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University of Almería - Carmen Luciano (ACT/RFT; PhD; Spain)

 The research group with the name of Experimental and Applied Behavior Analysis began in the University of Granada in 1985 and continued in the University of Almería since 1994 under the direction of Carmen Luciano Soriano, professor in the University of Almería, Spain.

The research conducted has been focused in the functional analysis of verbal behavior with special interest in the basic-applied dimension. The research conducted has involved children, parents and adults as well as some research was done with non-human organisms. In the last ten years, the research has been –and it is- tracking the functional analysis of Language and Cognition in the context of the Relational Frame Theory and the analysis of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.

The basic-applied dimension research projects concerns:

  1. the conditions to establish relational frames, the analysis of the verbal regulation and the analysis of the transformation of functions,
  2. analyzing the verbal contexts defining the unflexible verbal regulation involved in problematic Experiencial Avoidance,
  3. the transformation of functions in the ACT clinical methods,
  4. the extension of ACT brief protocols to several domains, and
  5. the extension of the analysis of relational frames to establish verbal behavior in children with delayed psychological development.

ACTUAL RESEARCHERS working in the projects:

Dr. Carmen Luciano Soriano, Univ. Almería (

Dr. Inmaculada Gómez Becerra, Univ. Almería (

Dr. Francisco Molina Cobos, Univ. Almería (

Dr. Olga Gutiérrez Martínez, Univ. Granada (

Dr. Marisa Páez Blarrina, Spanish Assoc. Cancer (

Dr. Carmelo Visdómine, (

Dr. Francisco Cabello, Univ. La Rioja (

Dr. Francisco Montesinos, Spanish Association Cancer (

Dr. Sonsoles Valdivia Salas, Univ. Almería (

Dr. Miguel Rodríguez Valverde, Univ. Almería (

Dr. Mónica Hernández, Univ. Valladolid (

Laura Carmen Sánchez, Univ. Almería (

Israel Mañas Mañas, Univ. Almería (

Francisco Ruiz Jiménez, Univ. Almería (

Javier Hilinger Sánchez, Univ. Almería (

Also, Dr. Dermot Barnes-Holmes, Dr. Ivonne Barnes-Holmes (Ghent), and Dr. Michael Dougher (Albuquerque, New Mexico) are colloborating in several of the main projects.


Actual funding projects directly connected to RFT and ACT are:

  • “Derivation of Functions: Analysis of verbal contexts in Experiential Avoidance and in ACT clinical methods”. Financed as Excelent Projects Program by the Andalusian Govertment, 2006-2008.
  • “Analysis of Experiencial Avoidance and defusion methods in ACT”. Financed as I+D+I Ministry of Education Program. (2006-2008).
  • “Addictive behaviors and altering functions in young people” by Andalusian Govertment”, (Grant to Javier Hilinger), 2004-2006.
  • “Development of a telehealth resource for young people engaging in problematic Cybersex on the Internet” by European Comission (Project coordinated by E. Quayle, Cork, Ireland) (Grants to Francisco Ruiz Jiménez and Sonsoles Valdivia Salas)
  • “Transformation of Functions according to several relational frames” financed by Ministry of Science and Education (Grant to Miguel Rodríguez Valverde, 2003-2006).
  • “Analyzing equivalence” financed by Andalusian Govertment (Grant to Israel Mañas Mañas, 2004-2006).
  • “Multiple Esclerosis and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy” by University of Almería (Grant to Laura del Carmen Sánchez Sánchez).


The following theses to achieve the doctor degree (Pre-doc theses are not included here) that have been done under the umbrella of the research group are:

  1. Miguel Ángel Delgado Noguera: Influence of a educational training in Sports Education. University of Granada, Ph.D. in 1989.
  2. Luis Valero Aguayo: Experimental analysis of new behaviors through equivalence relations. University of Granada, Ph.D. in 1990.
  3. Antonio Fernández Parra: Experimental analysis of the formation of phobic behaviors. University of Granada, Ph. D.. in 1990.
  4. Javier Herruzo Cabrera: "Say-do" correspondence training. University of Granada, Ph.D., in 1992.
  5. Mercedes Vernetta: Diferential effect of two methods in gymnastic skills. University of Granada, Ph. D. 1995.
  6. Inmaculada Gómez Becerra: (In)sensitivity to contingencies and verbal behavior. University of Almería, Ph. D. 1996.
  7. Francisco Javier Molina Cobos: Learning behaviors through imitation. Implications of verbal behavior. University of Almería, Ph.D. 1997.
  8. Serafín Gómez García: Rupture of equivalence relations (co-directed with Dermot Barnes-Holmes). University of Almería, Ph. D. 1998.
  9. Mª Carmen Vives: Vocal articulation deficits and generalization. University of Almería, Ph. D. 1999.
  10. Carmen Berrocal: Functional analysis in obesity (co-directed with Flor Zaldívar). University of Málaga, Ph. D. 2000
  11. Olga Gutiérrez Martínez: Comparison between acceptance and control strategies in a paradigm of self-control. University of Almería, Ph. D. 2003.
  12. Carmelo Visdómine: Locus of control and transference of functions. Univesity of Almería, Ph. D. 2004.
  13. Marisa Páez: Avoidance and control strategies in patients with breast cancer. University of Almería, Ph. D. 2005.
  14. Francisco Cabello Luque: Equivalent relations and protocol analysis by the silent dog method (co-directed with Dermot Barnes-Holmesd). University of Almería, Ph. D. 2005.
  15. Francisco Montesinos: Psychological impact of "cancer" and defusion strategies. University of Almería, Ph. D. 2005.
  16. Sonsoles Valdivia: Motivational analysis and transfer of functions (co-directed with Michael Dougher). University of Almería, Ph. D. 2005.
  17. Mónica Hernández: Quitting smoking and control versus acceptance strategies (co-directed with Jesús Gil Roales-Nieto). University of Almería, 2006 (next presentation).

Relevant publications are:

Related ACT/RFT books:

Luciano, M. C. (dir) (2001). Terapia de Aceptación y Compromiso. Libro de Casos (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Cases book.). Promolibro: Valencia.

Wilson, K. G., & Luciano, M. C. (2002). Terapia de Aceptación y Compromiso. Un tratamiento conductual orientado a los valores. (Acceptance and Commtiment Therapy. A behavioral treatment oriented to values). Pirámide: Madrid.


Carmen Luciano webpage



(This webpage was updated on May 8, 2018)