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Ongoing ACT Grants

If you have an ongoing grant on ACT please add a child page and describe it!

Here are a few we know about:

Jacqueline Pistorello and Steven Hayes at the University of Nevada (with co-investigators Tony Biglan and John Seely at Oregon Institue) have been awarded a 5 year 2.6 million dollar grant from the National Institute on Mental Health (2008 - 2013) to examine the impact of ACT on the prevention of behavioral health problems in 18-20 year old college students.

National Institute on Drug Abuse, “Stigma and Burnout in Addiction Counselors,” R01 DAO17868, August 1, 2005- July 31, 2008, S. C. Hayes, Principal-investigator.

National Institute on Drug Abuse, “Reducing Felt Stigma in SUD,” $435,000, 2003-2006, Barbara S. Kohlenberg, Principle investigator.

National Institute on Drug Abuse, “Distress Tolerance Treatment for Early Smoking Lapsers,” $1,068,000, 2003-2006, Richard Brown, Principle investigator.

National Institute on Drug Abuse, “Acceptance Therapy During Methadone Detoxification,” 2005-2008, Angela L. Stotts, University of Texas-Houston Medical School.

If you are looking for resources to assist in applying for a grant, the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies has a useful list of links to learn more about grants and funding sources that can be accessed here.