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2: The ACT Model - conceptually and 'self as lab'

In this session you will get an introduction to the ACT Hexaflex model of Psychological Flexiblity. The six core processes leading to inflexibility are described and explained, with brief examples: Experiential Avoidance, Cognitive Fusion, Being caught up in the past or future, Attachment to a narrowly defined conceptualised self, Lack of awareness of values, and Inaction. In addition you will learn about the six core Psychological Flexibility processes that are the flip side: Accetpance, Cognitive Defusion, Present Moment Awareness, Self as Context, Values and Comitted Action. 

As well as learning ACT conceptually, this lesson will also introduce these processes experientially. You will find below six audio recordings that each focus on one (or more) of the core processes, to give you a flavour of how they feel from the inside and to give you a chance to begin learning how to conduct experiential exercises that can evoke these processes.

A word about Experiential Learning

We are offering these audio exercises as an invite to step inside the ACT processes. They are typical of the kinds of exercises that you might use with clients. They can be powerful and meaningful. We would like you to gve them a try in a spirit of invitation. There is absolutely no coercion here. Only you can know what is happening in your life right now and whether any exercise is right for you. Download the guide and disclaimer document below, which will give you more of a feel for what each exercise is trying to do. Make a choice about your own level of willingness. Choose a time when you will be in a place that is comfortable for you and you are not likely to be interupted. Choose a place where you can give the exercises your full attention. Don't listen whilst driving and so on. We reccommend not doing them all at once, but spreading them out over a few days. After listening, journal about your experience of listening, connecting with the process. What did you notice? How did you respond? 

ESSENTIAL: Watch this Introduction Video Here

ESSENTIAL: Watch this narrated PowerPoint that describes the ACT model conceptually

ESSENTIAL (but invitational - you can say no): Download and read the guide and then listen to the six audio tracks below to explore psychological flexibility from the inside.

ESSENTIAL: (but invitational - you can decide what you feel safe enough to share): Use the comments below to share extracts from your journalling, as you encounter these processes from the inside.

ADDITIONAL: Download and read the paper by Mike Twohig

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