CBT, ACT, and the Coming Era of Process-Based Therapy

Steven C. Hayes, Ph.D.
For decades, evidence-based therapy has been defined in terms of scientifically validated protocols focused on syndromes. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has historically been identified with that approach, but it is rapidly changing. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy has long taken a more process-based approach in its adherence to a psychological flexibility model. A process-focus is now emerging for a number of methods within the family of CBT as the era of “protocols for syndromes” passes away. This workshop will feature didactic presentations, demonstration of practical strategies, “real plays,” and exercises focused on how to utilize the core competencies of both ACT and CBT more generally in a pragmatic way that honors the behavioral, cognitive, and acceptance and mindfulness wings of the tradition. The approach that results represents a new form of idiographic functional analysis guided by models that integrate a coherent set of change processes. PBT is not a new therapy – it is a new model of evidence-based therapy more generally that alters how we thing about all existing forms of evidence-based intervention. Attendees will leave the workshop better able to manage the gap between ACT and other forms of CBT, or indeed evidence-based work from any competing model, and to apply a broader range of change processes to their cases nested under the consilience provided by a functional contextual evolutionary account.
Recommended readings:
Hayes, S. C. & Hofmann, S. G. (2017). The third wave of CBT and the rise of process-based care. World Psychiatry, 16, 245-246. doi: 10.102/wps.20442
Hayes, S. C. & Hofmann, S. G. (Eds.) (2018). Process-based CBT: The science and core clinical competencies of cognitive behavioral therapy. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications. ISBN-13: 978-1626255968.
Hofmann, S. G. & Hayes, S. C. (in press). The future of intervention science: Process based therapy. Clinical Psychological Science. Doi: 10.1177/2167702618772296
Hayes, S. C., Hofmann, S. G., Stanton, C. E., Carpenter, J. K., Sanford, B. T., Curtiss, J. E., & Ciarrochi, J. (in press). The role of the individual in the coming era of process-based therapy. Behaviour Research and Therapy. DOI: 10.1016/j.brat.2018.10.005
About Steven C. Hayes, Ph.D.:
Steven C. Hayes is Nevada Foundation Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Nevada. An author of 44 books and over 625 scientific articles, his career has focused on an analysis of the nature of human language and cognition and its application of the understanding and alleviation of human suffering. He is the developer of Relational Frame Theory, an account of human higher cognition, and has guided its extension to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Dr. Hayes has been President of Division 25 of the APA, the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, and the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science. He was the first Secretary-Treasurer of the Association for Psychological Science, and served a 5-year term on the National Advisory Council for Drug Abuse in NIH. His work has been recognized by several awards including the Exemplary Contributions to Basic Behavioral Research and Its Applications from Division 25 of APA, the Impact of Science on Application award from the Society for the Advancement of Behavior Analysis, and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy. Google Scholar data ranks him as among the top most cited scholars in all areas of study (http://www.webometrics.info/en/node/58). For more information visit www.stevenchayes.com
About Stefan G. Hofmann, Ph.D.:
Stefan G. Hofmann, Ph.D. is professor of psychology at the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, where he directs the Psychotherapy and Emotion Research Laboratory. He has an actively funded research program studying various aspects of emotional disorders with a particular emphasis on anxiety disorders and cognitive behavioral therapy. He has won many prestigious professional awards, including the Aaron T. Beck Award for Significant and Enduring Contributions to the Field of Cognitive Therapy by the Academy of Cognitive Therapy and the Alexander von Humboldt Research Award. He is a fellow of the APA and APS and was president of various national and international professional societies, including the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies and the International Association for Cognitive Psychotherapy. He was also an advisor to the DSM-5 Development Process and a member of the DSM-5 Anxiety Disorder Sub-Work Group. Dr. Hofmann has been identified as a Highly Cited Researcher by Thomson Reuters. He is currently editor of Cognitive Therapy and Research and associate editor of Clinical Psychological Science. He has published more than 300 peer-reviewed journal articles and 15 books. For more information, visit http://www.bostonanxiety.org/
Learning Objectives:
After this workshop you will be able:
to describe the limitations and weaknesses of the contemporary medical model
to distinguish different treatment models in CBT and their underlying philosophies as they bear on the key processes to target
to show that you can apply an understanding of the core processes of ACT and of CBT more generally to cases
to describe how PBT approach can lead to an idiographic, functional diagnostic system that has treatment utility
to link a process-based case analysis of evidence-based intervention kernels.
to describe the implications of ergodic assumptions for the collection of process-based evidence
to demonstrate an ability to turn case information into a preliminary but testable network analysis of the case
to list ways of measuring key change processes of a case
- to diagram a case conceptualization network
to describe how ACT meets the key features of a process-based therapy
Target Audience: Intermediate, Advanced, Clinical, Research
Components: Conceptual analysis, Experiential exercises, Didactic presentation, Case presentation, Role play
Package Includes: A general certificate of attendance, lunch, and twice daily coffee/tea break on site.