Kevan McCutcheon
Private Psychology Practice
Clinical Psychologist
Peninsula, Ohio
United States
Highest Degree Held: Ph.D.
Specialties: I have also been trained by Marsha Linehan in DBT since 2001. Mindfulness interventions have been central part of my practice since the 90's.
Languages spoken: English
Licensures/Certifications: Ohio
ACT/CBS Background and Training: ACT has been the approach that I use most as a psychologist in private practice and at the VA since 2005. I have been involved in numerous experiential and didactic trainings since then, starting with the ACT Summer Institute in Philadelphia (2005). I was a training consultant with the VA Rollout of ACT with Robyn Walser from 2007 until retiring 2019, providing numerous 3-day trainings in the eastern US, followed by provision of weekly in-depth consultation for 6 months to over 100 clinicians. I became a VA Regional ACT Trainer and an ACBS Peer Reviewed ACT Trainer in 2017.
ACT/CBS Experience: Since 2005.
Additional Information: Having been through a wide variety of approaches starting in the 60's and then professional training in the 70s (humanistic, then behavioral, psychodynamic, mainstream cognitive behavioral, DBT, mindfulness). I landed on ACT as being the approach that best suits my approach to using therapy to help people live their lives fully.