Please consider using this innovative poster format, as we believe it will increase both efficiency and effectiveness in poster preparation and communication of data. (This format is not required, but strongly suggested.)
Find more information about this poster format here and download the template below.

Poster sessions facilitate a researcher to discuss their research for an extended period and allow attendees to select the presentations in which they are most interested.
Poster size: no larger than 36 inches by 48 inches, or A0 size. A smaller size is also permitted. VERTICAL/PORTRAIT orientation required for 2025.
Please consider using an engaging poster format such as the one described here. This should aid you in reaching your audience and getting the conversation started about your work.
***Please note, we are unable to print posters for presenters (or pay for poster printing), so please come to the conference prepared with your printed poster.
Want to save money on poster printing?
There are a few free options that you can find online to print a large image across multiple "regular" pages. It will require a little bit of trimming/scissor work, but these pages and some tape can save you some money if this is a barrier for you. Examples:
Poster Session Information
Each poster area will include a number in the upper corner corresponding to the poster’s listed number found in the program. Poster presenters should arrive at the poster display area 15 minutes before the scheduled beginning of their poster session to set up their display materials. No electrical outlets or audio-visual equipment will be provided in the poster area. At the end of the session, your poster must be taken down and removed from the areas.
Magnets, tacks, or sticky putty will be provided for hanging your poster materials; if your poster requires any special materials that cannot be mounted via magnets or blue a painter's tape, it can not be displayed (per venue rules).
During the session, your materials should be on display and you and your co-authors should be available to discuss the materials and answer questions. At least one author must be present at the poster during the presentation period.