Stan Bergheim
Private Practice
Licensed specialist in clinical psychology (psykologspesialist)
Hvam, Akershus
Highest Degree Held: None
Specialties: clinical psychology of adults
Languages spoken: English, Norsk, Polski, Русский (Russian)
Licensures/Certifications: Licensed specialist in clinical psychology
ACT/CBS Background and Training: My ACT training started in 2009 with attending the World Conference III in Enschede and a two-day pre-conference workshop with Steven Hayes. Since then I have attended almost all ACBS world conferences and a number of other training events conducted by expert trainers. From 2011 to 2016 I was a member of a peer-supervision group run by Jason Luoma. In 2014 I completed my peer-reviewing process and became officially recognized as an ACT trainer by ACBS.
ACT/CBS Experience: since 2009