Persian ACBS
Affiliated 2013
Click here to join the Persian Chapter
Contact Information
Chapter Leaders
Abdollah Omidi (President)
Milad Khajepour (Officer)
Seyed Ali Kolahdouzan (Research Deputy)
Sajad Bahrami (Education Deputy)
The mission of the Persian ACBS shall be to foster the development of functional contextual cognitive and behavioral science and practice within Iran and neighboring Persian speaking countries including Afghanistan,…. so as to alleviate human suffering and advance human well-being. Also, to produce a certified and skilled treatment that meets the needs of the above Persian speaking communities and populations, by applying ACT protocols in a cost effective and in a safe way.
- To Establish the Persian ACBS webpage.
- To Disseminate Contextual Behavior Science CBS principles among health professionals and other related professions.
- Providing a forum for health practitioners/ researchers to share information and resources
- Developing awareness activities designed to highlight the need for utilizing ACT model and processes.
- To conduct research studies and apply the ACT model and processes within Persian speaking populations.
- To translate books and resources of ACT and contextual behavior sciences to Persian language.
Chapter Activities
The chapter will:
- Create a forum for discussion
- Organize workshops
- Publish research articles and a newsletter
- Translate ACT books and resources
- Provide consultations
Description of Membership
Membership is open to Persian speaking people from a variety of educational backgrounds and professions relevant to the purpose of the chapter. We anticipate that members will be involved in clinical practice, research, teaching and organizational activities, from both academic and non-academic backgrounds and from both private and public sectors.
ACT Resources in Farsi/Persian