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Relational Frame Theory (RFT)

What is RFT?

There is a strong empirical and conceptual relationship between language and derived stimulus relations. An empirical relationship does not indicate that derived stimulus relations depend upon language or that such relations are mediated by language. When two dependent variables are correlated, one conservative strategy is to determine whether both variables are reflective of the same basic underlying psychological process.

Where is ACT and RFT going?

Everywhere that cognizing humans go. We want a theory of human behavior that allows us truly to make a difference in our homes, schools, workplace, and clinics. The ACT / RFT community wants it all: a technology that works, a theory that works, basic principles, AND a powerful linkage to our deepest human desires. But we can distinguish aspirations from data – and we have created a culture of openness and self-criticism that seems scientifically healthy. It is often that culture which seems most powerful when people first contact the ACT and RFT community.

Advantages of RFT

Advantages of the RFT Approach to Human Language and Cognition

There are many different theories—in many different disciplines—that attempt to explain or account for human language and cognition. With so many different theories available, what is unique or special about Relational Frame Theory?

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