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USA - San Francisco Bay Area, CA

San Francisco Bay Area Chapter

Affiliated 2010

Click here to join the San Francisco Bay Chapter - Some chapters have additional requirements to join, in that case, you will be sent an email with more information.

Chapter Website:

Contact Information

Mai Manchanda, Psy.D.

Chapter Board

Shane O’Neil-Hart, President
Mai Manchanda, Vice President
Michael Vurek, Past President
David Montgomery, Treasurer
Ellen Ross, Secretary
Erik Bromberg, Member At Large
Kari Killianey, Member At Large
Sharon Stovesky, Student Representative

Joining our Chapter

Becoming a member is easy!  If you are an ACBS member in good standing, please visit our website,  select the "Join" menu, determine your level of membership, pay the assoicated dues (ranges from $10 - $40), and submit your application.

Upcoming Events

Click here for the list of upcoming events


To create a supportive community for clinicians and researchers that will foster the development of functional contextual cognitive and behavioral science and practice within the San Francisco Bay Area.


  • Establish and maintain a website.
  • Disseminate information to professionals, students, and the public through workshops, trainings, and conferences. 
  • Provide peer consultation to members. 
  • Support members in learning and discussing contextual behavioral science theory and clinical applications. 

Chapter Activities:

Meetings, trainings, and workshops.

Description of Membership

Members are persons who are interested in the advancement of functional contextual science and practice, and who reside or work in the San Francisco Bay Area. 

The types of membership are professional, student, and affiliate. 

The minimum standard for election to professional membership is completion of a graduate degree relevant to the purposes of the Chapter. Student members are currently enrolled at the undergraduate or graduate level in any area of relevance to the purposes of the Chapter. Affiliate members are any member of the public with interests in the purpose of the Chapter. 

All members must be members in good standing of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science. 

Members are regarded without discrimination on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, political affiliation, or mental or physical disability. 

Joining our Chapter

Becoming a member is easy! If you are an ACBS member in good standing, please visit our website, select the "Join" menu, determine your level of membership, pay the assoicated dues (ranges from $10 - $40), and submit your application.