Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) SIG

Affiliated 2013
Click Here to Join the Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) SIG and its Listserv!
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Contact Information
Daniel Maitland – President
Mission Statement
To contribute to the alleviation of human suffering through providing a forum in which practitioners and researchers interested in Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) can share in their research, teaching, learning and practice of FAP.
1. Build and connect a community of FAP-interested therapists, researchers, and trainers within ACBS. Encourage the community to work together in a way that embodies awareness, courage, love and behaviourism. (i.e., being collaborative and supportive, whilst aiming to bring out the best in each other).
2. Increase awareness of FAP within ACBS. Assist in highlighting FAP research and work to provide opportunities for FAP training and consultation.
3. Provide opportunities to explore the overlap and integration of FAP with other therapies and theories, with a particular emphasis on ACT/RFT.
Description of SIG membership
Any member of ACBS who has an interest in FAP is welcome to join.
SIG Activities
1. Hold an annual meeting at the ACBS World Conference.
2. Submit FAP SIG news items to the ACBS newsletter.
3. Stimulate interest in FAP research.
4. Continue to encourage a strong FAP presence at the ACBS World Conference; assist in organising submissions for workshops, panel discussions, symposia, etc.
Are you looking for FAP supervision or case consultation?
Check the list of Certified FAP trainers