The ACBS Foundation aims to promote CBS projects around the world. With the goal of facilitating interventions that promote well-being, this funding mechanism is for ground-breaking projects that share this aim in the realms of interventions, training, and research (these projects are funded through the General Fund or the Aaron S. Luoma Fund for Global Equity).
The Robert J. Kohlenberg Research Award honors the legacy of Bob Kohlenberg, it will support graduate student, early, or experienced career research focused on FAP. This grant is made possible through the generosity of Mavis Tsai and Barbara Kohlenberg.
Apply here to be a Volunteer Reviewer (note, applicants are ineligible to review)
About the Call
The aim of the ACBS Foundation grant is to finance projects and/or research that advances the understanding of how CBS principles can be used to impact social or environmental issues.
The Robert J. Kohlenberg Research Award will support graduate student, early or experienced career research focused on advancing knowledge and expertise in Functional Analytic Psychotherapy or its dissemination to the general public via the Awareness, Courage & Love Global Project.

Value and Duration
- ACBS Foundation Grant will typically be awarded to projects of no more than $2,000 USD; however, larger projects will be considered based on their merits. Typical projects should be completed within 18 months of the award.
- ACBS Foundation Grant - LAMIC (Low and Low Middle Income Countries) is awarded to qualifying projects of no more than $2,000 USD annually. Please consider proposing projects that align with the goals and requirements of the Aaron S. Luoma fund for Global Equity.
- Robert J. Kohlenberg Research Award will be awarded to a project of no more than $5,000 USD. Typical projects should be completed within 18 months of the award.
Conditions of Award
Awardees will be required to report their findings to the ACBS Foundation in the form of a brief written report. The results will be made public by the ACBS Foundation and the awardees are requested (but not required) to submit their project for presentation consideration (oral or a poster) at an ACBS World Conference.
For all applications, the principal investigator must be a member of ACBS at the time of submission.
Details for the Robert J. Kohlenberg Research Award may be found on the Award page.
For the Aaron S. Luoma Fund for Global Equity, working and residency requirements can be found here.
All projects must consider ethical issues. If the primary applicant is employed at a university, institution of higher and further education, registered charity, research institute, and this is a research study, they must obtain Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval. If the project is applied or training-based, and the primary applicant does not work one of the above listed institutions that has an IRB, the applicant must include a statement in the application about how the ethical approach of the project is being independently reviewed for compliance with ethical guidelines of a relevant professional organization (e.g., or similar). These formal requirements must be met before the funds can be released, and a formal statement of attestation to adherence to ethical principles is required.
Foundation Grant Topics
In particular, we are looking to support and fund projects that break new ground. These could include - but are not limited to - projects focusing on climate change, interventions in hitherto untested populations, novel applications or modalities of interventions, projects focused on dissemination, projects that address public policy, projects that measure outcomes of training, projects that examine interventions in naturally occurring groups (prosocial), projects that have the potential to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion and/or address institutional racism, projects involving developing nations, refugees or other disenfranchised or marginalized people, projects that address biological correlates of CBS-relevant targets (multi-level approaches), or interventions using technology that would have a wide reach to help people in their natural contexts.
Funding Program Aims
The aim of these awards is to provide financial support for innovative and original projects of high quality and potential. The choice of theme and the design of the project rests entirely with the Principal Applicant). The applications will be judged both on fit with the call, scientific quality, originality, and potential to maintain the implementation (for applied projects) or to clearly and compellingly demonstrate how the project will be subsequently implemented in the real-world and the planned steps that will be taken to ensure this (for research projects). Funding will only be allocated for costs directly related to the proposed project (e.g., programming costs, participant payment, etc.). The grants will not provide salary support for the Applicant, but may be used to support staff engaged on the project. Institutional Facilities & Administrative expenses (indirect expenses) will not be covered.
Proposals are favored which:
● demonstrate compelling scientific excellence in the design and project plan;
● involve projects that may not be easily funded at present by an alternative source;
● surmount traditional disciplinary boundaries;
involve projects which, if successful, are sustainable in the future and/or has the chance of obtaining additional funding in the future;
● include people early in their career;
● include diverse collaborators (if multiple investigators are included).
Grant Application Schedule
The 2025 grant call is open from January 15 – March 1.
Grant Award Announcements by June 1, 2025.
Grant Start Dates, by September 1, 2025.
How to Apply
1. Read Instructions and create application document
2. Submit application here between January 15, 2025 and March 1, 2025 17:00 GMT (10:30pm Delhi/ 5:00pm London/ 1:00pm New York).
- The same application will be used for all 3 grant types.
- Additional Grant Details (Grant Policy)