest in ACT, RFT, or CBS.  

*  Hosting an Event:  One advantage to hosting an event such as a speaker or ACT training is that you may be able to attract new individuals interested in joining your chapter or SIG.  Collecting names and email addresses is an easy way to grow a mailing list.

*  Networking at the annual ACBS World Conference:  The yearly conference is a great way to connect with others, represent your chapter/SIG, and attract new volunteers.  Consider sponsoring a symposium or panel.

*  Networking with Schools, Universities, and Training Programs: Working with local schools and training programs is a great way to recruit new members and advertise events.

*  Networking with Other Professional Organizations: Similar to above, working with other related professional organizations is also helpful.  For example, consider hosting an event that integrates with another organization, such as a CBT, psychodynamic, or educational group.

*  Specifically Encouraging New and Inexperienced Members: When advertising events, it may be helpful to be explicit in encouraging new and inexperienced individuals to attend.  Otherwise, people may assume that you need to know ACT to attend an ACT study group (assuming you want to recruit inexperienced members).


Instructions for ACBS members: How to join a Chapter

Instructions for ACBS members: How to join a Chapter

Steps to join an ACBS chapter

  • You must be a current ACBS member
  • Login to the ACBS website
  • Click on "My Account"
  • Click on the "Edit" tab
  • Then click on "Contact Information" tab
  • Scroll down until you see Desired Chatper and type the name of the chapter.
  • Click the "Save" button located at the bottom of the screen
  • You will now be added to the Chapter's mailing list.

Some chapters require you to pay Chapter dues to join the chapter.  Completing these steps will only add you to the chapter's mailing list, to become a full chapter member you need to pay the chapter dues.

As of April 2019, the following chapters require dues. For more information about chapter dues, please contact the chapter directly.

  • Australia and New Zealand Chapter (ANZ Chapter)
  • Belgium & Netherlands Chapter (Dutch-Speaking)
  • Branche Francophone Chapter (French-Speaking)
  • Denmark Chapter
  • DGKV Chapter - (German-Speaking)
  • Italy Chapter
  • Japan Chapter
  • Norway Chapter
  • Poland Chapter
  • USA - Chicago, Illinois Chapter
  • USA - San Francisco Bay Area, California Chapter
  • USA - Texas Chapter


Here are screen prints to help you visualize how to join a chapter:












  • Scroll down until you see Desired Chapter and type the name of the chapter that you wish to join.

(This webpage was updated on September 23, 2019)


Instructions for the Chapter Membership Updating Interface

Instructions for the Chapter Membership Updating Interface

ACBS now has an interface that Chapter officers can use to view and update the membership in your group(s). With this new system, designated Chapter administrators (officers/leaders of each group) are able to access their membership records (based on those who have clicked "member" or "desired" member for your group through the ACBS membership join/renewal form) at any time. Chapters administrators are able to download their member lists at any time and update records themselves. (Moving people from "desired" to "member" of your group.) This new process also allows for there to be more than one "administrator" per group (if requested) for the membership updating/downloading access.

The step by step detailed instructions are attached below. We require that you must read the whole instruction document BEFORE utilizing the new system. This is because any changes that you make will be permanent to the live data.

Also, most of the Chaptershave more than one administrator that can make changes in this new system, so please make sure to coordinate with one another to make sure accurate membership records for your Chapter are kept.

Please note that the individuals that appear as members or desired members on the page are based on our website records when someone joins or renews their ACBS membership. This does not include those people who joined your group through any other method (emailing the group contact person and requesting to join, filling out the membership form on your group webpage (if applicable), etc.). If an individual wants to join your group but is not listed on your membership interface in the website, please direct them to the instructions here to update their profile.

Go here for a brief video on how to use it.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact ACBS at

ACBS staff

Keeping a Membership List

Keeping a Membership List

Chapters and SIGs will want to keep a list of current members for various purposes.  Perhaps most importantly, a list of current members and their e-mail addresses will allow for basic communication and the ability to send announcements to a Chapter or SIG.    

The primary method for maintaining a current member list is through coordinating with ACBS via the website dashboard (see how do we use the membership interface).  Only designated Chapter and SIG adminstrators will have access, as this responsibility is typically delegated to one or several individuals.  The ACBS list may be thought of as a "master" list, as it only includes active members who are up to date with their dues (although there is a grace period that is given).  Since being a member of ACBS is a prequisite requirement for being a member of any Chapter or SIG, administrators keeping a membership list will need to stay up to date.

The current list of members at any time can be exported as an excel file which then can be used by Chapters and SIGs.  Then, this information can be used in maintaining a membership list.  For example, email addresses could be entered into Mailchimp, a popular and free resource for sending emails. Membership lists may only be used for official Chapter or SIG business, and may not be shared with or sold to any third party.

The maintaining of a membership list may become more complicated, however, as a chapter grows.  Members may not keep up to date with membership dues and therefore "disappear" from the ACBS master list.  In this case, Chapter or SIG members can be encouraged to renew their annual ACBS dues or be removed from the member list.  Some Chapters will keep a "mailing list" which includes such individuals who are no longer active members, but who may want to be informed about local ACBS events.  

When new individuals join ACBS, they have the option of expressing an interest in joining their local Chapter, as well as any of the SIGs.  These new individuals will be designated as new on the dashboard so that adminstrators can clearly differentiate members who may be on their membership lists from new members asking to be added.   In addition, Chapters and SIGs may recruit new members through events or networking.  However, these new members must first join ACBS, if they are not already a member, which can be verified through the membership interface and dashboard.


Managing and Engaging Current Members

Managing and Engaging Current Members

Managing and engaging current members is, in essence, a central task of chapters and SIGs.  

It should be noted that there is no "correct" or "right" way to run a chapter or SIG.  First, chapters and SIGs are both different types of groups with different needs, challenges, and issues.  Second, engaging and maintaining an active group of members will depend on a variety of factors including geography, commitment/energy of members, and organizational experience of leaders or board members.  Instead of thinking about confomring to an ideal prototype, chapters and SIGs are encouraged to be creative and flexibile in how they function as a group.  Because everything is relative, a study group that meets six times per year may be as much of a "success" for a chapter as another chapter which holds monthly events and is able to charge for dues.  In any case, here are some tips for engaging and maintaing members:

Tips for Managing and Engaging with Current Members:

* Use of technology:  Whether it be Facebook, Mailchimp, a website, or some other platform, the use of digital and social media is an easy way to reach many people in places where they already spend time.  Regular announcements, newsletters, blogs, or posts may be an easy way to communicate to your chapter/SIG and keep current members engaged. (see section on technology)

* Ask your members: Though it may seem obvious, don't forget to ask your members what they want.  Listening to the needs of your members may spark an idea or help guide you in developing your chapter/SIG.  We've created a example SIG Survey template - you will find it attached at the bottom of this page.

* Follow your passion: Rather than investing your limited resources in endeavors that you think you "should" do, do something that matters to you.  If you aren't interested in it, then it is less likely to get done.

* Consult with ACBS or other chapters/SIGs:  It may be helpful to contact members of other chapters or SIGs for support and ideas.  The ACBS chapter and SIG committee is also a great place to ask questions and obtain guidance.  Finally, ACBS is working to increase networking within local communities, so that thriving chapters/SIGs may share their experience and wisdom.  

* Create short-term goals: Deciding on clearly-defined and realistic goals is likely to lead to greater engagement within chapter and SIG leaders, and therefore within members.  For example, organizing a single event may be preferable than trying to plan a monthly or re-occuring event for a new chapter or SIG.  


Membership Dues for Chapters

Membership Dues for Chapters

As local ACBS chapters begin to mature, the question of whether or not collect membership dues often arises.

First, it should be noted that in order to become a chapter member, individuals must first be a member of ACBS.  Therefore, the membership dues that we are referring to here are related to additional dues that a chapter may choose to collect.

Second, at the current time, most chapters do not charge for dues.  

The biggest advantage to charging for chapter dues is to increase revenue and consequently allow for increased chapter activity.  With additional revenue, chapters may be able to host more events, social gatherings, and training or research opportunities that they may otherwise be unable to finance.  Another advantage is that charging membership may enhance value and condense membership to a smaller, but also more active and engaged group of members.

However, there are several disadvantages to charging for dues.  Perhaps most obviously, charging for dues may discourage individuals from becoming more active in the CBS community on a local level.  If a chapter is new or has not demonstrated capability in offering advantages to membership, such as the ability to organize events or attract speakers, individuals may feel that there not enough incentive to pay for chapter membership.  Another issue to consider is simply the administrative workload in charging and maintaing membership.  While certain platforms (i.e. websites such as may facilitate the management of membership, this will require a certain degree of oversight that board members may be unable to adequately provide.

While it is up to each chapter board to decide for themselves, it is recommended that chapters consider both the pros and cons before charging for membership fees.  For example, a chapter may decide to wait until they are able to offer regularly attended events, such as speakers or study groups, that are already generating some revenue. Then, chapter dues may include a reduced fee to attend such events.  


Our audience

Our audience

Who is our audience?   Anyone and everyone!  One of the strengths of the ACBS community is that it is welcoming and inclusive towards a variety of roles, disciplines, and professions.  You may consider:

  • Clinicians and Mental Health Care Workers: practicing clinicians and therapists with letters after there name such as MSW, LCSW, PhD, PsyD, MFT, etc.
  • Academics: PhDs or master's level individuals working in universities, colleges, and academic medical centers
  • Students: students at local colleges and universities
  • Medicine: psychiatrists and other doctors
  • Education: teachers, teaching assistants, and others working in educational settings
  • Business: ACT and CBS principles have been applied to business settings
  • Other: part of the mission of ACBS is to disseminate contextual behavioral science principles, so thinking outside of the box and helping connect individuals who may be interested or benefit from involvement with the ACBS community is encouraged!

Recruiting Initial Board Members

Recruiting Initial Board Members

Recruiting initial board members differs for Chapters and SIGs.

For SIGs, the process is easier.  In fact, SIGs are not required to have a board!  Instead, SIGs are encouraged to identify a Leader/Chair or co-leader/co-chair (as many as are needed).  This more informal, looser organization seems to be more effective for SIGs.  However, If SIGs would like create a board, they are free to hold an election in the same way as a Chapter.

For Chapters, initial board members will likely be comprised of the motivated and energetic individuals whom are organizing the Chapter.  However, a Chapter must still hold an election (see Elections- how to run them).  ACBS is willing to help run the first election if so desired.  But don't be intimidated!  All this means is that individuals interested in serving as a board member need to be nominated or self-nominate, and that the list of prospective members will take a vote.   


Using Pro-Social concepts to guide Chapter development

Using Pro-Social concepts to guide Chapter development

Video of Paul Atkins summarizing ProSocial concepts.
