This event has concluded. Please find information regarding the upcoming ACBS World Conference here.
Handouts and Powerpoints from World Conference 13 can be found here.

What is the World Conference?
The World Conference brings together clinicians and researchers to present cutting-edge research in ACT, RFT, and Contextual Behavioral Science, as well as experienced trainers to lead experiential workshops so that you can learn how to better serve your clients.
The World Conference is for psychologists, social workers, professional counselors, marriage and family therapists, psychiatrists, physicians, drug counselors, health researchers, language researchers, behavior analysts, students and more.... Anyone in a similarly related helping or research field is invited to attend.
Registration in the full conference is all-inclusive and includes lunch, coffee/tea breaks, one dinner, open access to workshops, research symposia, posters, panel discussions, plenary sessions with CBS researchers and practitioners, and our IGNITE sessions.
This year's theme: Global Concerns, Global Community -- invites discussion of how the principles of contextual behavioral science can contribute to development of communities capable of addressing human concerns of importance around the planet -- while implementing these principles locally.
Pre-Conference Intensive Workshops
First class intensive workshops held the 2 days prior to the World Conference get things started off right. 14-15 July, 2015
See the complete list of workshops here.
Registration - Closed
The Final Program is now available!
Conference Highlights
- Invited Speakers: Richard Davidson, Barbara Fredrickson, Steven Hayes, Jason Luoma, Vikram Patel, Martin Bohus, JoAnne Dahl, Lance McCracken ... learn more about them here
- A great venue for networking & fostering local and international collaboration
- Lunches, one dinner, and coffee/tea are included so that you have more time to network
- Conference activities take place just downstairs from your hotel room!
- Bring the family! - We're in Berlin, one of the most exciting cities in the world with so much to do!
- Evening events provide additional opportunities to network and relax after other conference activities are done for the day
Workshops, Workshops, Workshops. Half-day workshops are included (no extra charge), with your conference registration. These 30+ workshops are one-of-a-kind learning opportunities.