

Check out the daily schedule:

Check out the themed sessions highlighted here

View the detailed program, including abstracts:

View the abstracts from all pre-recorded sessions here

Program Updates/Addendum

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Haven't registered for the conference yet? Find out more about rates and registration here.

Please learn more about our fantastic 2023 Program Committee here.

ACBS staff

Call for Submissions - Closed

Call for Submissions - Closed

ACBS is no longer accepting submissions on Contextual Behavioral Science and related topics for consideration for our July 2023 conference. Please note dates below when submission results will be shared.  

Chapter/SIG/Committee meeting deadline: 22 April 2023

If you have any problems submitting, please contact

Oral submission deadline: 15 February 2023

IGNITE - Panel - Symposium - Paper - Workshop - Plenary/Invited

Results of oral submissions will be emailed out in the last week of March or the first week of April 2023. 

Poster submission deadline: 20 March 2023


Results of poster submissions will be emailed out in April.

Due to local technological capabilities, conference sessions for 2023 can be delivered one of three ways: 

  • In-person: All presenters will be at the conference in Cyprus and present in-person
  • Hybrid: The majority (51%+) of presenters will be at the conference in Cyprus and present in-person, but some presenters may participate virtually, live (synchronously). 
  • Pre-recorded (On-Demand): All presenters will pre-record and edit their video presentation and provide the finished video file to ACBS. (Needed by 30 June.) The recording will be available on the conference website. There is no live or in-person aspect to this option.

General Submission Tips and Information

Submission types: 

Chapter/SIG/Committee Meeting

This gives Chapters/SIGs (or forming chapters and sigs) the opportunity to reserve a space and time to get together to network with others who share the same area of interest or geographic setting. This form allows SIGs and Chapters to request a time in the program for this purpose. Deadline: 22 April 2023

Plenary/ Invited Address (use only if instructed) 


Posters usually report empirical research and will be organized into one or more sessions, during which attendees will be invited to review the research presented and discuss findings with poster presenters, either in-person or on-demand (virtually). In-person presenters must be at their poster during their assigned time of the poster session and may choose to provide handouts. On-demand poster presenters will be requested to provide their Poster PDF by 30 June 2023 (Poster size: no larger than 36 inches tall by 48 inches wide, or A0 size. Smaller is also permitted). Abstract word limit: 175 words maximum


The Ignite presentation is a short, structured talk in which presenters present on ideas and issues they are most passionate about using a “deck” of 20 slides that auto-advance every 15 seconds (no exceptions). Exactly 5 minutes total. Topics may be empirical, conceptual, philosophical, historical, or methodological. Presentation should be well-practiced and high energy (perhaps even... fun!). On-demand Ignite submissions will be requested to provide their finalized video file by 30 June 2023.  Abstract word limit: 175 words maximum
For more on Ignite presentations, see: and

Panel Discussion

Panel discussions are 60 minute sessions and consist of 3 to 5 speakers selected for some shared interest or expertise in an area. Panelists respond to one or more questions or issues, with time allotted for interaction among the speakers and with the audience. A panel discussion is organized by a chairperson who serves as the session’s moderator. On-demand panel submissions will be requested to provide their finalized video file by 30 June 2023.Abstract word limit: 175 words maximum

Symposium (chair, 3 - 4 papers and a discussant)

Organized by a chairperson who moderates the 60 minute session, symposia are a series of three to four 10-15 minute presentations focused on either empirical research or conceptual, philosophical, historical, or methodological issues. A discussant highlights and integrates the contributions of various speakers in the symposium and moderates questions from the audience. Chairpersons are encouraged to use symposia as an opportunity to integrate related work by: 1) bringing speakers of different affiliations together rather than showcasing the work of a single group and 2) incorporating different kinds of talks (e.g., historical, conceptual, and research-based) on the same topic into one symposium. Papers from submissions that are not accepted may be considered for a poster session. This year, we are prioritizing submissions that are research and data driven. In service of being more data aware, we encourage you to include research citations (data citations) with your proposal.  The Program Committee will not split apart symposia that are submitted together. The "Symposium Overview" must be submitted prior to individual papers for the same symposium. On-demand symposium submissions will be requested to provide their finalized video file by 30 June 2023.Abstract word limit: 175 words maximum

Paper (not part of a pre-arranged symposium)

Paper submissions are individual, oral presentations, usually concerned with conceptual, philosophical, historical, or methodological issues. A paper submission will usually report on data. All paper presentations will be 10-15 minutes long. Accepted submissions will be organized into paper sessions of 60 minutes. Submissions not accepted will be considered for a poster session. We are prioritizing submissions that are research and data driven. In service of being more data aware, we encourage you to include research citations (data citations) with your proposal. On-demand paper submissions will be requested to provide their finalized video file by 30 June 2023.Abstract word limit: 175 words maximum


Workshops are training sessions of 1 or 2 hours and usually focus on a combination of experiential and/or didactic exercises. Workshop submissions are highly competitive (note: based on past events, the acceptance rate for workshops is approximately 60-70%, and of workshops submitted only 20%-35% receive 2 hour slots). Please put your best workshop/abstract forward keeping this in mind when determining your desired length. Keep in mind as well that most workshops selected are for the 1 hour slots. Be sure to clearly state your goals and objectives for participant education in your submissions. Workshops should be regarded as opportunities to directly train specific skills rather than to present research findings, discuss conceptual, philosophical, or methodological issues, or share opinions. However, in service of being more data aware, we encourage you to include research and data citations supporting your topic with your proposal, and to briefly present these (1-2 slides) during your workshop. Submissions that are not clearly focused on training should be submitted for other formats. On-demand workshop submissions will be requested to provide their finalized video file by 30 June 2023. Abstract word limit: 175 words maximum

Tips for Submissions

  • General Submission Information
  • Are you wondering how to increase the chance of acceptance for your submission? Click here for tips.
  • Unsure about writing Educational Objectives? Click here to learn more about them. 
  • Are you submitting a poster? Check out the poster guidelines here
ACBS staff

General Submission Information

General Submission Information

Submit your sessions here!

Due to local technological capabilities, conference sessions can be delivered one of three ways: 

  • In-person: All presenters will be at the conference in Cyprus and present in-person
  • Hybrid: The majority (51%+) of presenters will be at the conference in Cyprus and present in-person, but some presenters may participate virtually, live (synchronously). 
  • Pre-recorded (On-Demand): All presenters will pre-record and edit their video presentation and provide the finished video file to ACBS. The recording will be available on the conference website. There is no live or in-person aspect to this option.

If your session is selected for hybrid presentation:

  • The majority of presenters must register and attend the in-person event in Cyprus. Virtual presenters will present the session live (synchronously) with the in-person presenter(s). 
  • Virtual presenters are required to register for the conference. 
  • You may be required to submit post-test questions so conference attendees who view the recording can earn Continuing Education credits.

If your session is selected for pre-recorded, on-demand presentation: 

  • You and all your co-presenters will need to pre-record and edit your presentation. You will need to send the finished video file to ACBS staff by 30 June 2023 so it can be uploaded to the conference website. 
  • Virtual/pre-recorded presenters are required to register for the conference.
  • If your session is a workshop, panel, or symposium, you will be required to submit post-test questions so conference attendees who view the recording can earn CE credits.
  • If you would like your session to be considered for pre-recorded, on-demand presentation, make sure you select the "Pre-Recorded (On-Demand)" session type when submitting.

Poster submissions: Posters can be submitted for on-demand or in-person presentation. Regardless of in-person or on-demand presentation, at least one poster author must register to attend the conference (either in-person or virtually). On-demand posters will need to be submitted by 30 June 2023.

Ignite submissions: Ignites can be submitted for pre-recorded (on-demand) or in-person presentation. Regardless of in-person or pre-recorded presentation, at least one Ignite author must register to attend the conference (either in-person or virtually). On-demand Ignites will need to be submitted by 30 June 2023.

Detailed instructions about how to submit using this year's submission website, may be found here.

ACBS staff

Presenter Information

Presenter Information


We are planning to make Continuing Education credits available to attendees for watching recorded sessions. In order to receive credit, attendees will need to complete a post-test. This test must be of sufficient depth to adequately determine the level of learning that was achieved. 

The number of multiple-choice questions you need to submit varies based on submission type: 

  • 3 questions for individual paper submissions (now in a symposium)
  • 6 questions for plenaries & inviteds, panels, symposia, and 1 hour workshops
  • 12 questions for 2 hour workshops

For more information: APA's Tips for Creating Post Tests

Please submit your post-tests by 31 May:

PowerPoints & Handouts

Please click here for the PowerPoint template for 2023. Consider offering live subtitle translation of your session during your presentation. To do that, in PowerPoint click on “Slide Show” then “Subtitle Settings”, then select English as your “spoken language” and another language as your “subtitle language”. ACBS encourages Spanish or Greek this year, but any ACBS member language would be useful if you prefer another. Then click “Always Use Subtitles”.

As always we would like to collect as many PowerPoint presentations as we can prior to the conference, to make them available for in-person and virtual attendees on the conference platform. Please title your files using the following examples (session number, first presenter, title or truncated title, type):

23 - Kostas - ACT for Pain - PPT

23 - Kostas - ACT for Pain - Handout 1 and 2

23 - Kostas - ACT for Pain - Handout 2

59 - Valenzuela - Derived Relational... - PPT

A single PDF file is preferred (multiple files combined), but other file types are accepted. (Those session that will be translated will also be asked directly to provide files as PPT and/or Word docs for translation.)

In-Person Workshops:

In-Person Plenaries & Inviteds, Panels, and Symposia:

Pre-Recorded sessions (PPT and Handouts):

Please add your files above prior to 30 June to ensure that they can be loaded to the online program prior to your presentation.  Late submissions are most welcome, but adding them to the online program prior to the conference can not be guaranteed.

Printing Handouts

In an effort to reduce paper consumption at the conference, we will only be printing handouts that are worksheets to be completed during sessions. (PPT slides with space for notes are not considered worksheets.) If you have a worksheet that you would like to make available to your attendees, add it to the Dropbox folder (links above) by 30 June so that it can be printed. Make sure to indicate in the file name what needs to be printed (for example, “23 - Kostas - ACT for Pain - Handout 1 - PRINT”). Copies will be delivered to your room just prior to your session during the conference.

Pre-Recorded Video Files

Please add your edited, pre-recorded video to this Dropbox folder by 30 June

Video files must be provided in MP4 format, and no larger than 4GB each.


Find detailed poster guidlines here. 

In-Person Posters

Poster size: no larger than 36 inches by 48 inches, or A0 size. A smaller size is also permitted.

Please consider using an engaging poster format such as the one described here. This should aid you in reaching your audience and getting the conversation started about your work.

**Please note, we are unable to print posters for presenters (or pay for poster printing), so please come to the conference prepared with your printed poster.

We would like to also share your work with our virtual audience. If you're willing and able, please submit a PDF of your poster by 30 June:

On-Demand (Virtual) Posters

Accepted posters (titles/authors/abstracts) will be posted on our conference website prior to the event, so that attendees can read about the posters before attending.

Please submit a PDF of your poster by 30 June:

ACBS staff

Program Committee & Organising Committee

Program Committee & Organising Committee

2023 Program Committee Chairs

Anthi Loutsiou, PsyD , Licensed Clinical Psychologist / EuroPsy Certified Psychologist

Dr. Anthi Loutsiou has been a member of the Department of Psychology, University of Cyprus since 2003. She trained as a Clinical Psychologist and a contextual behavior psychotherapist in the USA where she earned her Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the University of Denver. She is fully qualified as a Psychologist in Cyprus and Colorado/USA (inactive) and is registered as a EuroPsy Certified Psychologist. She is an accomplished trainer and a pioneer in the training of psychologists in higher education in Cyprus. She has more than 20 years of teaching and advising experience in higher education. As an instructor/lecturer in the Department, she has mentored more than 140 school psychologists and facilitated the field placement of more than 850 undergraduate psychology students. Anthi is an active supporter of internationalization efforts within the field of psychology and has contributed with great passion to professional service at a national and international level. 


Amanda C. Rhodes, PsyD

Dr. Rhodes is a licensed psychologist and part of a clinical research program that characterizes the longitudinal effects of disease and treatment as well as the development of novel psychological interventions on the cognitive function and quality of life (QOL) in children and adults with cancer, cancer predisposition syndromes, and other chronic illnesses. She has expertise in acceptance- and mindfulness-based interventions and chronic and acute pain. She also serves in leadership roles in several international scientific organizations related to contextual behavioral science and psycho-oncology. 

If you have questions about your submission(s), please contact Anthi and/or Amanda


2023 Cyprus Organising Committee

Chair: Danae Papageorgiou

Dr Papageorgiou is a licensed clinical psychologist based in Nicosia, Cyprus. She works with various mental health difficulties, specialising in treating anxiety disorders. She uses a combination of therapeutic approaches, with a focus on exposure therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy. She conducts psychoeducational assessments with children and adolescents. Her current research projects aim to investigate the use of values interventions to inform exposure therapy, as well as the use of virtual reality and ecological momentary assessment to improve both treatment and treatment access for cancer patients. Dr Papageorgiou also teaches clinical psychology at university and postgraduate level.

Vasilis Vasileiou
Marianna Zacharia
Artemis Theofanous
Spyros Demosthenous
Dafne Morroni
Pinelopi Konstantinou
Katerina Georgiou
Georgia Polyviou
Andria Christodoulou
Maria Koushiou
Maria Kokkinou
Patrisia Nikolaou
Michaella Paraskeva-Siamata
Chrysilia Gkleka
Vasiliki Bournatzidou
Niki Lympoura
Anthoulla Papageorgiou
Marina  Christoforou
Eleana Lamprou
Panayiotis Papettas
Vasiliki  Christodoulou 
Marina Papadopoulou
Maria Antoniadi


Jacqueline A-Tjak
Matthew Boone
Michael Bordieri
Lauren Borges
Aimee Caramico
Sarah Cassidy
Connie Chong
Howard Crumpton
Joanna Dudek
Rivka Edery
Colleen Ehrnstrom
Evelyn Gould
Jennifer Gregg
Louise Hayes
Valerie Kiel
Pinelopi Konstantinou
Maria Koushiou
Yukie Kurumiya
Raimo Lappalainen
Jenna LeJeune
Lucia Loureiro
Mai Manchanda
Alexandros Maragakis
Siri Ming
DJ Moran
Jose Moreno
Dafne Morroni
Manuela O´Connell
Margot Osorio
Ray Owen
Danae Papageorgiou
Nanni Presti
Tiffany Rochester
Jiayin Ruan
Francisco Ruiz
Emily Sandoz
Stavroula Sanida
Thomas Sease
Eugen Secara
Matthew Skinta
Wanda Smith
Debbie Sorensen
Gita Srikanth
Sara Styles
Mary Anne Tamula
Niklas Törneke
Sanna Turakka
Sheri Turrell
Janani Vaidya
Vasilis Vasiliou
Kevin Vowles
Sean Wright
Joann Wright
Marianna Zacharia
