AffiliatesOfficial ACBS Affiliates
The official ACBS Affiliates are listed as links at the bottom of this page. Contact information is available on each Affiliate’s webpage.
- What are Affiliates?
Affiliates are membership organizations associated with ACBS through their interest in the dissemination and growth of the ACBS mission. Advancing the mission and values of ACBS has become an international effort as witnessed by the countries represented by our members. Affiliates provide an excellent way for members to become involved at the local level.
ACBS Affiliates are a quicker, smaller, and simpler way to coordinate a local ACBS group. Affiliates are much simpler than chapters to form, but can do most of the activities that chapters do. The ACBS Affiliate program is intended to allow ACBS members to self-organize at the local level. The Affiliate program does not intend for Affiliate groups to create their own by-laws or have officers/elections, but the Affiliate may choose to do so, if desired. While Affiliate groups are recognized by ACBS, they are separate, self-governed entities. Becoming an Affiliate is a good place to start for a local group that may eventually want to convert to a becoming an official ACBS Chapter, or is happy to stay simple, administratively.
Affiliates are not required to be formally associated with a larger regional or national chapter. If an Affiliate is within an existing chapter’s geographic region, then the Affiliate should inform their chapter of their intention to form a local Affiliate. Affiliates also should try to coordinate their efforts with larger chapters in their region, although this is not required. Local Peer Consultation groups may choose to organize as an ACBS Affiliate. (If you have a Peer Consultation group, and would prefer not to register as an affiliate, you may simply post your Peer Consultation group here.)
- Who Can Join?
Anyone who is a current paid member of ACBS is eligible to join and who live or work in the locality encompassed by the Affiliate. Members of Affiliates are encouraged to also be members of their regional or national ACBS Chapter (where applicable).
- What Can Affiliates Do?
Affiliates have many options for activities, such as networking events, peer consultation groups, and webinars. Here are more suggestions.
Interested in Starting a New Affiliate? Click here to find out how.
- Calendar of Affiliates Events
Click here for the calendar of upcoming Chapter, Affiliate. and SIG events
Online - ACT Peer Supervision Group - Affiliate of ACBS
Online - ACT Peer Supervision Group - Affiliate of ACBSFree Online Peer Supervision
Please note that the facilitators of these peer supervision groups do not hold legal responsibility for your professional practice. Professional bodies around the globe will differ in what counts as ‘official’ supervision or professional development activities. This is a structured peer learning forum. Do consult your professional body for clarity.
Support and Grow Together!
Welcome to the Online Peer Supervision Affiliate Page
Are you interested in connecting with other ACBS members online to learn together how to be more skilled with using ACT? Then Register for Drop-In Meeting Here or, if you need more information than what you see below, contact us by email:
What is Peer Supervision?
The ACT Peer Supervision Group is a global forum that aims to provide learning between colleagues on the experiential practice of ACT, in a supported and safe group environment. The groups meet every two weeks. Once you’ve registered you can ‘drop-in’ to any of the groups without having to pre-book. The groups are hosted and facilitated by Peer Facilitators via the video conferencing service, Zoom. The Peer Facilitators are volunteers committed to providing a forum for collaborative learning and expanding our skills as ACT therapists. Anyone who participates can become a facilitator in due course, if they are interested.
When is it on?
Peer supervision groups meet twice a month on Fridays.
Group | Mid-March - Early November | Early November - Mid-March |
Earlier Group | 11 am - 12:30 pm UTC | 12 pm - 1:30 pm UTC |
Later Group | 2 pm - 3:30 pm UTC | 3 pm - 4:30 pm UTC |
You can use this link to convert Universal time to your local time time and date converter.
Once you have registered, you will also receive a welcome email and then a reminder email every two weeks regarding the next group.
Why is Peer Supervision useful?
There are a number of reasons:
1. Opportunity to learn from ACT practitioners from around the world.
ACT is relatively new, so it can feel isolating using this approach without the support of colleagues nearby. This ACT peer supervision group allows us to learn from one another and create a community of people collaboratively learning, supporting and sharing knowledge.
2. Low cost (it's FREE!)
Regular skills development is vital but cost can be a barrier to practitioner development. These peer supervision groups are free for ACBS members.
3. Learning in a safe and supportive community
Peer supervision allows people at all levels of practice, from ACT trainers to people curious about how ACT works, to practice their skills, in a safe environment. As peers, everyone in the group including the facilitators take turns in the different learning roles. Growing personally and professionally requires us to be vulnerable. The facilitators of the peer supervision groups are aware of this and work to create a supportive environment that allows everyone to give and receive guidance and feedback in a positive and respectful way.
4. Convenient
In our busy, and sometimes quickly changing, schedules it is not always possible to commit to regular meetings. We have ‘drop-in’ groups every other week allowing you to attend when your schedule suits you, so if you miss one group you can always join another one.
5. Unique ‘real-play’ experiential learning
Reading, hearing or watching someone doing ACT gives us some idea about this approach, but it is through the actual practice of using the different elements within the ACT Hexaflex that deeper understanding, learning and growth takes place. These groups provide an opportunity to learn through experiential practice. All of our facilitators are trained and aware of the goal to keep the meetings as “experiential” as possible and will help the group to stay on track.
These groups have been adapted from the Portland Model of peer consultation. This model sets out a number of roles that participants can try out. This allows everyone the chance to develop their own therapeutic style, and observe other peoples’ ways of working. This model uses a ‘real-play’ approach where participants work with experiences that occur in the present moment, rather than with a memory or pretend scenario, as you would through ‘role-play’. This unique approach creates opportunities for participants to experience the different elements of the ACT Hexaflex.
What you can expect at the meetings
The meetings are hosted by Peer Facilitators. These are volunteers who have made a commitment to support participants and themselves be more skilful ACT therapists. Everyone is expected to participate to make the meetings work and support each other with feedback and encouragement.
Meetings are structured to help maintain purpose and focus for the group, with distinct roles for all participants
1. Welcome: When you join the Zoom meeting two facilitators will be there to welcome you. Please arrive 5 minutes before the start so that we can start promptly. When the group starts the room will be locked to create safety within the group. Facilitators will move the group through the different activities in a timely way. They will also encourage everyone to participate and feel comfortable contributing to the group, by balancing the needs of new or established members, or participants who are more or less vocal.
2. Brief Mindfulness exercise: One participant volunteers to guide the group in a 3-5min mindfulness exercise. This gives them the opportunity to practice running a brief mindfulness exercise and receive feedback from the group if they wish. It also gives participants a chance to clarify what they would like to offer others and achieve for themselves at the meeting.
3. The Skills Builder: this role gives one or two participants a great opportunity to practice particular metaphors and skills or general ACT skills with another participant as the ‘client’. We all want to improve our skills, but it takes courage to learn and grow. All participants (whatever their experience) are encouraged to take on this role, and the whole group serves this growth with encouragement and respectful reflections. Two people can share the role as Skills Builder and Assistant Skills Builder. The latter is called on by the skills builder for ideas if they feel stuck.
4. The Presenter: a participant offers to step into the ‘client’ role with a personal or professional issue that the Skills Builder can use as ‘material’ as they work on their ACT skills. Experiencing ACT interventions from the “client” perspective can be a powerful way to learn. The Presenter can talk about anything, e.g. how nervous they feel to join a new group! We rely on you to judge what is appropriate to share because it is not a therapy group and the focus will be supporting the Skills Builder with their professional development.
5. Time Keeper: a participant agrees to keep time for the Skills Builder during their 10-20 minute inter-vision exercise.
6. Hexaflex Monitors: The remaining participants mute their microphones so that only the pair in ‘real-play’ can be heard. However, they have the important role of supporting the Skills Builder by feeding back their observations on how they saw the Skills Builder relate to the Presenter and how they moved within the ACT Hexaflex, what they saw that worked particularly well or admired and what they might have done differently.
7. The Inter-vision (Real-Play) exerciseThe Inter-vision (Real-Play) exercise
The relationship between the Skills Builder and Presenter mirrors a supervisor-therapist or therapist-client pairing. At the end of the ‘real-play’ exercise the Presenter provides their experiential feedback first to the Skills Builder. Then the Skills Builder shares their experience before listening to feedback from all the other participants.The Skills Builder can have time at the end of the feedback for answering any questions raised or comment on the feedback.
8. The group ends with each participant sharing one word to describe their current emotional state (energised, gratitude etc.) or an intention that they would like to work on.
Even though each group is unique, this structure helps to guide our meetings. We find that this promotes learning and provides safety for participants to join in as and when they can.
Group requirements
- As a courtesy to others and minimise disruption during the meeting we ask participants to commit to the entire 90 minutes of the meeting or choose to attend on another day.
- Participants are asked to arrive 5 minutes before the start time to log on. Access to the meeting will not be possible 5 minutes after the start time.
Respect Confidentiality in the group.
If you would like to join us, take these three simple steps and we’ll see you soon!
1. Register - This is a one-time registration allowing you to drop-in on days and times that work for you. Register here: registration form.
2. Check your time zone – We receive participants from around the globe spanning several time zones. It is your responsibility to check what time the meetings take place in your time zone. This global time zone calculator may help: time and date converter. Please note that summer and wintertime changes vary from country to country. Please check when times change where you are.
3. Download the video conference application Zoom onto your computer. You can find out about Zoom here. You will be given our Zoom Room ID's once your register. The early and late groups have different Zoom ID's which you use each week to join the meeting.
Current Peer Facilitators:
Cindy Winski
Kristin Kumpf
Michael Kremer
Em Perera
Laurie Krauth
Sara Freeman
(This webpage was updated January 2023)
Arabic-Speaking - Affiliate of ACBS
Arabic-Speaking - Affiliate of ACBSArabic-Speaking Affiliate of ACBS
Affiliated 2022
Click here to join the Arabic-Speaking Affiliate
Contact Information:
Dr. Fady Safwat, Egypt
Description of Membership
We welcome all Arabic speaking ACBS members from all countries.
Possible Activities:
- ACT Book Club
- Facebook Group
- Resources in Arabic
Resources in Arabic
Resources in ArabicResources in Arabic
- Measures
- Publications (articles and books)
- ACT Books Translated into Arabic
- TedTalks Translations
- Video -
- Doing What Matters in Times of Stress: An Illustrated Guide (World Health Organization)
Scholarships and Grants for ACBS Members Living in LMIC
Click here for a list of scholarships and grants available to ACBS members living in low and middle income countries.
International Conference
International ConferenceRegistration is now open !
المؤتمر الدولي الثاني لرابطة متحدثي اللغة العربية فى جمعية العلوم السياقية السلوكية
سيقام المؤتمر اونلاين يوم الجمعة و السبت
١، ٢ ديسمبر ٢٠٢٣ على برنامج زوم.
The Second Online International Conference of the Arabic Speaking Affiliate in the Association for Contextual and Behavioral
Sciences (ACBS)
The conference was held online on Friday and Saturday, December 1 and 2 , 2023 on Zoom.
مساهمة بروتوكول علاجي مختصر قائم على التقبل والالتزام في تحقيق التوافق الزواجي دراسة عيادية – - The contribution of a brief therapeutic protocol based on acceptance and commitment to achieving marital compatibility –A clinical study-
مساهمة بروتوكول علاجي مختصر قائم على التقبل والالتزام في تحقيق التوافق الزواجي دراسة عيادية – - The contribution of a brief therapeutic protocol based on acceptance and commitment to achieving marital compatibility –A clinical study-مساهمة بروتوكول علاجي مختصر قائم على التقبل والالتزام في تحقيق التوافق الزواجي
دراسة عيادية –
The contribution of a brief therapeutic protocol based on acceptance and commitment
to achieving marital compatibility –A clinical study-
Austria - ACT in Austria - Affiliate of ACBS
Austria - ACT in Austria - Affiliate of ACBSAustria - ACT in Austria - Affiliate of ACBS
Affiliated 2021
With this affiliate, we want to connect the Austrian ACBS community through our passion for ACT. We intend to organize get-togethers , knowledge exchange and workshops (Schnitzel and Lederhosen optional).
Click here to join the ACT In Austria Affiliate!
Click here to join the email group (via Google Groups). Please make sure you join the SIG first!
(If you're not a registered member of this SIG, your request to join the email group will be denied)
Past Events:
February 28, 2024: The Austrian ACT - Get Together
March 29, 2023: The Austrian ACT - Get Together
February 8, 2023: The Austrian ACT - Get Together
November 16, 2022: The Austrian ACT - Get Together
September 21, 2022: The Austrian ACT - Get Together
July 6, 2022: The Austrian ACT - Get Together
May 4, 2022: The Austrian ACT - Get Together
March 2, 2022: The Austrian ACT - Get Together
December 1st, 2021: The Austrian ACT - Glühwein Get Together (cancelled due to lockdown)
November 3rd, 2021: The Austrian ACT - Get Together
For more information about the Austria Affiliate, please contact Michael Herold at or Marilena Bertacco at
Canada - Manitoba Affiliate of ACBS
Canada - Manitoba Affiliate of ACBSAffiliated 2018
Click Here to Join the Manitoba Affiliate!
The Manitoba affiliate of ACBS is open to Psychologist and Behaviour Analysts within Manitoba who are interested in ACT and/or who have adopted ACT as their primary approaches to work and life. Our group meets on a monthly basis to:
• Foster a supportive environment in which members can learn more about and develop their proficiency with ACT and incorporate ACT/RFT into their work and personal lives;
• Provide opportunities for ACT peer supervision;
• Provide an opportunity for members to network with other ACT practitioners and to share ACT resources (e.g., books, internet resources, trainings, etc.);
• Provide a forum for members to share their own ACT related activities (research projects, clinical experiences, etc.);
• Keep members informed about local, national, and international ACT related events;
• Explore opportunities for members to become involved in promoting, facilitating, and advocating for local ACT training opportunities.
Our contact person is James Ediger, Ph.D., C.Psych. email:
Canada - Ontario - Ottawa - Affiliate of ACBS
Canada - Ontario - Ottawa - Affiliate of ACBSClick Here to Join the Ontario, Canada Affiliate!
The Ottawa Affiliate of ACBS is a group open to professionals in the Ottawa community who are members of the Association for Contextual Behavioural Science (ACBS). We welcome clinicians of all levels of experience who share an enthusiasm for third wave approaches. Together, we are working towards the development of an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) community in the greater Ottawa area.
At the current time, there are no Ottawa meetings scheduled. Our activities have been paused throughout the pandemic. At the the provincial level, the Ontario chapter has moved all their events online which has facilitated greater participation across the province. Please refer to the Ontario chapter's website ( and Facebook page ( to learn more about the events and activities happening with the ACBS Ontario chapter.
Please reach out to Elizabeth Francoeur if you have any questions or check us out on Facebook.
Currently our contact persons are:
Elizabeth Francoeur
Ottawa, ON
Melisa Arias-Valenzuela
Ottawa, ON
Facebook Group:
(This webpage was updated on 11/28/2023)
Czech Republic - Affiliate of ACBS
Czech Republic - Affiliate of ACBSCzech Affiliate of ACBS
Click here to join the Czech Affiliate!
Affiliated 2020
For more information about the Czech Affiliate, please contact Helena Vontorčíková at or Lucie Zernerová at
Kazakhstan - Affiliate of ACBS
Kazakhstan - Affiliate of ACBSKazakhstan Affiliate of ACBS
Affiliated 2023
We welcome all ACBS members from Kazakhstan and all the colleagues working within the Kazakhstani or Central Asian context.
To join our telegram-chat, please, write a letter to Dinara or Zhadra.
Click here to join the Kazakhstan Affiliate
Contact Information:
Dinara Tussupkaliyeva:
Zhadra Sekrekova:
Lebanon - Affiliate of ACBS
Lebanon - Affiliate of ACBSLebanon Affiliate of ACBS
Affiliated 2023
We welcome all ACBS members from Lebanon and the neighboring Arab Levant.
The Lebanon Affiliate of ACBS was founded in 2023 to bring together enthusiasts about contextual behavioral sciences in Lebanon and the Arab Levant region. This area of the world is unique in many ways, from the beauty and diversity of its nature, history, and peoples to the dire challenges posed for professionals who share the burden of instability and ongoing traumatic realities with the people they serve. This group aims to offer a stable, safe community of support and growth for those living in Lebanon and other countries in the Arab Levant.
Click here to join the Lebanon Affiliate
Contact Information:
Check us out on FaceBook
Romania - Mures County - Targu Mures - Affiliate of ACBS
Romania - Mures County - Targu Mures - Affiliate of ACBSMures County - Targu Mures Affiliate of ACBS
Click here to join the Mures County - Targu Mures Affiliate of ACBS Affiliate!
Affiliated 2019
Cosmin Popa & Cristiana-Manuela Cojocaru
George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology of Târgu Mureş (UMPhST)
Bachelor's Program in Psychology
Center of Counseling and Career Orientation (CCOC)
Targu Mures, Mures County, 540142
The Bachelor's Program in Psychology within UMPhST provides an integrative curriculum based on international standards on psychological education, research and practice, integrating an interdisciplinary approach. As part of this integrative teaching process, the process-based framework emphasizing acceptance, mindfulness and values-based techniques has a central role in the training journey of future specialists in various fields of psychology, including the clinical, organizational, vocational or forensic psychology.
Futhermore, our counseling center provides psychological different approaches in psychotherapy, such as Process-Based Therapy (PBT-T). These activities are achieved through an integrative approach that incorporates the use of Acceptance and Commintment Therapy (ACT) techniques in order to facilitate psychological flexibility, including mindfulness, acceptance, cognitive defusion strategies, as well as and values-based exercises and action plans. The final purposes of these programs are to reduce academic stress by improving emotional management and to promote a values-based living.
In addition, the implementation of research projects on the psychotherapeutic field represents an important goal in our professional activity. In this respect, the simplified model of ACT is an important evidence-based psychotherapeutic method regarding psychological interventions for individuals who face anxiety, depression or another emotional disorders. Nevertheless, the disseminations of ACT, CBS and RFT model in our profesional communities represents another important objective. Therefore, this will consist in scientific presentations at conferences, clinical workshops and publications regarding the psychological treatment from the ACT perspective.
Moreover, another research area that involves our team is related to the fields of clinical psychology. Specifically, we are interested in the implications of psychological flexibility/ inflexibility processes in emotional disorders co-occuring with serious menthal health conditions like schizophrenia, psychiosis and personality disordes, as wel as chronic medical conditions. Also, the investigation of psychological difficulties that accompany various medical procedures, such as surgical interventions using the ACT framework is another important focus of our Affiliate.
Ukraine - Affiliate of ACBS
Ukraine - Affiliate of ACBSAffiliated 2023
Join the Ukraine Affiliate:
Click here to join the Ukraine Affiliate We welcome all ACBS members from Ukraine. If you are from other country and want to stand with Ukrainians we are welcoming you too.
Click here to join the email listserv For the Ukraine listserv, you will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.
Contact Information:
Kateryna Solomianova-Kyrylchuk -
Olena Sushan -
- ACT Resources in Ukrainian
- Telegram channel - for all news and announcments
- YouTube Channel
- Ukraine Email Listserv
Upcoming Events:
- Each even Wednesday at 19.00 Kyiv time (GTM+3) - The reading club
- Each odd Wednesday at 19.00 Kyiv time (GTM+3) - ACT Talks
Past Events:
18/07/2023 - Workshop "Living with Difficult Emotions: Integrating ACT and DBT Strategies" by Olga V. Berkout, Ph.D.
05/07/2023 - Online meeting with dr. Steven C. Hayes
28/06/2023 - The workshop "From Values to Action: Proactivity in Life and Therapy" facilitated by Olena Sushan
20/06/2023 - The peer-intervision facilitated by Aliona Kaminska
18/06/2023 - The webinar "Autism: understanding and modern therapy as an example of behavioral analysis" speaker ABA Therapist Anastasiia Angelova
07/06/2023 - The webinar "Nuts and bolts of giving psychological help for LGBTQ+ people" speaker Anna Sharygina
24/05/2023 - The workshop "Building flexible sence of self" facilitated by Kateryna Solomianova-Kyrylchuk
17/05/2023 - The webinar "The Hunger Spectrum: Demystifying Eating Disorders" facilitated by Olena Sushan
13/04/2023 - The meeting with dr. Janina Scarlet "How to overcome the war impact on the mental health with the help of Superhero therapy"
16/03/2023 - The workshop "How to setup behavioral goals" facilitated by Kateryna Solomianova-Kyrylchuk
03/03/2023 - The peer-intervision "ACT for narcistic clients" facilitated by Kateryna Solomianova-Kyrylchuk
23/02/2023 - The kick-off meeting
Venezuela - Affiliate of ACBS
Venezuela - Affiliate of ACBSVenezuela Affiliate of ACBS - Grupo de Afiliación ACBS Venezuela
Affiliated 2022
Click here to join the Venezuela Affiliate
Contact Information:
Jhonnathan Sulbaran
Ricardo Perez
Description of Membership
We welcome all ACBS members from Venezuela.
Possible Activities:
- Peer Consultation Group
- Facebook Page
Western Balkans - Affiliate of ACBS
Western Balkans - Affiliate of ACBSWestern Balkans Affiliate of ACBS
Click here to join the Western Balkans Affiliate!
The Western Balkans Affiliate of ACBS is a group open to professionals from Western Balkans who are members of the Association for Contextual Behavioural Science (ACBS). We welcome clinicians and researchers of all levels of experience who share an enthusiasm for third wave approaches (ACT, CFT, DBT, FAP, etc). Together, we are working towards the development of an community in Western Balkans. Through this group, there are opportunities for networking, sharing resources and organising trainings and supervisions (including face-to-face or online supervisions).
The Western Balkans Affiliate of ACBS includes several countries *u kojim se priča naš jezik*: Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro.
Please reach out to Professor Igor Krnetić training website or check out Facebook Group (Behavioral, Cognitive and Mindfulness Therapies in the Western Balkans - for the date and location of meetings, trainings, supervisions or to get more information about events.
For online group ACT & CFT supervision click here:
USA - Austin TX & Surrounding Areas - Affiliate of ACBS
USA - Austin TX & Surrounding Areas - Affiliate of ACBSAffiliate Contacts: Mike Strand, PsyD; Claire Palmer, LPC
Click here to join the Austin, Texas Affiliate!
This newly formed ACBS Affiliate group will provide monthly ACT peer consultation, professional trainings, and opportunities for social connection and community building to interested ACBSers in Austin, TX, and the surrounding Central Texas region.
Each month, we will plan to meet for 1 hour of peer consultation in Austin. After the meetings, you're invited to come hang out with us for some more casual, fun social activities (hiking the greenbelt, mindfulness walks, ziplining, axe throwing...or maybe just grabbing a bite to eat - we'll be open to possibilities and suggestions!)
We hope that you'll join us in creating something new - come connect and learn with your fellow ACBS members, and help us serve our local Austin and Central Texas communities!
USA - Delaware Valley - Affiliate of ACBS
USA - Delaware Valley - Affiliate of ACBSContacts: Steve Bisgaier, Psy.D.
Click here to join the Delaware Valley Affiliate!
Please join our PA chapter affiliate by going to our page where we make anouncements about meetings, trainings, presentations, etc.:
We currently have over 400 members of the Delaware Valley ACT Learners to help us spread the word about our activities. Join at:
Back in 2014, at the ACBS World Conference in Minneapolis, a few of us spent time together discussing our interests in some of the following and decided to create an affiliate as a vehicle to our committed action:
1) Building a local community of ACBS members. We define local as within (or to be inclusive, near) the Delaware Valley. Generally we think of this as South Eastern PA (Philly area), South Jersey, and Northern Delaware. There are no real boundaries though. The affiliate is more a state of mind then a place. The place is just where we imagine the activities happening.
2) Increasing opportunities for ACT, RFT, FAP, CFT, etc. training. We have a number of well qualified trainers in our area, and we are also very interested in attracting some internationally recognized trainers to present full day or perhaps two day trainings.
3) We have piloted a Portland Model Peer Consultation Group that has been meeting since September 2018.
4) Developing opportunties for expanded referrals for ACT (ACBS) clinicians and agencies.
5) Strong partnership with the Pennsylvania ACBS Chapter
Please join our
Past workshops and events:
Using ACT and Affective Science to Address Shame and Self-Criticism (May 20, 2022)
Introduction to ACT (November 8, 2021)
Life After Trauma: Using ACT to Revitalize Interrupted Lives (May 22, 2021)
Robyn Walser
Introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (November 15, 2020)
Kate Deatrich and Rachel Steen
Making a Meaningful Difference in the Room: Using Clinical Behavior Analysis to Enhance Experiential Training of Psychological Flexibility (May 21, 2020)
Emily K. Sandoz
Introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (March 1, 2020)
Steve Bisgaier, Kate Deatrich, and Rachel Steen
ACT Video Training and Use of ACT Fidelity Measure (November 10, 2019)
Frank Masterpasqua
Treating OCD from an ACT/RFT Perspective (July 14, 2019)
Andy D'Amico
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: Learning to Thrive (April 28, 2019)
Lisa Coyne
Introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (March 3, 2019)
Frank Masterpasqua
Video Training and Using RFT to Motivate Clients (July 15, 2019)
Andy D'Amico and Frank Masterpasqua
Getting to the Heart of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT): An Experiential (Re)Introduction (May 19, 2018)
Matthew Boone
Diagnostic and Treatment Implications in Lyme Disease & Chronic Illness: Utilizing an ACT Approach (March 10, 2018)
Joesph Trunzo
ACT: Introduction, Demonstration, Discussion (October 8, 2017)
Frank Masterpasqua
Relational Frame Theory: An Introduction and Role-Play (August 27, 2017)
Andrew J. D’Amico
ACT for Perfectionism (August 27, 2017)
Steven Bisgaier
An Introduction to Compassion Focused Therapy for ACT & CBT Practitioners (May 21, 2017)
Dennis Tirch
Practicing ACT and Bringing ACT into Practice (October 16, 2016)
John Armando
Using Relational Frame Theory to Activate ACT (July 31, 2016)
Andy D'Amico and Dina Harth
Integrating Mindfulness Acceptance Based Therapies (May 22, 2016)
James Herbert and Frank Masterpasqua
Midsummer Mindfulness Exercise workshop (July 19, 2015)
Andy D'Amico and Dina Harth
Demystifying ACT: Practical Applications of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (June 3, 2015)
Daniel Joseph Moran
Free Webinar Introduction to ACT (April 6, 2015)
Daniel Joseph Moran
Experiential Mindfulness and ACT workshop (February 22, 2015)
Yaacov Kravitz and Andrew J. D'Amico
ACT in Communities: Utilizing Prosocial Principles (November 23, 2014)
Steve Hayes
Thank you so much everyone!
Steering Committee:
John Armando, Andy D'Amico, Steve Bisgaier, Frank Masterpasqua, Alisa Kamis-Brinda, Yaacov Kravitz, Dina Harth, Rachel Steen, Lauren Johnson, Kate Deatrich, Joanna Chen, Erin Wolff
USA - Georgia - Affiliate of ACBS
USA - Georgia - Affiliate of ACBSGeorgia Affiliate of ACBS
Affiliated 2022
Click here to join the Georgia Affiliate
ACBS Georgia Affiliate Coordinators:
Amy House, Ph.D. and Aubrey Moore, Ph.D.
Contact us at:
USA - Louisiana and Mississippi (LaMiss) - Affiliate of ACBS
USA - Louisiana and Mississippi (LaMiss) - Affiliate of ACBSLaMiss Affiliate of ACBS
Affiliated 2017
Click here to join the LaMiss Affiliate!
Join ACBS members who live in or have big love for the Louisiana-Mississippi (LaMiss) region for regular networking via our email list, along with biannual dissemination and training events. To get involved, make sure your ACBS membership is current, then email Emily Sandoz at or Karen Kate Kellum at
Louisiana-Mississippi Affiliate Membership Form
Louisiana-Mississippi Affiliate Membership FormPlease enter your information below to become a member of the Louisiana-Mississippi Affiliate.
- You need to be a current, paid member of ACBS. Click here to learn how to become an ACBS member.
- You must be logged into your current, paid ACBS member account to complete this form.
By filling out the form below, you agree to allow your contact information to be shared with the Louisiana-Mississippi Affiliate.
USA - Minnesota Northland - Affiliate of ACBS
USA - Minnesota Northland - Affiliate of ACBSMinnesota Northland Affiliate of ACBS (MN-ACBS)
Click here to join the Minnesota Northland Affiliate!
Affiliated 2021
Geographic boundaries of the Affiliate: Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Dakota, Northern Iowa, and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
Contact Information
You must be a member of ACBS to join the affiliate but there is no additional cost to join this group.
USA - New Mexico - Albuquerque & Santa Fe Affiliate of ACBS
USA - New Mexico - Albuquerque & Santa Fe Affiliate of ACBSClick here to join the Albuquerque & Santa Fe, New Mexico Affiliate
Albuquerque & Santa Fe
Affiliated 2017
Contact Information
Rae Littlewood, PhD
ABQ/SF - ACBS is a local community for those interested in learning more about ACT, third generation CBT, contextual behavioral science (CBS), and other acceptance/mindfulness informed psychotherapies (ACT, DBT, MBSR, FAP, CFT, MBCT, etc). The purpose of ABQ/SF - ACBS is to keep affiliates informed about local events and/or if you so choose, to become more involved in the ACT & CBS community, by hosting or attending local ACT & related workshops, study groups, training, and networking opportunities within the third generation CBT and more generally the evidence based psychotherapy community.
ABQ/SF - ACBS is a local affiliate of the international organization ACBS, (Association for Contextual Behavioral Science). A New Mexico chapter does not yet exist but hopefully as the community comes together and grows, forming a chapter for New Mexico is a next step. While ABQ/SF - ACBS membership is free, affiliates are required to be a current member of the international ACBS organization (dues are value based, which means you pay what you can afford given the value of what you receive, one time per year). The ACBS website is an awesome resource. There are many free ACT related resources, from assessments and worksheets for clinical practice, to audio/video resources for training or clinical use, and published materials related to theory and evidence for ACT efficacy.
Community Gatherings for the ACBS (Association of Contextual and Behavioral Science) Affiliate in Albuquerque & Santa Fe: There are currently no plans for in-person meetings.
USA - New York - Long Island - Affiliate of ACBS
USA - New York - Long Island - Affiliate of ACBSLong Island Affiliate of ACBS (LI-ACBS)
Affiliated 2015
Click Here to Join the Long Island Affiliate!
Contact Information
Contact Person: Mark Sisti, PhD
If you live in and around Long Island NY and are curious about and/or interested in advancing your knowledge about ACT & CBS drop us a line.
For more information click on the child page on the link directly here and below.
Also be sure to join our LI-ACBS facebook group
Long Island, NY ACBS Affiliate
Long Island, NY ACBS AffiliateLI-ACBS is a newly formed (6/2015) Long Island based community, for those interested in learning more about ACT, third generation CBT, contextual behavioral science (CBS), and other acceptance/mindfulness informed psychotherapies (ACT, DBT, MBSR, FAP, CFT, MBCT, etc). LI-ACBS will provide an excellent way for its Long Island members to stay informed about local events and/or if you so choose, to become even more personally involved in the ACT & CBS community. Mutual peer ACT supervision groups, local ACT & related workshops, discounts to registering for such workshops, study groups, training, as well as networking opportunities within the third generation CBT and more generally the contextually based psychotherapy community.
LI-ACBS Peer Supervision Group:
For all new LI-ACBS members, a separate email will subsequently go out inviting you to learn more about 2 newly forming ACT peer supervision groups (one focused more on children/adolescents, the other more on adults).
LI-ACBS is a local affiliate of the international organization ACBS, (Association for Contextual Behavioral Science) and with the regional NY Metro area chapter NYC-ACBS.
While LI-ACBS membership is free, If you are interested in becoming a member of LI-ACBS member, over the next few weeks, you must take one additional step, join our international ACBS organization, dues are value based, which means you pay what you can afford given the value of what you receive, one time per year. The international ACBS website is jammed full of free ACT related resources, from documents, to audios, videos, power-points, referral lists, list-serv, …..all well worth your support. You can take care of that international membership now, by clicking here ACBS joining.
If you are not interested in joining either group, but might like to here about local mindfulness & acceptance oriented informed trainings, events, etc…feel free to friend our Facebook LIACBS Group
Membership: to join simply send a request to or if you have any questions
USA - New York - Rochester - Affiliate of ACBS
USA - New York - Rochester - Affiliate of ACBSRochester Affiliate of ACBS (ROC ACT)
Affiliated 2022
Click here to join the Rochester, NY Affiliate
Contact Information:
Janette Funk
Mike Morde
Description of Membership
We welcome all ACBS members from Western New York (Including the Rochester, Buffalo, and Syracuse regions).
Possible Activities:
- Peer Consultation Group
- Presentations about ACT and CBS
USA - North Carolina & South Carolina - Affiliate of ACBS
USA - North Carolina & South Carolina - Affiliate of ACBSNorth Carolina & South Carolina Affiliate of ACBS (ACT Carolinas)
Affiliated 2014
Click Here to Join the North Carolina & South Carolina Affiliate!
Contact Information
Valerie Akins or Leslie Veach, or
Please search for “ACT Carolinas " in Google Groups and request to join the listserv.
To view our external website:
ACT Carolinas—an affiliate of the Mid—Atlantic Chapter—is an evolving collection of ACT-oriented therapists and trainers in North and South Carolina. We host a listserv where clinicians consult about ACT-related issues, give updates, and sponsor area trainings and events.
USA - Pennsylvania - ACT in Erie - Affiliate of ACBS
USA - Pennsylvania - ACT in Erie - Affiliate of ACBSClick Here to Join the USA - Pennsylvania - ACT in Erie Affiliate!
The intention of this group is to promote connecting local individuals in the Erie, PA area interested in ACT. The puprpose will be to develop opportunities for peer supervision group(s), coordinating trainers and speakers, and further development utilizing the RFT/ACT model. Creating and fostering a supportive context of learning to bring fourth into the local community practitioners with a focus of implementing ACT/RFT. The hope is to have a wide range of disciplines and interests within the group as possible, starting from the ground up.The ACBS Affiliate program is intended to allow ACBS members to self-organize at the local level.
Contact should be directed to: Tom Wellington, L.P.C. (814)392-7962 /