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Psychedelics and psychological flexibility – Results of a prospective web-survey using the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire II (Pages 37-44)

Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science (JCBS)

Volume 16, April 2020, Pages 37-44 (Special Issue on Contextual Behavioral Science and the Psychedelic Renaissance)


James B. Close, Eline C. Hajien, Rosalind Watts, Leor Roseman, Robin L. Carhart-Harris


  • Scores for psychological flexibility improved following a psychedelic experience.
  • Improvements in scores for psychological flexibility and depression correlated.
  • Emotionally cathartic and mystical experiences improved psychological flexibility.
  • Low baseline scores for psychological flexibility predicted greater improvements.
  • Estimated changes in psychological flexibility improved for those at drug retreats.

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