The Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science (JCBS)
The Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science (JCBS)The Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science is the official journal of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS).
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Special Issues
Special Issues CommunitySpecial issue on Process Based Therapy (PBT); Guest Edited by Clarissa One, Joseph Ciarrochi, Stefan Hofmann, Steven Hayes, and Ross Menzies
Special issue on Process Based Therapy (PBT); Guest Edited by Clarissa One, Joseph Ciarrochi, Stefan Hofmann, Steven Hayes, and Ross MenziesCan we use the extended evolutionary meta-model (EEMM) and process-based therapy (PBT) to build bridges across psychotherapeutic islands? Can we make steps toward a coherent science unified by a common language and set of overarching principles and theory?
This PBT special issue introduces the EEMM as a tool all therapeutic approaches can use to describe the evidence-based procedures and processes within their therapy. It provides a common language and common set of scientifically validated evolutionary processes. The function is to obviate semantic disagreement and emphasize shared efficacious methods for assessment and intervention, keeping clinical psychology focused on doing what works for our clients, rather than the name of treatments.
In progress
Introduction to the special issue on process-based therapy
Introduction to the special issue on process-based therapy ms.marissadonahueApplying a process-based therapy approach to compassion focused therapy: A synergetic alliance
Applying a process-based therapy approach to compassion focused therapy: A synergetic alliance ms.marissadonahueAttachment, emotion, and change: Emotionally focused individual therapy (EFIT) within a process-based therapy (PBT) framework
Attachment, emotion, and change: Emotionally focused individual therapy (EFIT) within a process-based therapy (PBT) framework ms.marissadonahueElucidating the process-based emphasis in cognitive behavioral therapy
Elucidating the process-based emphasis in cognitive behavioral therapy ms.marissadonahueThe extended evolutionary meta-model and process-based therapy: Contemporary lenses for understanding functional analytic psychotherapy
The extended evolutionary meta-model and process-based therapy: Contemporary lenses for understanding functional analytic psychotherapy ms.marissadonahueThrough the extended evolutionary meta-model, and what ACT found there: ACT as a process-based therapy
Through the extended evolutionary meta-model, and what ACT found there: ACT as a process-based therapyJournal of Contextual Behavioral Science (JCBS)
Special Issue on Process Based Therapy (PBT)
Volume 32, April 2024
Clarissa W. Ong, Joseph Ciarrochi, Stefan G. Hofmann, Maria Karekla, Steven C. Hayes
This article is part of a special issue in the Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science devoted to process-based therapy (PBT) or a process-based approach to therapy and the role it plays in harmonizing existing evidence-based treatments. In the present discussion, we focus on acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and how it fits into the PBT framework. We describe how viewing ACT through a PBT framework and its organizing rubric—the extended evolutionary meta-model (EEMM)—provides fertile ground to expand the ACT and psychological flexibility models, transforming ACT into a more inclusive and flexible version of itself and giving clinicians wider berth with respect to delivering ACT. The PBT approach allows ACT to incorporate therapeutic elements that are not traditionally part of the framework, including include cognitive reappraisal, interpersonal therapy dynamics, physiological downregulation, and the principle of nonattachment. Importantly, ACT maintains its foundational principles throughout this integration. We provide a case example of how to use PBT methods to conceptualize an ACT case, to illustrate PBT-infused ACT in practice. Finally, we outline possible future directions for ACT as it continues to evolve inside of PBT.
Special Issue on Invited Commentaries on ACBS Taskforce Report; Guest Edited by Michael P. Twohig, Ian Stewart, and Joanna Arch
Special Issue on Invited Commentaries on ACBS Taskforce Report; Guest Edited by Michael P. Twohig, Ian Stewart, and Joanna ArchThis Special Issue consists of commentaries from invited authors on the recent ACBS Taskforce Report by Hayes et al., 2021.
Introduction to the special issue on the ACBS taskforce report
Introduction to the special issue on the ACBS taskforce report ms.marissadonahueThe clinician, the clinician-researcher, and the contextual behavioral science research agenda
The clinician, the clinician-researcher, and the contextual behavioral science research agenda ms.marissadonahueEnsuring interdisciplinary partnerships and commitment to Contextual Behavioral Science (CBS) principles among diverse scholars who serve diverse communities
Ensuring interdisciplinary partnerships and commitment to Contextual Behavioral Science (CBS) principles among diverse scholars who serve diverse communities ms.marissadonahueThe importance of idiographic and functionally analytic strategies in the unified protocol for transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders
The importance of idiographic and functionally analytic strategies in the unified protocol for transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders ms.marissadonahueCommentary: Person-specific, multivariate, and dynamic analytic approaches to actualize ACBS task force recommendations for contextual behavioral science
Commentary: Person-specific, multivariate, and dynamic analytic approaches to actualize ACBS task force recommendations for contextual behavioral science ms.marissadonahueForwarding the ACBS Task Force recommendations: The case for the functional-cognitive framework and out-of-sample prediction
Forwarding the ACBS Task Force recommendations: The case for the functional-cognitive framework and out-of-sample prediction ms.marissadonahueCommunity Initiated Care: A blue-print for the practical realization of contextual behavioral science
Community Initiated Care: A blue-print for the practical realization of contextual behavioral science ms.marissadonahueImplementing the ACBS task force agenda (Pages 61-64)
Implementing the ACBS task force agenda (Pages 61-64) ms.marissadonahueStrengths, challenges, and opportunities associated with process-based and multi-dimensional CBS research: A commentary on Hayes et al. (2021)
Strengths, challenges, and opportunities associated with process-based and multi-dimensional CBS research: A commentary on Hayes et al. (2021) ms.marissadonahueSpecial Issue on CBS Perspectives on COVID-19; Guest Edited by Staci Martin Peron, Ronald Rogge and Maria Karekla
Special Issue on CBS Perspectives on COVID-19; Guest Edited by Staci Martin Peron, Ronald Rogge and Maria KareklaGiven the profound impact that the pandemic is having on people around the world, JCBS published a set of papers characterizing and addressing this impact specifically from a Contextual Behavioral Science (CBS) lens. We are interested in innovative applications of CBS as a scientific strategy in the context of this multifaceted public health, social, and economic crisis. We solicited papers including empirical, data-based research, conceptual and theoretical articles, and “in practice” articles geared specifically towards clinicians. We invited submissions on a wide range of topics, including but not limited to COVID-19 in relation to interpersonal connections/social isolation, anxiety/OCD/PTSD, depression/suicidal ideation, addictive behaviors, trauma, chronic pain and other chronic illnesses or health conditions, stigma, nationalism, structural and cultural inequalities, and burnout among professionals.
Learn more here about submitting an article to JCBS.
A contextual behavioral approach for responding to moral dilemmas in the age of COVID-19
A contextual behavioral approach for responding to moral dilemmas in the age of COVID-19 CommunityMediators of the association between COVID-19-related stressors and parents’ psychological flexibility and inflexibility: The roles of perceived sleep quality and energy
Mediators of the association between COVID-19-related stressors and parents’ psychological flexibility and inflexibility: The roles of perceived sleep quality and energy CommunityChoosing not to follow rules that will reduce the spread of COVID-19
Choosing not to follow rules that will reduce the spread of COVID-19 CommunityThe moderating roles of psychological flexibility and inflexibility on the mental health impacts of COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown in Italy
The moderating roles of psychological flexibility and inflexibility on the mental health impacts of COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown in Italy CommunityA contextual-behavioral perspective on chronic pain during the COVID-19 pandemic and future times of mandated physical distancing
A contextual-behavioral perspective on chronic pain during the COVID-19 pandemic and future times of mandated physical distancing CommunityCOVID-19: Psychological flexibility, coping, mental health, and wellbeing in the UK during the pandemic
COVID-19: Psychological flexibility, coping, mental health, and wellbeing in the UK during the pandemic CommunityPsychological flexibility in the context of COVID-19 adversity: Associations with distress
Psychological flexibility in the context of COVID-19 adversity: Associations with distress CommunityPsychological flexibility and inflexibility as sources of resiliency and risk during a pandemic: Modeling the cascade of COVID-19 stress on family systems with a contextual behavioral science lens
Psychological flexibility and inflexibility as sources of resiliency and risk during a pandemic: Modeling the cascade of COVID-19 stress on family systems with a contextual behavioral science lens CommunityProcess-based functional analysis can help behavioral science step up to novel challenges: COVID - 19 as an example
Process-based functional analysis can help behavioral science step up to novel challenges: COVID - 19 as an example ms.marissadonahueModeling suicide risk among parents during the COVID-19 pandemic: Psychological inflexibility exacerbates the impact of COVID-19 stressors on interpersonal risk factors for suicide
Modeling suicide risk among parents during the COVID-19 pandemic: Psychological inflexibility exacerbates the impact of COVID-19 stressors on interpersonal risk factors for suicide ms.marissadonahuePsychological inflexibility and intolerance of uncertainty moderate the relationship between social isolation and mental health outcomes during COVID-19
Psychological inflexibility and intolerance of uncertainty moderate the relationship between social isolation and mental health outcomes during COVID-19 ms.marissadonahueGrowth in crisis: A mixed methods study of lessons from our patients with chronic pain during the COVID-19 pandemic
Growth in crisis: A mixed methods study of lessons from our patients with chronic pain during the COVID-19 pandemic ms.marissadonahueCoping with the invisible enemy: The role of emotion regulation and awareness in quality of life during the COVID-19 pandemic
Coping with the invisible enemy: The role of emotion regulation and awareness in quality of life during the COVID-19 pandemic ms.marissadonahueThe role of psychological flexibility in the context of COVID-19: Associations with depression, anxiety, and insomnia
The role of psychological flexibility in the context of COVID-19: Associations with depression, anxiety, and insomnia ms.marissadonahuePsychological inflexibility and mental health symptoms during the COVID-19 lockdown in Spain: A longitudinal study
Psychological inflexibility and mental health symptoms during the COVID-19 lockdown in Spain: A longitudinal study ms.marissadonahueOccupational stressors, mental health, and sleep difficulty among nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic: The mediating roles of cognitive fusion and cognitive reappraisal
Occupational stressors, mental health, and sleep difficulty among nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic: The mediating roles of cognitive fusion and cognitive reappraisal ms.marissadonahueI won't comply because it is a hoax: Conspiracy beliefs, lockdown compliance, and the importance of psychological flexibility
I won't comply because it is a hoax: Conspiracy beliefs, lockdown compliance, and the importance of psychological flexibility ms.marissadonahuePredicting personal protective equipment use, trauma symptoms, and physical symptoms in the USA during the early weeks of the COVID-19 lockdown (April 9–18, 2020)
Predicting personal protective equipment use, trauma symptoms, and physical symptoms in the USA during the early weeks of the COVID-19 lockdown (April 9–18, 2020) ms.marissadonahueDoes it help to talk about it? Co-rumination, internalizing symptoms, and committed action during the COVID-19 global pandemic
Does it help to talk about it? Co-rumination, internalizing symptoms, and committed action during the COVID-19 global pandemic ms.marissadonahueBehind the masks: A cross-sectional study on intolerance of uncertainty, perceived vulnerability to disease and psychological flexibility in relation to state anxiety and wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic
Behind the masks: A cross-sectional study on intolerance of uncertainty, perceived vulnerability to disease and psychological flexibility in relation to state anxiety and wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic ms.marissadonahueSpecial Issue on Interbehaviorism as Contextualism; Guest Edited by Karen Kate Kellum and Troy Du Frene
Special Issue on Interbehaviorism as Contextualism; Guest Edited by Karen Kate Kellum and Troy Du FreneThis Special Issue consists of commentaries on Hayes, L.J. and Fryling, M.J. (2019) and interbehaviorism.
A pragmatic sign theory of truth for the behavioral sciences
A pragmatic sign theory of truth for the behavioral sciences CommunityDescriptive Contextualism in service of Functional Contextualistic aims: A practitioner's perspective on Hayes and Fryling (2019)
Descriptive Contextualism in service of Functional Contextualistic aims: A practitioner's perspective on Hayes and Fryling (2019) CommunitySeeking to be serviceable some reflections on Hayes and Fryling (2019)
Seeking to be serviceable some reflections on Hayes and Fryling (2019) CommunitySelection by consequence: A response to Hayes and Fryling (2019)
Selection by consequence: A response to Hayes and Fryling (2019) ms.marissadonahueInterbehavior as a Clinical Focus in CBS: A Response to Hayes and Fryling, 2019
Interbehavior as a Clinical Focus in CBS: A Response to Hayes and Fryling, 2019 ms.marissadonahueIn support of reacquainting functional contextualism and interbehaviorism
In support of reacquainting functional contextualism and interbehaviorism ms.marissadonahueSpecial Issue on Contextual Behavioral Science and the Psychedelic Renaissance; Guest Edited by Jason Luoma, Lance McCracken, Rosalind Watts and Alan Kooi Davis
Special Issue on Contextual Behavioral Science and the Psychedelic Renaissance; Guest Edited by Jason Luoma, Lance McCracken, Rosalind Watts and Alan Kooi DavisScientific research into psychedelic agents is undergoing a renaissance. Decades after clinical research into the therapeutic value of psychedelic compounds was halted, significant clinical research restarted in the 1990s and has been rapidly accelerating in recent years. To date, clinical research has demonstrated preliminary efficacy and safety of psychedelic compounds across a number of clinical presentations, with research currently heading into Phase III trials that will conceivably lead to regulatory changes allowing the prescription of at least some psychedelic compounds.
At least two current clinical trials of psychedelic assisted psychotherapy are using principles derived from Contextual Behavioral Science (CBS) to guide therapy implementation. CBS is uniquely suited to understanding psychedelic experience and informing how to strengthen and maintain the often profound acute effects of these compounds. The aim of this special issue is to summarize the current state of the literature relating to psychedelic assisted psychotherapy, introduce how clinical interventions based on CBS could be used in psychedelic assisted psychotherapy, and present new and innovative contributions from the CBS that can inform future research on psychedelics.
Integrating contextual behavioral science with research on psychedelic assisted therapy: Introduction to the special section
Integrating contextual behavioral science with research on psychedelic assisted therapy: Introduction to the special section CommunityToward a contextual psychedelic-assisted therapy: Perspectives from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and contextual behavioral science
Toward a contextual psychedelic-assisted therapy: Perspectives from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and contextual behavioral science CommunityExploring the case for research on incorporating psychedelics within interventions for borderline personality disorder
Exploring the case for research on incorporating psychedelics within interventions for borderline personality disorder CommunityPsilocybin-assisted therapy of major depressive disorder using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as a therapeutic frame
Psilocybin-assisted therapy of major depressive disorder using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as a therapeutic frame CommunityPsychedelics and psychological flexibility – Results of a prospective web-survey using the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire II
Psychedelics and psychological flexibility – Results of a prospective web-survey using the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire II CommunityThe centrality of sense of self in psychological flexibility processes: What the neurobiological and psychological correlates of psychedelics suggest
The centrality of sense of self in psychological flexibility processes: What the neurobiological and psychological correlates of psychedelics suggest CommunityPsychological flexibility mediates the relations between acute psychedelic effects and subjective decreases in depression and anxiety
Psychological flexibility mediates the relations between acute psychedelic effects and subjective decreases in depression and anxiety CommunityThe use of the psychological flexibility model to support psychedelic assisted therapy
The use of the psychological flexibility model to support psychedelic assisted therapy CommunitySpecial Issue on Measurement in JCBS; Edited by Karen Kate Kellum
Special Issue on Measurement in JCBS; Edited by Karen Kate KellumThis Special Issue consists of articles on the topic of measurements through the CBS lens.
Tracking measurement behavior and correcting course: Introduction to the special issue on measurement in JCBS
Tracking measurement behavior and correcting course: Introduction to the special issue on measurement in JCBS CommunityClarifying the nature and purpose of behavioral assessment: A response to Newsome et al.
Clarifying the nature and purpose of behavioral assessment: A response to Newsome et al. CommunityHow contextual behavioral scientists measure and report about behavior: A review of JCBS
How contextual behavioral scientists measure and report about behavior: A review of JCBS CommunityMarching our values forward: Progressing contextual behavioral science in line with its core epistemic assumptions
Marching our values forward: Progressing contextual behavioral science in line with its core epistemic assumptions CommunityWant to see more behavior? Consider institutional-level positive reinforcement
Want to see more behavior? Consider institutional-level positive reinforcement CommunitySpecial Issue on ACT Process Measurement; Guest Edited by Maria Karekla and Nuno Ferreira
Special Issue on ACT Process Measurement; Guest Edited by Maria Karekla and Nuno FerreiraThis Special Issue consists of articles on the topic of ACT Process Measurement.
A review of AAQ variants and other context-specific measures of psychological flexibility
A review of AAQ variants and other context-specific measures of psychological flexibility CommunityA systematic review of values measures in acceptance and commitment therapy research
A systematic review of values measures in acceptance and commitment therapy research CommunityAssessing psychological flexibility: Validation of the Open and Engaged State Questionnaire
Assessing psychological flexibility: Validation of the Open and Engaged State Questionnaire CommunityAssessing psychological inflexibility in hoarding: The Acceptance and Action Questionnaire for Hoarding (AAQH)
Assessing psychological inflexibility in hoarding: The Acceptance and Action Questionnaire for Hoarding (AAQH) CommunityAssessing psychological inflexibility in university students: Development and validation of the acceptance and action questionnaire for university students (AAQ-US)
Assessing psychological inflexibility in university students: Development and validation of the acceptance and action questionnaire for university students (AAQ-US) CommunityAssessing the valuing process in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: Experts' review of the current status and recommendations for future measure development
Assessing the valuing process in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: Experts' review of the current status and recommendations for future measure development CommunityDevelopment and initial validation of the Generalized Pliance Questionnaire
Development and initial validation of the Generalized Pliance Questionnaire CommunityFurther validation of the Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire for Adolescents in a broader paediatric context
Further validation of the Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire for Adolescents in a broader paediatric context CommunityNetwork analysis: A new psychometric approach to examine the underlying ACT model components
Network analysis: A new psychometric approach to examine the underlying ACT model components CommunityPreliminary psychometric properties of the Everyday Psychological Inflexibility Checklist
Preliminary psychometric properties of the Everyday Psychological Inflexibility Checklist CommunityPreliminary validation and reliability assessment of a 10-item Tacting of Function Scale
Preliminary validation and reliability assessment of a 10-item Tacting of Function Scale CommunityPsychometric properties of acceptance measures: A systematic review
Psychometric properties of acceptance measures: A systematic review CommunityPsychometric properties of the Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire – Youth in Colombia
Psychometric properties of the Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire – Youth in Colombia CommunityScaling-up assessment from a contextual behavioral science perspective: Potential uses of technology for analysis of unstructured text data
Scaling-up assessment from a contextual behavioral science perspective: Potential uses of technology for analysis of unstructured text data CommunityThe Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II) as a measure of experiential avoidance: Concerns over discriminant validity
The Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II) as a measure of experiential avoidance: Concerns over discriminant validity CommunityThe initial validation of a state version of the Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire
The initial validation of a state version of the Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire CommunitySpecial Issue on ACT for Autism and Related Disorders; Guest Edited by Jonathan Tarbox and Evelyn Gould
Special Issue on ACT for Autism and Related Disorders; Guest Edited by Jonathan Tarbox and Evelyn GouldThis Special Issue consists of a series of reviews on the use of ACT for Autism and Related Disorders.
Acceptance and Commitment Training for reducing inflexible behaviors in children with autism
Acceptance and Commitment Training for reducing inflexible behaviors in children with autism CommunityEffects of a brief mindfulness-infused behavioral parent training for mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder
Effects of a brief mindfulness-infused behavioral parent training for mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder CommunityEvaluating the effects of Acceptance and Commitment Training on the overt behavior of parents of children with autism
Evaluating the effects of Acceptance and Commitment Training on the overt behavior of parents of children with autism CommunityRandomized controlled trial of a brief acceptance and commitment training for parents of individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders
Randomized controlled trial of a brief acceptance and commitment training for parents of individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders CommunitySurfing the Urge: An informal mindfulness practice for the self-management of aggression by adolescents with autism spectrum disorder
Surfing the Urge: An informal mindfulness practice for the self-management of aggression by adolescents with autism spectrum disorder CommunityThe impact of mindfulness skills on interactions between direct care staff and adults with developmental disabilities
The impact of mindfulness skills on interactions between direct care staff and adults with developmental disabilities CommunitySpecial Issue on Conceptual Developments in Relational Frame Theory: Research and Practice
Special Issue on Conceptual Developments in Relational Frame Theory: Research and PracticeThis Special Issue consists of articles on innovations and implications of Relational Frame Theory (RFT).
Guest Editors:
Dermot Barnes-Holmes - Ghent University, Belgium
Yvonne Barnes-Holmes - Ghent University, Belgiumv Ian Stewart - National University of Ireland, Ireland
Thomas Parling - Karolinska Institute, Centre for Psychiatry Research, Sweden
Introduction to the special issue on conceptual developments in relational frame theory: Background, content, and the challenge going forward
Introduction to the special issue on conceptual developments in relational frame theory: Background, content, and the challenge going forward CommunityCarrying the baton: Evolution science and a contextual behavioral analysis of language and cognition
Carrying the baton: Evolution science and a contextual behavioral analysis of language and cognition CommunityConceptual advances in the cognitive neuroscience of learning: Implications for relational frame theory
Conceptual advances in the cognitive neuroscience of learning: Implications for relational frame theory CommunityEmpirical advances in studying relational networks
Empirical advances in studying relational networks CommunityEnvironmental regularities as a concept for carving up the realm of learning research: Implications for Relational Frame Theory
Environmental regularities as a concept for carving up the realm of learning research: Implications for Relational Frame Theory CommunityFrom the IRAP and REC model to a multi-dimensional multi-level framework for analyzing the dynamics of arbitrarily applicable relational responding
From the IRAP and REC model to a multi-dimensional multi-level framework for analyzing the dynamics of arbitrarily applicable relational responding CommunityThe PIIRAP: An alternative scoring algorithm for the IRAP using a probabilistic semiparametric effect size measure
The PIIRAP: An alternative scoring algorithm for the IRAP using a probabilistic semiparametric effect size measure CommunityThe relationship between derived mutually entailed relations and the function of challenging behavior in children with autism: Comparing the PEAK-E-PA and the QABF
The relationship between derived mutually entailed relations and the function of challenging behavior in children with autism: Comparing the PEAK-E-PA and the QABF CommunityUsing conceptual developments in RFT to direct case formulation and clinical intervention: Two case summaries
Using conceptual developments in RFT to direct case formulation and clinical intervention: Two case summaries CommunitySpecial Issue on Ontological and epistemological controversies in contextual behavioral science
Special Issue on Ontological and epistemological controversies in contextual behavioral scienceThis Special Issue consists of commentaries on ontology and epistemological controversies in CBS.
Guest Editor: Louise Hayes - Clinical Psychologist, Australia
Perspectives on the nature of being, becoming and reality from contextual behavioral science
Perspectives on the nature of being, becoming and reality from contextual behavioral science CommunityBeyond What “Is” and What “Is-Not”
Beyond What “Is” and What “Is-Not” CommunityBreaking the ontology taboo: Reply to Monestès and Villatte
Breaking the ontology taboo: Reply to Monestès and Villatte CommunityContextualism, psychological science, and the question of ontology
Contextualism, psychological science, and the question of ontology CommunityThe Functional Contextual a-ontological stance and Bas C. van Fraassen’s Constructive Empiricism
The Functional Contextual a-ontological stance and Bas C. van Fraassen’s Constructive Empiricism CommunityThe language of ontology is the subject matter of behavioral science
The language of ontology is the subject matter of behavioral science CommunitySpecial Issue on Technical, Practical and Analytic Innovations in Single Case Designs for Contextual Behavioral Scientists
Special Issue on Technical, Practical and Analytic Innovations in Single Case Designs for Contextual Behavioral ScientistsThis Special Issue consists of articles on innovations for single case designs.
Guest Editor: Roger Vilardaga - Duke University School of Medicine, USA
Technical, practical and analytic innovations in single case designs for contextual behavioral scientists
Technical, practical and analytic innovations in single case designs for contextual behavioral scientists CommunityRandomization tests for single-case experiments: State of the art, state of the science, and state of the application
Randomization tests for single-case experiments: State of the art, state of the science, and state of the application CommunityRandomization tests: A new gold standard?
Randomization tests: A new gold standard? CommunitySingle case designs in clinical practice: A contemporary CBS perspective on why and how to
Single case designs in clinical practice: A contemporary CBS perspective on why and how to CommunityThe promise of mobile technologies and single case designs for the study of individuals in their natural environment
The promise of mobile technologies and single case designs for the study of individuals in their natural environment CommunitySubmitting an article to JCBS
Submitting an article to JCBSJCBS welcomes a wide range of submissions including Empirical studies; Brief reports on preliminary, but provocative findings; Reviews (systematic reviews and meta-analyses are preferred); Conceptual and philosophical papers on contextual behavioral science; Practical innovations; and Commentaries. We are particularly interested in: Papers emphasizing the study of core behavioral processes that are relevant to a broad range of human problems; Papers bridging different approaches (e.g., connecting behavioral approaches with cognitive views; or neurocognitive psychology; or evolutionary science); and Papers that challenge a contextual behavioral science approach from an informed perspective.
Volume 36 (April 2025)
Volume 36 (April 2025)In Progress
Perspectives on an integrated acceptance and commitment therapy and mindfulness meditation program: A qualitative study of veterans with chronic pain
Perspectives on an integrated acceptance and commitment therapy and mindfulness meditation program: A qualitative study of veterans with chronic pain ms.marissadonahueVolume 35 (January 2025)
Volume 35 (January 2025) ms.marissadonahueFeasibility of a brief, remote self-compassion intervention for employed mothers
Feasibility of a brief, remote self-compassion intervention for employed mothers ms.marissadonahueThe effect and mechanism of acceptance and commitment therapy for young adults’ appearance-based rejection sensitivity and social comparison based on appearances: A randomized controlled trial
The effect and mechanism of acceptance and commitment therapy for young adults’ appearance-based rejection sensitivity and social comparison based on appearances: A randomized controlled trial ms.marissadonahueThe Turkish validation of the short form of the Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire (AFQ-Y8): Factor structure, measurement invariance, and incremental validity
The Turkish validation of the short form of the Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire (AFQ-Y8): Factor structure, measurement invariance, and incremental validity ms.marissadonahueContextual approach to emotional and psychological support for Malaysian adolescents: Feasibility and pilot outcomes
Contextual approach to emotional and psychological support for Malaysian adolescents: Feasibility and pilot outcomes ms.marissadonahueConfucian-informed ACT for psychological flexibility, mental health, and sleep in college students: A randomized controlled trial
Confucian-informed ACT for psychological flexibility, mental health, and sleep in college students: A randomized controlled trial ms.marissadonahueA mixed methods study investigating alexithymia, experiential avoidance, and psychological distress: Insights into men with high externally oriented thinking
A mixed methods study investigating alexithymia, experiential avoidance, and psychological distress: Insights into men with high externally oriented thinking ms.marissadonahueSymbolic or derived generalization of fear and avoidance in humans: A systematic review
Symbolic or derived generalization of fear and avoidance in humans: A systematic review ms.marissadonahueExamining item content across nine psychological (in)flexibility scales: What do they measure?
Examining item content across nine psychological (in)flexibility scales: What do they measure? ms.marissadonahueAcceptance and commitment therapy for couples: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Acceptance and commitment therapy for couples: A systematic review and meta-analysis ms.marissadonahueAcceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) for pediatric chronic non-cancer pain: A systematic review
Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) for pediatric chronic non-cancer pain: A systematic review ms.marissadonahueA systematic review and narrative synthesis of the complex interplay between psychological flexibility and sleep health
A systematic review and narrative synthesis of the complex interplay between psychological flexibility and sleep health ms.marissadonahueTransforming strain into strength: Alleviating stress and burnout in special education teachers with ACT matrix intervention
Transforming strain into strength: Alleviating stress and burnout in special education teachers with ACT matrix intervention ms.marissadonahueExamining the effects of process-based therapy: A multiple baseline study
Examining the effects of process-based therapy: A multiple baseline study ms.marissadonahueIntroduction to the special issue on process-based therapy
Introduction to the special issue on process-based therapy ms.marissadonahueAdvancing the assessment of psychological flexibility: Development and validation of a novel context-sensitive measure in people with chronic physical illness
Advancing the assessment of psychological flexibility: Development and validation of a novel context-sensitive measure in people with chronic physical illness ms.marissadonahueLongitudinal associations between psychological flexibility and inflexibility dimensions: A cross-lagged panel network analysis
Longitudinal associations between psychological flexibility and inflexibility dimensions: A cross-lagged panel network analysis ms.marissadonahue2024 - Volumes 31-34
2024 - Volumes 31-34 CommunityVolume 34 (October 2024)
Volume 34 (October 2024) ms.marissadonahueLimited effects of phone coaching in an RCT of online self-guided acceptance and commitment therapy for chronic pain
Limited effects of phone coaching in an RCT of online self-guided acceptance and commitment therapy for chronic pain ms.marissadonahueAn acceptance and commitment therapy and mindfulness group intervention for the psychological and physical well-being of adults with body mass indexes in the overweight or obese range: The Mind&Life randomized controlled trial
An acceptance and commitment therapy and mindfulness group intervention for the psychological and physical well-being of adults with body mass indexes in the overweight or obese range: The Mind&Life randomized controlled trial ms.marissadonahueFeasibility, acceptability and outcomes of a contextual schema therapy-based mobile program for depressive symptoms in adults
Feasibility, acceptability and outcomes of a contextual schema therapy-based mobile program for depressive symptoms in adults ms.marissadonahueBehavioral interventions for teaching perspective-taking skills: A scoping review
Behavioral interventions for teaching perspective-taking skills: A scoping review ms.marissadonahueAvoiding the unwanted: A cross-cultural comprehensive analysis of experiential avoidance and a meta-analysis
Avoiding the unwanted: A cross-cultural comprehensive analysis of experiential avoidance and a meta-analysis ms.marissadonahueExistential therapies and the extended evolutionary meta-model: Turning existential philosophy into process-based therapy
Existential therapies and the extended evolutionary meta-model: Turning existential philosophy into process-based therapy ms.marissadonahueCapturing the context of drug use for college students: A contextual behavioural science informed qualitative analysis of harm reduction practices using network feedback loops simulation modelling
Capturing the context of drug use for college students: A contextual behavioural science informed qualitative analysis of harm reduction practices using network feedback loops simulation modelling ms.marissadonahueChanges in university students’ behaviour and study burnout risk during ACT-based online course intervention: A mixed methods study
Changes in university students’ behaviour and study burnout risk during ACT-based online course intervention: A mixed methods study ms.marissadonahueEffects of a randomized controlled trial of mobile app-based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on depressive symptoms and process variables in college students - Focusing on the mediating effects of acceptance and cognitive defusion-
Effects of a randomized controlled trial of mobile app-based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on depressive symptoms and process variables in college students - Focusing on the mediating effects of acceptance and cognitive defusion- ms.marissadonahueContextual-compassion training for borderline personality disorder with long lasting symptoms: A randomized clinical trial
Contextual-compassion training for borderline personality disorder with long lasting symptoms: A randomized clinical trial ms.marissadonahueEmotion dysregulation and psychological inflexibility in adolescents: Discriminant validity and associations with internalizing symptoms and functional impairment
Emotion dysregulation and psychological inflexibility in adolescents: Discriminant validity and associations with internalizing symptoms and functional impairment ms.marissadonahueThird wave interventions for adolescents with mental health disorders: A systematic review with meta-analysis
Third wave interventions for adolescents with mental health disorders: A systematic review with meta-analysis ms.marissadonahuePhysiological, behavioral, and self-report outcomes of acceptance- and regulation-based exposure for intrusive thoughts
Physiological, behavioral, and self-report outcomes of acceptance- and regulation-based exposure for intrusive thoughts ms.marissadonahueACT in school settings: A pilot study of ACT-based universal group psycho-educational program among Japanese early adolescents
ACT in school settings: A pilot study of ACT-based universal group psycho-educational program among Japanese early adolescents ms.marissadonahueEvaluating the core processes of a hybrid trauma-informed acceptance and commitment therapy intervention for college students
Evaluating the core processes of a hybrid trauma-informed acceptance and commitment therapy intervention for college students ms.marissadonahueExploring the interconnectedness of depression, anxiety, diabetes distress, and related psychosocial factors in adults with type 2 diabetes: A network analysis
Exploring the interconnectedness of depression, anxiety, diabetes distress, and related psychosocial factors in adults with type 2 diabetes: A network analysis ms.marissadonahueIs the AAQ-II that bad?
Is the AAQ-II that bad? ms.marissadonahueUnderstanding suicidal ideation through psychological flexibility and inflexibility: A network analysis perspective
Understanding suicidal ideation through psychological flexibility and inflexibility: A network analysis perspective ms.marissadonahueWeb-based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for adults living with cancer: A single case experimental design (SCED)
Web-based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for adults living with cancer: A single case experimental design (SCED) ms.marissadonahueVolume 33 (July 2024)
Volume 33 (July 2024) ms.marissadonahueAcceptance and commitment therapy: What the history of ACT and the first 1,000 randomized controlled trials reveal
Acceptance and commitment therapy: What the history of ACT and the first 1,000 randomized controlled trials reveal ms.marissadonahueBrief transdiagnostic group Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for acute inpatients with complex mental health conditions: A randomised pilot study using an active social control
Brief transdiagnostic group Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for acute inpatients with complex mental health conditions: A randomised pilot study using an active social control ms.marissadonahueChanges in metacognitions and executive functions during mindfulness and acceptance-based intervention among individuals with anxiety disorders: A randomized waitlist-controlled trial
Changes in metacognitions and executive functions during mindfulness and acceptance-based intervention among individuals with anxiety disorders: A randomized waitlist-controlled trial ms.marissadonahueCoping with emotional pain: An experimental comparison of acceptance vs. avoidance coping
Coping with emotional pain: An experimental comparison of acceptance vs. avoidance coping ms.marissadonahueDevelopment of the Southampton Experiential Avoidance and Acceptance Scale (SEAAS)
Development of the Southampton Experiential Avoidance and Acceptance Scale (SEAAS) ms.marissadonahueElucidating the process-based emphasis in cognitive behavioral therapy
Elucidating the process-based emphasis in cognitive behavioral therapy ms.marissadonahueEmotion regulation difficulties in depression and anxiety: Evidence from the dynamics of strategy use and daily affect
Emotion regulation difficulties in depression and anxiety: Evidence from the dynamics of strategy use and daily affect ms.marissadonahueExamining psychological flexibility in unaccompanied refugee minors: A network analysis
Examining psychological flexibility in unaccompanied refugee minors: A network analysis ms.marissadonahueExploring the impact of the first rule of Functional Analytic Psychotherapy on fear of intimacy, vulnerability, and responsiveness: An analog process analysis
Exploring the impact of the first rule of Functional Analytic Psychotherapy on fear of intimacy, vulnerability, and responsiveness: An analog process analysis ms.marissadonahueFocused Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Skills Training (FACT-ST) program for paraprofessionals serving families of children with special health care needs: A service evaluation study
Focused Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Skills Training (FACT-ST) program for paraprofessionals serving families of children with special health care needs: A service evaluation study ms.marissadonahueFrom mistakes to mastery: An idiographic microanalytical study comparing processes related to effective and ineffective outcomes in behavioral interventions
From mistakes to mastery: An idiographic microanalytical study comparing processes related to effective and ineffective outcomes in behavioral interventions ms.marissadonahueFurther evidence in support of psychological flexibility as a model of eudaimonic activity
Further evidence in support of psychological flexibility as a model of eudaimonic activity ms.marissadonahueGlobal and LMIC insights into Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): A bibliometric study from 1998 to 2023
Global and LMIC insights into Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): A bibliometric study from 1998 to 2023 ms.marissadonahueIncreasing workforce psychological flexibility through organization-wide training: Influence on stress resilience, job burnout, and performance
Increasing workforce psychological flexibility through organization-wide training: Influence on stress resilience, job burnout, and performance ms.marissadonahueLongitudinal effects of cognitive fusion in depressive and anxious symptoms of family caregivers of people with dementia
Longitudinal effects of cognitive fusion in depressive and anxious symptoms of family caregivers of people with dementia ms.marissadonahueMinority stress, mental health, and mindfulness and self-compassion as moderators among young sexual minority men: A moderated structural equation analysis
Minority stress, mental health, and mindfulness and self-compassion as moderators among young sexual minority men: A moderated structural equation analysis ms.marissadonahueOptimizing process-based therapy: A Boruta-driven approach to Identifying key clinical outcomes in a Swedish validation of the process-based assessment tool (PBAT)
Optimizing process-based therapy: A Boruta-driven approach to Identifying key clinical outcomes in a Swedish validation of the process-based assessment tool (PBAT) ms.marissadonahuePerformance-based acceptance and commitment training in a collegiate flight program
Performance-based acceptance and commitment training in a collegiate flight program ms.marissadonahuePilot evaluation of a self-help ACT intervention for palliative care patients
Pilot evaluation of a self-help ACT intervention for palliative care patients ms.marissadonahueSelf-compassion, difficulties in emotion regulation and eating psychopathology: Findings from an eating disorders clinical sample and a college sample
Self-compassion, difficulties in emotion regulation and eating psychopathology: Findings from an eating disorders clinical sample and a college sample ms.marissadonahueShared trauma: Examining the moderating role of parental psychological flexibility and self-compassion on PTSD and distress in refugee families
Shared trauma: Examining the moderating role of parental psychological flexibility and self-compassion on PTSD and distress in refugee families ms.marissadonahueSuicide is my only way: The longitudinal reciprocal relations of experiential avoidance, cognitive fusion, and suicidal ideation among adolescents
Suicide is my only way: The longitudinal reciprocal relations of experiential avoidance, cognitive fusion, and suicidal ideation among adolescents ms.marissadonahueSurrendering to thrive: Evaluating the psychometric properties of the State of Surrender (SoS) scale and its relationship with well-being
Surrendering to thrive: Evaluating the psychometric properties of the State of Surrender (SoS) scale and its relationship with well-being ms.marissadonahueThe Chinese version of the multidimensional psychological flexibility inventory short form (MPFI-24): Assessment of psychometric properties using classical test theory and network analysis
The Chinese version of the multidimensional psychological flexibility inventory short form (MPFI-24): Assessment of psychometric properties using classical test theory and network analysis ms.marissadonahueThe Mindful Healthcare Scale (MHS): Development and initial validation
The Mindful Healthcare Scale (MHS): Development and initial validation ms.marissadonahueThe effects of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) on psychological and physical outcomes among cancer patients and survivors: An umbrella review
The effects of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) on psychological and physical outcomes among cancer patients and survivors: An umbrella review ms.marissadonahueThe experiences of family caregiver and clinician facilitators implementing a co-delivered acceptance and commitment training (ACT) intervention
The experiences of family caregiver and clinician facilitators implementing a co-delivered acceptance and commitment training (ACT) intervention ms.marissadonahueThe relationship between psychosis and psychological flexibility and other acceptance and commitment therapy processes: A systematic review and meta-analysis
The relationship between psychosis and psychological flexibility and other acceptance and commitment therapy processes: A systematic review and meta-analysis ms.marissadonahueThe role of engaged living in the association between self-concealment and psychological distress among racially diverse college students in Hawaiʻi
The role of engaged living in the association between self-concealment and psychological distress among racially diverse college students in Hawaiʻi ms.marissadonahueTruce: Outcomes and mechanisms of change of a seven-week acceptance and commitment therapy program for young people whose parent has cancer
Truce: Outcomes and mechanisms of change of a seven-week acceptance and commitment therapy program for young people whose parent has cancer ms.marissadonahueWeight stigma and healthcare avoidance among women with obesity: The moderating roles of body image-related psychological inflexibility and cognitive fusion
Weight stigma and healthcare avoidance among women with obesity: The moderating roles of body image-related psychological inflexibility and cognitive fusion ms.marissadonahueWhat makes us strong: Conceptual and functional comparisons of psychological flexibility and resilience
What makes us strong: Conceptual and functional comparisons of psychological flexibility and resilience ms.marissadonahueVolume 32 (April 2024)
Volume 32 (April 2024) ms.marissadonahueAssessing psychological flexibility and mental health in adults: The Psy-Flex European Portuguese version
Assessing psychological flexibility and mental health in adults: The Psy-Flex European Portuguese version ms.marissadonahueSuicidality, gender identity-related stressors, and psychological flexibility among transgender and non-binary adults
Suicidality, gender identity-related stressors, and psychological flexibility among transgender and non-binary adults ms.marissadonahueAcceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) among U.S. veterans: A systematic review
Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) among U.S. veterans: A systematic review ms.marissadonahueThrough the extended evolutionary meta-model, and what ACT found there: ACT as a process-based therapy
Through the extended evolutionary meta-model, and what ACT found there: ACT as a process-based therapy ms.marissadonahueOncovox: A randomised controlled trial of a web-based acceptance and commitment therapy for breast cancer patients
Oncovox: A randomised controlled trial of a web-based acceptance and commitment therapy for breast cancer patients ms.marissadonahueStress and mental health: The role of emotional schemas and psychological flexibility in the context of COVID-19
Stress and mental health: The role of emotional schemas and psychological flexibility in the context of COVID-19 ms.marissadonahuePerspective taking reduces the correspondence bias: A systematically replication of Hooper et al. (2015)
Perspective taking reduces the correspondence bias: A systematically replication of Hooper et al. (2015) ms.marissadonahueTesting the applicability of idionomic statistics in longitudinal studies: The example of ‘doing what matters’
Testing the applicability of idionomic statistics in longitudinal studies: The example of ‘doing what matters’ ms.marissadonahueThe extended evolutionary meta-model and process-based therapy: Contemporary lenses for understanding functional analytic psychotherapy
The extended evolutionary meta-model and process-based therapy: Contemporary lenses for understanding functional analytic psychotherapy ms.marissadonahueApplying a process-based therapy approach to compassion focused therapy: A synergetic alliance
Applying a process-based therapy approach to compassion focused therapy: A synergetic alliance ms.marissadonahueInitial steps in developing acceptance and commitment therapy for moral injury among combat veterans: Two pilot studies
Initial steps in developing acceptance and commitment therapy for moral injury among combat veterans: Two pilot studies ms.marissadonahueA psychometric evaluation of the parental acceptance and action questionnaire (PAAQ) in parents of children with and without disabilities
A psychometric evaluation of the parental acceptance and action questionnaire (PAAQ) in parents of children with and without disabilities ms.marissadonahueA randomized controlled trial comparing two guided self-help Acceptance and Commitment Therapy formats to education on pain
A randomized controlled trial comparing two guided self-help Acceptance and Commitment Therapy formats to education on pain ms.marissadonahueA relational frame approach to perspective taking in persons with Borderline Personality Disorder
A relational frame approach to perspective taking in persons with Borderline Personality Disorder CommunityAttachment, emotion, and change: Emotionally focused individual therapy (EFIT) within a process-based therapy (PBT) framework
Attachment, emotion, and change: Emotionally focused individual therapy (EFIT) within a process-based therapy (PBT) framework ms.marissadonahueBridging eating disorder symptoms and psychological flexibility and inflexibility in racially diverse emerging adult women: A network analysis
Bridging eating disorder symptoms and psychological flexibility and inflexibility in racially diverse emerging adult women: A network analysis ms.marissadonahueBuilding a digital tool to support focused acceptance and commitment therapy practitioners in New Zealand primary care: A qualitative exploration of user needs to guide software feature development
Building a digital tool to support focused acceptance and commitment therapy practitioners in New Zealand primary care: A qualitative exploration of user needs to guide software feature development ms.marissadonahueChinese version of the simplified psychological flexibility scale-6 (C-Psy-Flex): Study of its psychometric properties from the perspective of classical test theory and network analysis
Chinese version of the simplified psychological flexibility scale-6 (C-Psy-Flex): Study of its psychometric properties from the perspective of classical test theory and network analysis ms.marissadonahueCombining acceptance and commitment therapy with adventure therapy to face vulnerability: Examples and insights from a sailing experience
Combining acceptance and commitment therapy with adventure therapy to face vulnerability: Examples and insights from a sailing experience ms.marissadonahueCulturally relevant acceptance-based telehealth wellness program for Latine adults who smoke and experience psychological distress: Findings from a feasibility study
Culturally relevant acceptance-based telehealth wellness program for Latine adults who smoke and experience psychological distress: Findings from a feasibility study ms.marissadonahueEffectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy for addictive behaviors: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy for addictive behaviors: A systematic review and meta-analysis ms.marissadonahueEffectiveness of an abbreviated version of the automated attention training technique (ATT) for stress reduction in a non-clinical sample—A randomized controlled trial
Effectiveness of an abbreviated version of the automated attention training technique (ATT) for stress reduction in a non-clinical sample—A randomized controlled trial ms.marissadonahueEngagement with mental health and health behavior change interventions: An integrative review of key concepts
Engagement with mental health and health behavior change interventions: An integrative review of key concepts ms.marissadonahueFACT: A pilot study of process-based therapy to promote occupational well-being
FACT: A pilot study of process-based therapy to promote occupational well-being ms.marissadonahueFood Thought Suppression Inventory: Item response theory and measurement invariance in Portuguese adults
Food Thought Suppression Inventory: Item response theory and measurement invariance in Portuguese adults ms.marissadonahuePractice matters: The role of mindfulness skills in emotion dysregulation in borderline personality disorder
Practice matters: The role of mindfulness skills in emotion dysregulation in borderline personality disorder ms.marissadonahueRemediating rigid rule-following in subclinical obsessive-compulsive disorder using a brief mindfulness task: A case-control pilot study
Remediating rigid rule-following in subclinical obsessive-compulsive disorder using a brief mindfulness task: A case-control pilot study ms.marissadonahueTelehealth acceptance and commitment therapy for adolescents with transdiagnostic health-related anxiety: A pilot randomized controlled trial
Telehealth acceptance and commitment therapy for adolescents with transdiagnostic health-related anxiety: A pilot randomized controlled trial ms.marissadonahueThe compassion connection: Experience sampling insights into romantic attraction
The compassion connection: Experience sampling insights into romantic attraction ms.marissadonahueThe developmental trajectory of college students’ psychological flexibility: Based on latent growth model
The developmental trajectory of college students’ psychological flexibility: Based on latent growth model ms.marissadonahueThe impact of functional class and depressive symptomatology on rule-based insensitivity
The impact of functional class and depressive symptomatology on rule-based insensitivity ms.marissadonahueTwo-session contextual couples therapy via videoconferencing in Japan: A feasibility randomized controlled trial
Two-session contextual couples therapy via videoconferencing in Japan: A feasibility randomized controlled trial ms.marissadonahueUnveiling the mirage of mindfulness profiles through mindfulness-based stress reduction
Unveiling the mirage of mindfulness profiles through mindfulness-based stress reduction ms.marissadonahueValidation of the Spanish version of the body image acceptance and action questionnaire (BI-AAQ-Spanish): Measurement invariance across cultures
Validation of the Spanish version of the body image acceptance and action questionnaire (BI-AAQ-Spanish): Measurement invariance across cultures ms.marissadonahueA fresh lens on psychological flexibility: Using network analysis and the Unified Flexibility and Mindfulness Model to uncover paths to wellbeing and distress
A fresh lens on psychological flexibility: Using network analysis and the Unified Flexibility and Mindfulness Model to uncover paths to wellbeing and distress ms.marissadonahueEffects of acceptance and commitment therapy-based intervention on fatigue interference and health-related quality of life in patients with advanced lung cancer: A randomised controlled trial
Effects of acceptance and commitment therapy-based intervention on fatigue interference and health-related quality of life in patients with advanced lung cancer: A randomised controlled trial ms.marissadonahueA call for qualitative research in Contextual Behavioral Science
A call for qualitative research in Contextual Behavioral Science ms.marissadonahueVolume 31 (January 2024)
Volume 31 (January 2024) ms.marissadonahueProfiles of psychological flexibility in Japan: A conceptual replication
Profiles of psychological flexibility in Japan: A conceptual replication ms.marissadonahueThe acceptability, feasibility and preliminary efficacy of acceptance and commitment therapy for adolescents in the management of overweight or obesity: A scoping review
The acceptability, feasibility and preliminary efficacy of acceptance and commitment therapy for adolescents in the management of overweight or obesity: A scoping review ms.marissadonahueGroup acceptance and commitment therapy for adolescent anxiety: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Group acceptance and commitment therapy for adolescent anxiety: A systematic review and meta-analysis ms.marissadonahueA map of living: Moving through the variations of life with the guidance of metaphors
A map of living: Moving through the variations of life with the guidance of metaphors ms.marissadonahuePreliminary feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness of a pilot telehealth-based intensive outpatient program incorporating acceptance and commitment therapy for adolescents with obsessive compulsive disorder
Preliminary feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness of a pilot telehealth-based intensive outpatient program incorporating acceptance and commitment therapy for adolescents with obsessive compulsive disorder ms.marissadonahueA multi-sample investigation of psychological flexibility processes and reactive and proactive functions of aggression
A multi-sample investigation of psychological flexibility processes and reactive and proactive functions of aggression ms.marissadonahueVerbal relations in the context of university experience: An exploratory analysis using a relational density theoretical framework and case example
Verbal relations in the context of university experience: An exploratory analysis using a relational density theoretical framework and case example ms.marissadonahuePsychometric properties and measurement invariance of the Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory- Persian (MPFI-P): An extensive investigation of long and short versions in community and clinical samples
Psychometric properties and measurement invariance of the Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory- Persian (MPFI-P): An extensive investigation of long and short versions in community and clinical samples ms.marissadonahueAcceptability of ACT group intervention for adolescents with type 1 diabetes
Acceptability of ACT group intervention for adolescents with type 1 diabetes ms.marissadonahueHeavy drinking and psychological intimate partner aggression (IPA): The interactive effects of experiential avoidance and trait anger
Heavy drinking and psychological intimate partner aggression (IPA): The interactive effects of experiential avoidance and trait anger ms.marissadonahueExploring psychological flexibility as in-treatment behaviour during internet-delivered acceptance and commitment therapy for paediatric chronic pain: Occurrence and relation to outcome
Exploring psychological flexibility as in-treatment behaviour during internet-delivered acceptance and commitment therapy for paediatric chronic pain: Occurrence and relation to outcome ms.marissadonahueDevelopment and validation of a Japanese version of the Teachers Acceptance and Action Questionnaire
Development and validation of a Japanese version of the Teachers Acceptance and Action Questionnaire ms.marissadonahueEmotional labor and emotional exhaustion in psychologists: Preliminary evidence for the protective role of self-compassion and psychological flexibility
Emotional labor and emotional exhaustion in psychologists: Preliminary evidence for the protective role of self-compassion and psychological flexibility ms.marissadonahueSupporting employers and their employees with mental hEalth conditions to remain eNgaged and producTive at wORk (MENTOR): A feasibility randomised controlled trial
Supporting employers and their employees with mental hEalth conditions to remain eNgaged and producTive at wORk (MENTOR): A feasibility randomised controlled trial ms.marissadonahueThe relation between ADHD symptoms and alcohol and cannabis use outcomes in a cross-sectional study of college students: The mediating role of experiential avoidance
The relation between ADHD symptoms and alcohol and cannabis use outcomes in a cross-sectional study of college students: The mediating role of experiential avoidance ms.marissadonahue2023 - Volumes 27-30
2023 - Volumes 27-30 CommunityVolume 30 (October 2023)
Volume 30 (October 2023) ms.marissadonahueAssessing the functions of Japanese words for self using the implicit relational assessment procedure (Pages 1-7)
Assessing the functions of Japanese words for self using the implicit relational assessment procedure (Pages 1-7) ms.marissadonahueApplying concepts of relational density theory to climate related consumer behavior: A contextual extension study (Pages 8-19)
Applying concepts of relational density theory to climate related consumer behavior: A contextual extension study (Pages 8-19) ms.marissadonahueAcceptance and commitment training for reducing burnout in medical students during a clinical clerkship in psychiatry and palliative care: A pilot study (Pages 20-30)
Acceptance and commitment training for reducing burnout in medical students during a clinical clerkship in psychiatry and palliative care: A pilot study (Pages 20-30) ms.marissadonahueWays of responding to body image threats: Development of the Body Image Flexibility and Inflexibility Scale for youth (Pages 31-40)
Ways of responding to body image threats: Development of the Body Image Flexibility and Inflexibility Scale for youth (Pages 31-40) ms.marissadonahueLiving well on haemodialysis: Feasibility and acceptability trial of an online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) programme for people receiving kidney haemodialysis (Pages 41-49)
Living well on haemodialysis: Feasibility and acceptability trial of an online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) programme for people receiving kidney haemodialysis (Pages 41-49) ms.marissadonahuePreliminary efficacy of an acceptance-based diabetes education (ACT-DE) programme for people with type 2 diabetes on diabetes distress and self-care behaviours: A pilot randomised controlled trial (Pages 50-60)
Preliminary efficacy of an acceptance-based diabetes education (ACT-DE) programme for people with type 2 diabetes on diabetes distress and self-care behaviours: A pilot randomised controlled trial (Pages 50-60) ms.marissadonahueMeasurement of psychological flexibility in the context of parenting: A scoping review (Pages 61-69)
Measurement of psychological flexibility in the context of parenting: A scoping review (Pages 61-69) ms.marissadonahuePsychometric properties of the Psy-flex scale: A validation study in a community sample in Korea (Pages 70-79)
Psychometric properties of the Psy-flex scale: A validation study in a community sample in Korea (Pages 70-79) ms.marissadonahuePerceptions and experiences of acceptance and commitment therapy among people with mental disorders: A qualitative systematic review (Pages 80-96)
Perceptions and experiences of acceptance and commitment therapy among people with mental disorders: A qualitative systematic review (Pages 80-96) ms.marissadonahueReintegration challenges among post-9/11 veterans: The role of mental health symptoms and resilience- and avoidance-based coping strategies (Pages 97-105)
Reintegration challenges among post-9/11 veterans: The role of mental health symptoms and resilience- and avoidance-based coping strategies (Pages 97-105) ms.marissadonahueAge differences in acceptance and commitment therapy for chronic pain (Pages 106-111)
Age differences in acceptance and commitment therapy for chronic pain (Pages 106-111) ms.marissadonahueThe role of psychological flexibility and socioeconomic status in adolescent identity development (Pages 112-120)
The role of psychological flexibility and socioeconomic status in adolescent identity development (Pages 112-120) ms.marissadonahueThe development and validation of the experiential avoidance rating scale (EARS): A self-report questionnaire that might actually measure experiential avoidance (Pages 121-131)
The development and validation of the experiential avoidance rating scale (EARS): A self-report questionnaire that might actually measure experiential avoidance (Pages 121-131) ms.marissadonahueCharacterizing the effects of self-compassion interventions on anxiety: Meta-analytic evidence from randomized controlled studies (Pages 132-141)
Characterizing the effects of self-compassion interventions on anxiety: Meta-analytic evidence from randomized controlled studies (Pages 132-141) ms.marissadonahueUsing the ACT matrix to improve sleep: A practical guide for implementing the "what" and the "how" of sleep hygiene (Pages 142-154)
Using the ACT matrix to improve sleep: A practical guide for implementing the "what" and the "how" of sleep hygiene (Pages 142-154) ms.marissadonahueOn the measurement of relational responding (Pages 155-168)
On the measurement of relational responding (Pages 155-168) ms.marissadonahueThe effect of acceptance and commitment therapy on the psychological flexibility and inflexibility of undergraduate students: A systematic review and three-level meta-analysis (Pages 169-180)
The effect of acceptance and commitment therapy on the psychological flexibility and inflexibility of undergraduate students: A systematic review and three-level meta-analysis (Pages 169-180) ms.marissadonahueThe effect of DNA-V model intervention on learning behaviors and stress in Chinese adolescents: A randomized controlled trial (Pages 181-190)
The effect of DNA-V model intervention on learning behaviors and stress in Chinese adolescents: A randomized controlled trial (Pages 181-190) ms.marissadonahue“Becoming a values-driven self-care user”: Development of a group intervention for health and helping professional students (Pages 191-202)
“Becoming a values-driven self-care user”: Development of a group intervention for health and helping professional students (Pages 191-202) ms.marissadonahueInstructing via relations: Function transformations of response and consequence functions of upcoming contingencies (Pages 203-209)
Instructing via relations: Function transformations of response and consequence functions of upcoming contingencies (Pages 203-209) ms.marissadonahueThe theoretical basis of a functional-descriptive approach to qualitative research in CBS: With a focus on narrative analysis and practice (Pages 210-216)
The theoretical basis of a functional-descriptive approach to qualitative research in CBS: With a focus on narrative analysis and practice (Pages 210-216) ms.marissadonahueVolume 29 (July 2023)
Volume 29 (July 2023) ms.marissadonahueThe effect of brief acceptance and commitment training on values-based behaviors of Japanese parents of children with autism (Pages 1-12)
The effect of brief acceptance and commitment training on values-based behaviors of Japanese parents of children with autism (Pages 1-12) ms.marissadonahueDisentangling trait and state psychological inflexibility: A longitudinal multilevel approach (Pages 13-22)
Disentangling trait and state psychological inflexibility: A longitudinal multilevel approach (Pages 13-22) ms.marissadonahueWhat is distress tolerance? Presenting a need for conceptual clarification based on qualitative findings (Pages 23-32)
What is distress tolerance? Presenting a need for conceptual clarification based on qualitative findings (Pages 23-32) ms.marissadonahueWeb-based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for adults with type 1 diabetes: A single case experimental design (SCED) (Pages 33-45)
Web-based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for adults with type 1 diabetes: A single case experimental design (SCED) (Pages 33-45) ms.marissadonahueEffectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on self-care, psychological symptoms, and quality of life in patients with cardiovascular disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis (Pages 46-58)
Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on self-care, psychological symptoms, and quality of life in patients with cardiovascular disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis (Pages 46-58) ms.marissadonahueThe CompACT-10: Development and validation of a Comprehensive assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy processes short-form in representative UK samples (Pages 59-66)
The CompACT-10: Development and validation of a Comprehensive assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy processes short-form in representative UK samples (Pages 59-66) ms.marissadonahueAn online contextual schema therapy workshop for social anxiety symptoms – A randomized controlled trial (Pages 67-75)
An online contextual schema therapy workshop for social anxiety symptoms – A randomized controlled trial (Pages 67-75) ms.marissadonahueBrief acceptance and commitment therapy added to medication management during acute alcohol detoxification: A pilot randomized controlled effectiveness trial (Pages 76-85)
Brief acceptance and commitment therapy added to medication management during acute alcohol detoxification: A pilot randomized controlled effectiveness trial (Pages 76-85) ms.marissadonahueA systematic review of null hypothesis significance testing, sample sizes, and statistical power in research using the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (Pages 86-97)
A systematic review of null hypothesis significance testing, sample sizes, and statistical power in research using the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (Pages 86-97) ms.marissadonahueExamining coaches' asynchronous written feedback in two blended ACT-based interventions for enhancing university students' wellbeing and reducing psychological distress: A randomized study (Pages 98-108)
Examining coaches' asynchronous written feedback in two blended ACT-based interventions for enhancing university students' wellbeing and reducing psychological distress: A randomized study (Pages 98-108) ms.marissadonahueAcceptance and commitment therapy in parents of children with cancer at psychosocial risk: A randomized multiple baseline evaluation (Pages 109-121)
Acceptance and commitment therapy in parents of children with cancer at psychosocial risk: A randomized multiple baseline evaluation (Pages 109-121) ms.marissadonahueA systematic review of inclusion of minoritized populations in randomized controlled trials of acceptance and commitment therapy (Pages 122-130)
A systematic review of inclusion of minoritized populations in randomized controlled trials of acceptance and commitment therapy (Pages 122-130) ms.marissadonahueDoes the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire measure the same constructs before and after ACT-based treatment? Examination of the longitudinal measurement invariance of the 24-item FFMQ-SF (Pages 131-139)
Does the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire measure the same constructs before and after ACT-based treatment? Examination of the longitudinal measurement invariance of the 24-item FFMQ-SF (Pages 131-139) ms.marissadonahueMonitoring change in heart rate variability following acceptance and commitment therapy for chronic pain: Results of a randomized controlled trial for individuals with neurofibromatosis type 1 (Pages 140-146)
Monitoring change in heart rate variability following acceptance and commitment therapy for chronic pain: Results of a randomized controlled trial for individuals with neurofibromatosis type 1 (Pages 140-146) ms.marissadonahueAssessing acceptance and commitment therapy for adolescent mental health: Single-case A-B design with high temporal density assessments (Pages 147-159)
Assessing acceptance and commitment therapy for adolescent mental health: Single-case A-B design with high temporal density assessments (Pages 147-159) ms.marissadonahueAcceptability of an adapted mindfulness and acceptance-based intervention to support adolescents with HIV: A qualitative study with Ugandan health care providers (Pages 160-168)
Acceptability of an adapted mindfulness and acceptance-based intervention to support adolescents with HIV: A qualitative study with Ugandan health care providers (Pages 160-168) ms.marissadonahueCorrigendum to “Feasibility and effect of a self-help online acceptance and commitment therapy program focused on repetitive negative thinking for Colombian young women” (Pages 169-170)
Corrigendum to “Feasibility and effect of a self-help online acceptance and commitment therapy program focused on repetitive negative thinking for Colombian young women” (Pages 169-170) ms.marissadonahueThe impact of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) on the psychological defense mechanism and weight loss program: A randomized controlled trial among university students during COVID-19 movement control order (Pages 171-181)
The impact of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) on the psychological defense mechanism and weight loss program: A randomized controlled trial among university students during COVID-19 movement control order (Pages 171-181) ms.marissadonahueMindfulness and cognitive emotion regulation in pediatric misophonia (Pages 182-191)
Mindfulness and cognitive emotion regulation in pediatric misophonia (Pages 182-191) ms.marissadonahueThe interplay among BMI, body dissatisfaction, body appreciation, and body image inflexibility in Chinese young adults: A network perspective (Pages 192-201)
The interplay among BMI, body dissatisfaction, body appreciation, and body image inflexibility in Chinese young adults: A network perspective (Pages 192-201) ms.marissadonahueThe relationship between parental stress and psychological adjustment of the children: The role of parental psychological flexibility as a mediator (Pages 202-208)
The relationship between parental stress and psychological adjustment of the children: The role of parental psychological flexibility as a mediator (Pages 202-208) ms.marissadonahueEcological momentary assessment of state fluctuations in mindfulness and symptoms in psychotic disorders (Pages 219-229)
Ecological momentary assessment of state fluctuations in mindfulness and symptoms in psychotic disorders (Pages 219-229) ms.marissadonahueRacial microaggressions and trauma symptoms in a black American sample: The moderating role of self-compassion (Pages 209-218)
Racial microaggressions and trauma symptoms in a black American sample: The moderating role of self-compassion (Pages 209-218) ms.marissadonahueUsing group-based interactive video teleconferencing to make self-compassion more accessible: A randomized controlled trial (Pages 230-239)
Using group-based interactive video teleconferencing to make self-compassion more accessible: A randomized controlled trial (Pages 230-239) ms.marissadonahueThe impact of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) on quality of life and symptom improvement among chronic health conditions: A systematic review and meta-analysis (Pages 240-253)
The impact of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) on quality of life and symptom improvement among chronic health conditions: A systematic review and meta-analysis (Pages 240-253) ms.marissadonahueThe understanding and managing adult ADHD programme: A qualitative evaluation of online psychoeducation with acceptance and commitment therapy for adults with ADHD (Pages 254-263)
The understanding and managing adult ADHD programme: A qualitative evaluation of online psychoeducation with acceptance and commitment therapy for adults with ADHD (Pages 254-263) ms.marissadonahueVolume 28 (April 2023)
Volume 28 (April 2023) ms.marissadonahueCultural adaptation of ACT to support caregivers of autistic Latino children: A pilot study (Pages 1-9)
Cultural adaptation of ACT to support caregivers of autistic Latino children: A pilot study (Pages 1-9) ms.marissadonahueAssessing psychological inflexibility in text: An examination of the inflexitext program (Pages 10-17)
Assessing psychological inflexibility in text: An examination of the inflexitext program (Pages 10-17) ms.marissadonahueExploring the role of cognitive fusion and experiential avoidance in predicting smartphone use among medical university students (Pages 18-22)
Exploring the role of cognitive fusion and experiential avoidance in predicting smartphone use among medical university students (Pages 18-22) ms.marissadonahueReliability and validity of the Chinese version of personalized psychological flexibility index (C-PPFI) in college students (Pages 23-32)
Reliability and validity of the Chinese version of personalized psychological flexibility index (C-PPFI) in college students (Pages 23-32) ms.marissadonahueThe effect of internet-based acceptance and commitment therapy (iACT) on psychological well-being among working women with a pre-school child: A randomized controlled trial (Pages 33-47)
The effect of internet-based acceptance and commitment therapy (iACT) on psychological well-being among working women with a pre-school child: A randomized controlled trial (Pages 33-47) ms.marissadonahueEffectiveness of ACT-based intervention in compliance with the model for sustainable mental health: A cluster randomized control trial in a group of older adults (Pages 48-59)
Effectiveness of ACT-based intervention in compliance with the model for sustainable mental health: A cluster randomized control trial in a group of older adults (Pages 48-59) ms.marissadonahueDevelopment of an acceptance based PrEP intervention (ACTPrEP) to engage young black MSM in the South utilizing the Adaptome Model of intervention adaptation (Pages 60-70)
Development of an acceptance based PrEP intervention (ACTPrEP) to engage young black MSM in the South utilizing the Adaptome Model of intervention adaptation (Pages 60-70) ms.marissadonahueMindful non-reactivity and psychological flexibility mediate the effect of internet-delivered acceptance and commitment therapy for health anxiety (Pages 71-78)
Mindful non-reactivity and psychological flexibility mediate the effect of internet-delivered acceptance and commitment therapy for health anxiety (Pages 71-78) ms.marissadonahueIntroduction to the special issue on the ACBS taskforce report (Pages 79-80)
Introduction to the special issue on the ACBS taskforce report (Pages 79-80) ms.marissadonahueTraining temporal relational framing in young children (Pages 81-90)
Training temporal relational framing in young children (Pages 81-90) ms.marissadonahueTruce: Feasibility and acceptability of an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy-based intervention for adolescents and young adults impacted by parental cancer (Pages 91-101)
Truce: Feasibility and acceptability of an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy-based intervention for adolescents and young adults impacted by parental cancer (Pages 91-101) ms.marissadonahueThe relationships between valued living and depression and anxiety: A systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression (Pages 102-126)
The relationships between valued living and depression and anxiety: A systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression (Pages 102-126) ms.marissadonahueFeasibility and effect of a self-help online acceptance and commitment therapy program focused on repetitive negative thinking for Colombian young women (Pages 127-138)
Feasibility and effect of a self-help online acceptance and commitment therapy program focused on repetitive negative thinking for Colombian young women (Pages 127-138) ms.marissadonahuePsychological flexibility as a predictor of professional quality of life in newly qualified psychological therapy practitioners (Pages 139-148)
Psychological flexibility as a predictor of professional quality of life in newly qualified psychological therapy practitioners (Pages 139-148) ms.marissadonahueThe differences between acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and cognitive behavioral therapy: A three-level meta-analysis (Pages 149-168)
The differences between acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and cognitive behavioral therapy: A three-level meta-analysis (Pages 149-168) ms.marissadonahueRandomized-controlled trial examining differing content of ABA therapy delivered to autistic children (Pages 169-179)
Randomized-controlled trial examining differing content of ABA therapy delivered to autistic children (Pages 169-179) ms.marissadonahueLow standards yet disappointed: ADHD symptoms and experiential avoidance in college students (Pages 180-184)
Low standards yet disappointed: ADHD symptoms and experiential avoidance in college students (Pages 180-184) ms.marissadonahueThe effect of SMART relational skills training on intelligence quotients: Controlling for individual differences in attentional skills and baseline IQ (Pages 185-197)
The effect of SMART relational skills training on intelligence quotients: Controlling for individual differences in attentional skills and baseline IQ (Pages 185-197) ms.marissadonahueProcesses of change in online acceptance and commitment therapy for hoarding (Pages 198-206)
Processes of change in online acceptance and commitment therapy for hoarding (Pages 198-206) ms.marissadonahueTransparency and reproducibility in the journal of contextual behavioral science: An audit study (Pages 207-214)
Transparency and reproducibility in the journal of contextual behavioral science: An audit study (Pages 207-214) ms.marissadonahueThe efficacy of mindfulness-based interventions in promoting resilience: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials (Pages 215-225)
The efficacy of mindfulness-based interventions in promoting resilience: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials (Pages 215-225) ms.marissadonahueAn acceptance and commitment therapy-based intervention for opioid use disorder risk in individuals with cancer: A treatment development study (Pages 226-234)
An acceptance and commitment therapy-based intervention for opioid use disorder risk in individuals with cancer: A treatment development study (Pages 226-234) ms.marissadonahueMeasuring ACT in context: Challenges and future directions (Pages 235-247)
Measuring ACT in context: Challenges and future directions (Pages 235-247) ms.marissadonahuePostnatal traumatic symptoms and shame: A cross-sectional study examining the role of birth, breastfeeding, psychological flexibility and self-compassion (Pages 248-255)
Postnatal traumatic symptoms and shame: A cross-sectional study examining the role of birth, breastfeeding, psychological flexibility and self-compassion (Pages 248-255) ms.marissadonahueAn exploratory analysis of gender stereotyping using the theoretical framework of relational density theory (Pages 256-265)
An exploratory analysis of gender stereotyping using the theoretical framework of relational density theory (Pages 256-265) ms.marissadonahuePsychometric properties of the engaged living scale (ELS) Spanish version in a large sample of Spanish pilgrims (Pages 266-277)
Psychometric properties of the engaged living scale (ELS) Spanish version in a large sample of Spanish pilgrims (Pages 266-277) ms.marissadonahueAssociations of psychological inflexibility with posttraumatic stress disorder and adherence to COVID-19 control measures among refugees in Uganda: The moderating role of coping strategies (Pages 278-288)
Associations of psychological inflexibility with posttraumatic stress disorder and adherence to COVID-19 control measures among refugees in Uganda: The moderating role of coping strategies (Pages 278-288) ms.marissadonahueVirtual reality acceptance and commitment therapy intervention for social and public speaking anxiety: A randomized controlled trial (Pages 289-299)
Virtual reality acceptance and commitment therapy intervention for social and public speaking anxiety: A randomized controlled trial (Pages 289-299) ms.marissadonahueTargeting social connection in the context of Trauma: Functional outcomes and mechanisms of change (Pages 300-309)
Targeting social connection in the context of Trauma: Functional outcomes and mechanisms of change (Pages 300-309) ms.marissadonahueVolume 27 (January 2023)
Volume 27 (January 2023) ms.marissadonahueA pilot randomized controlled trial of a single-session of acceptance and commitment therapy versus information only for promoting health-related behavior change in collegians (Pages 1-10)
A pilot randomized controlled trial of a single-session of acceptance and commitment therapy versus information only for promoting health-related behavior change in collegians (Pages 1-10) ms.marissadonahueExamining psychological inflexibility as a mediator of postpartum depressive symptoms: A longitudinal observational study of perinatal depression (Pages 11-15)
Examining psychological inflexibility as a mediator of postpartum depressive symptoms: A longitudinal observational study of perinatal depression (Pages 11-15) ms.marissadonahueOn the structure of relational responding (Pages 16-25)
On the structure of relational responding (Pages 16-25) ms.marissadonahueMagis – A magical adventure: Using a mobile game to deliver an ACT intervention for elementary school children in classroom settings (Pages 26-33)
Magis – A magical adventure: Using a mobile game to deliver an ACT intervention for elementary school children in classroom settings (Pages 26-33) ms.marissadonahueIn the shadow of COVID-19: A randomized controlled online ACT trial promoting adolescent psychological flexibility and self-compassion (Pages 34-44)
In the shadow of COVID-19: A randomized controlled online ACT trial promoting adolescent psychological flexibility and self-compassion (Pages 34-44) ms.marissadonahueA randomized controlled trial of group-based acceptance and commitment therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder (Pages 45-53)
A randomized controlled trial of group-based acceptance and commitment therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder (Pages 45-53) ms.marissadonahueCommunity Initiated Care: A blue-print for the practical realization of contextual behavioral science (Pages 54-60)
Community Initiated Care: A blue-print for the practical realization of contextual behavioral science (Pages 54-60) ms.marissadonahueImplementing the ACBS task force agenda (Pages 61-64)
Implementing the ACBS task force agenda (Pages 61-64) ms.marissadonahuePsychological flexibility and the Eudaimonic Activity Model: Testing associations among psychological flexibility, need satisfaction, and subjective well-being (Pages 65-71)
Psychological flexibility and the Eudaimonic Activity Model: Testing associations among psychological flexibility, need satisfaction, and subjective well-being (Pages 65-71) ms.marissadonahueAcceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) for caregivers of children with chronic conditions: A mixed methods systematic review (MMSR) of efficacy, process, and acceptance (Pages 72-97)
Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) for caregivers of children with chronic conditions: A mixed methods systematic review (MMSR) of efficacy, process, and acceptance (Pages 72-97) ms.marissadonahueACT-based self-help for perceived stress and its mental health implications without therapist support: A randomized controlled trial (Pages 98-106)
ACT-based self-help for perceived stress and its mental health implications without therapist support: A randomized controlled trial (Pages 98-106) ms.marissadonahueImpact of acceptance and commitment therapy on physical and psychological symptoms in advanced gastrointestinal cancer patients and caregivers: Secondary results of a pilot randomized trial (Pages 107-115)
Impact of acceptance and commitment therapy on physical and psychological symptoms in advanced gastrointestinal cancer patients and caregivers: Secondary results of a pilot randomized trial (Pages 107-115) ms.marissadonahuePsychological flexibility as a predictor of mental health outcomes in parents of pre-school children during the COVID-19 pandemic: A two-year longitudinal study (Pages 116-119)
Psychological flexibility as a predictor of mental health outcomes in parents of pre-school children during the COVID-19 pandemic: A two-year longitudinal study (Pages 116-119) ms.marissadonahueBehaving versus thinking positively: When the benefits of cognitive reappraisal are contingent on satisfying basic psychological needs (Pages 120-125)
Behaving versus thinking positively: When the benefits of cognitive reappraisal are contingent on satisfying basic psychological needs (Pages 120-125) ms.marissadonahueGambling to escape: A systematic review of the relationship between avoidant emotion regulation/coping strategies and gambling severity (Pages 126-142)
Gambling to escape: A systematic review of the relationship between avoidant emotion regulation/coping strategies and gambling severity (Pages 126-142) ms.marissadonahueExamining the structure of distress tolerance: Are behavioral and self-report indicators assessing the same construct? (Pages 143-151)
Examining the structure of distress tolerance: Are behavioral and self-report indicators assessing the same construct? (Pages 143-151) ms.marissadonahueA guided online ACT intervention may increase psychological well-being and support school engagement in adolescents (Pages 152-159)
A guided online ACT intervention may increase psychological well-being and support school engagement in adolescents (Pages 152-159) ms.marissadonahueReliability and validity of the Japanese version of the experiential avoidance in caregiving questionnaire (EACQ) (Pages 160-169)
Reliability and validity of the Japanese version of the experiential avoidance in caregiving questionnaire (EACQ) (Pages 160-169) ms.marissadonahue2022 - Volumes 23-26
2022 - Volumes 23-26Volume 26 (October 2022)
Volume 26 (October 2022)Content validity and perceived utility of a self-help online acceptance and commitment therapy program focused on repetitive negative thinking (Pages 1-10)
Content validity and perceived utility of a self-help online acceptance and commitment therapy program focused on repetitive negative thinking (Pages 1-10) ms.marissadonahueAcceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) for eating disorders: A systematic review of intervention studies and call to action (Pages 11-28)
Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) for eating disorders: A systematic review of intervention studies and call to action (Pages 11-28) ms.marissadonahueExploring the interpersonal consequences of adverse childhood experiences in college students (Pages 29-35)
Exploring the interpersonal consequences of adverse childhood experiences in college students (Pages 29-35) ms.marissadonahueMachine learning advances the classification and prediction of responding from psychophysiological reactions (Pages 36-43)
Machine learning advances the classification and prediction of responding from psychophysiological reactions (Pages 36-43) ms.marissadonahuePost-traumatic growth in people experiencing high post-traumatic stress during the COVID-19 pandemic: The protective role of psychological flexibility (Pages 44-55)
Post-traumatic growth in people experiencing high post-traumatic stress during the COVID-19 pandemic: The protective role of psychological flexibility (Pages 44-55) ms.marissadonahueDiversity-related factors in research mentorship and publishing in the ACBS community and the Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science (Pages 56-62)
Diversity-related factors in research mentorship and publishing in the ACBS community and the Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science (Pages 56-62) ms.marissadonahueDaily changes in state emotion regulation abilities predict positive and negative affect (Pages 63-68)
Daily changes in state emotion regulation abilities predict positive and negative affect (Pages 63-68) ms.marissadonahuePsychometric evaluation of the acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II) with Special Operations Forces soldiers (Pages 69-84)
Psychometric evaluation of the acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II) with Special Operations Forces soldiers (Pages 69-84) ms.marissadonahueThe current status of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) in Iran: A systematic narrative review (Pages 85-96)
The current status of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) in Iran: A systematic narrative review (Pages 85-96) ms.marissadonahueThe impact of psychological flexibility on family dynamics amidst the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal perspective (Pages 97-113)
The impact of psychological flexibility on family dynamics amidst the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal perspective (Pages 97-113) ms.marissadonahueACT in the workplace: A meta-analytic examination of randomized controlled trials (Pages 114-124)
ACT in the workplace: A meta-analytic examination of randomized controlled trials (Pages 114-124) ms.marissadonahueMeasuring psychological flexibility in autistic adults: Examining the validity and reliability of the AAQ-II, BEAQ, and VQ (Pages 125-133)
Measuring psychological flexibility in autistic adults: Examining the validity and reliability of the AAQ-II, BEAQ, and VQ (Pages 125-133) ms.marissadonahuePsychological Inflexibility and HF-HRV reactivity to laboratory stressors (Pages 134-138)
Psychological Inflexibility and HF-HRV reactivity to laboratory stressors (Pages 134-138) ms.marissadonahueAcceptance and commitment therapy for insomnia and sleep quality: A systematic review and meta-analysis (Pages 139-155)
Acceptance and commitment therapy for insomnia and sleep quality: A systematic review and meta-analysis (Pages 139-155) ms.marissadonahueExploring the natural language-IRAP as a potential measure of adolescents’ perspective-taking (Pages 156-163)
Exploring the natural language-IRAP as a potential measure of adolescents’ perspective-taking (Pages 156-163) ms.marissadonahueForwarding the ACBS Task Force recommendations: The case for the functional-cognitive framework and out-of-sample prediction (Pages 164-167)
Forwarding the ACBS Task Force recommendations: The case for the functional-cognitive framework and out-of-sample prediction (Pages 164-167) ms.marissadonahuePsychological inflexibility in terms of eating behaviors among individuals seeking treatment for comorbid affective vulnerabilities and weight-related behaviors (Pages 168-172)
Psychological inflexibility in terms of eating behaviors among individuals seeking treatment for comorbid affective vulnerabilities and weight-related behaviors (Pages 168-172) ms.marissadonahueACT and the Kyoto School of Philosophy:Interdisciplinary dialogues on personhood, ethics, and becoming (Pages 173-180)
ACT and the Kyoto School of Philosophy:Interdisciplinary dialogues on personhood, ethics, and becoming (Pages 173-180) ms.marissadonahueThe relative importance of transdiagnostic factors associated with problematic smartphone use (Pages 181-186)
The relative importance of transdiagnostic factors associated with problematic smartphone use (Pages 181-186) ms.marissadonahueHealth, well-being, and persisting symptoms in the pandemic: What is the role of psychological flexibility? (Pages 187-192)
Health, well-being, and persisting symptoms in the pandemic: What is the role of psychological flexibility? (Pages 187-192) ms.marissadonahueAssociations between valued living and responsiveness to daily rewards (Pages 193-200)
Associations between valued living and responsiveness to daily rewards (Pages 193-200) ms.marissadonahueCoping styles mediate the association between psychological inflexibility and psychological functioning during the COVID-19 pandemic: A crucial role of meaning-centered coping (Pages 201-209)
Coping styles mediate the association between psychological inflexibility and psychological functioning during the COVID-19 pandemic: A crucial role of meaning-centered coping (Pages 201-209) ms.marissadonahuePsychological inflexibility mediates the relationship between conformity to masculine norms and depression: Preliminary support for a transdiagnostic approach to working therapeutically with men (Pages 210-216)
Psychological inflexibility mediates the relationship between conformity to masculine norms and depression: Preliminary support for a transdiagnostic approach to working therapeutically with men (Pages 210-216) ms.marissadonahueThe effects of loneliness and psychological flexibility on veterans’ substance use and physical and mental health functioning during the COVID-19 pandemic (Pages 217-226)
The effects of loneliness and psychological flexibility on veterans’ substance use and physical and mental health functioning during the COVID-19 pandemic (Pages 217-226) ms.marissadonahuePredicting sleep quality and insomnia severity using the components of the acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) model: A new perspective (Pages 227-233)
Predicting sleep quality and insomnia severity using the components of the acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) model: A new perspective (Pages 227-233) ms.marissadonahueCognitive fusion and treatment response to depression in caregivers of relatives with dementia (Pages 234-240)
Cognitive fusion and treatment response to depression in caregivers of relatives with dementia (Pages 234-240) ms.marissadonahueEnhancing supervisory relationships with values and committed action training (Pages 241-252)
Enhancing supervisory relationships with values and committed action training (Pages 241-252) ms.marissadonahueThe ACT trained physical therapist: Psychologically flexible, resilient, and armed with evidence-based tools (Pages 253-260)
The ACT trained physical therapist: Psychologically flexible, resilient, and armed with evidence-based tools (Pages 253-260) ms.marissadonahueCan a smartphone application help Hispanic/Latinx adults quit smoking? A randomized trial secondary analysis (Pages 261-270)
Can a smartphone application help Hispanic/Latinx adults quit smoking? A randomized trial secondary analysis (Pages 261-270) ms.marissadonahueUsing a natural-language implicit relational assessment procedure (IRAP) to examine verbal relations involved in psychological inflexibility in children (Pages 271-282)
Using a natural-language implicit relational assessment procedure (IRAP) to examine verbal relations involved in psychological inflexibility in children (Pages 271-282) ms.marissadonahueVolume 25 (July 2022)
Volume 25 (July 2022)Further validation of the 18-item Portuguese CompACT scale using a multi-sample design: Confirmatory factor analysis and correlates of psychological flexibility (Pages 1-9)
Further validation of the 18-item Portuguese CompACT scale using a multi-sample design: Confirmatory factor analysis and correlates of psychological flexibility (Pages 1-9) ms.marissadonahueToward empirical process-based case conceptualization: An idionomic network examination of the process-based assessment tool (Pages 10-25)
Toward empirical process-based case conceptualization: An idionomic network examination of the process-based assessment tool (Pages 10-25) ms.marissadonahueAcceptability and feasibility of a gamified digital eating disorder early-intervention program (AcceptME) based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) (Pages 26-34)
Acceptability and feasibility of a gamified digital eating disorder early-intervention program (AcceptME) based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) (Pages 26-34) ms.marissadonahueCommentary: Person-specific, multivariate, and dynamic analytic approaches to actualize ACBS task force recommendations for contextual behavioral science (Pages 35-43)
Commentary: Person-specific, multivariate, and dynamic analytic approaches to actualize ACBS task force recommendations for contextual behavioral science (Pages 35-43) ms.marissadonahueAcceptance and Commitment Therapy for inpatients with psychosis –an acceptability and feasibility single case AB designed study (Pages 44-60)
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for inpatients with psychosis –an acceptability and feasibility single case AB designed study (Pages 44-60) ms.marissadonahueA psychometric validation of contextual cognitive behavioral therapy-informed measures with racially and ethnically diverse adults (Pages 61-72)
A psychometric validation of contextual cognitive behavioral therapy-informed measures with racially and ethnically diverse adults (Pages 61-72) ms.marissadonahueExploring the relationships between rule-governed behavior and adherence to guidelines aiming to reduce the spread of COVID-19 (Pages 73-77)
Exploring the relationships between rule-governed behavior and adherence to guidelines aiming to reduce the spread of COVID-19 (Pages 73-77) ms.marissadonahueA call for ACTion: A systematic review of empirical evidence for the use of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) with LGBTQI+ individuals (Pages 78-89)
A call for ACTion: A systematic review of empirical evidence for the use of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) with LGBTQI+ individuals (Pages 78-89) ms.marissadonahueAcceptance and commitment therapy interventions in secondary schools and their impact on students' mental health and well-being: A systematic review (Pages 90-105)
Acceptance and commitment therapy interventions in secondary schools and their impact on students' mental health and well-being: A systematic review (Pages 90-105) ms.marissadonahueIntensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy (ISTDP) offers unique procedures for acceptance of emotion and may contribute to the process-based therapy movement (Pages 106-114)
Intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy (ISTDP) offers unique procedures for acceptance of emotion and may contribute to the process-based therapy movement (Pages 106-114) ms.marissadonahueConfirmatory factor analysis of the Comprehensive Assessment of acceptance and Commitment Therapy (CompACT) in active-duty military personnel (Pages 115-121)
Confirmatory factor analysis of the Comprehensive Assessment of acceptance and Commitment Therapy (CompACT) in active-duty military personnel (Pages 115-121) ms.marissadonahueLeveraging values to promote adherence to endocrine therapy among breast cancer survivors: A mixed-methods investigation (Pages 122-129)
Leveraging values to promote adherence to endocrine therapy among breast cancer survivors: A mixed-methods investigation (Pages 122-129) ms.marissadonahueStrengths, challenges, and opportunities associated with process-based and multi-dimensional CBS research: A commentary on Hayes et al. (2021) (Pages 130-135)
Strengths, challenges, and opportunities associated with process-based and multi-dimensional CBS research: A commentary on Hayes et al. (2021) (Pages 130-135) ms.marissadonahueScalability of an ACT-Based strategy for improving well-being in health care providers: A mix-method and preliminary evaluation of efficacy (Pages 136-144)
Scalability of an ACT-Based strategy for improving well-being in health care providers: A mix-method and preliminary evaluation of efficacy (Pages 136-144) ms.marissadonahueA pilot randomized controlled trial of culturally-adapted, telehealth group acceptance and commitment therapy for iranian adolescent females reporting symptoms of anxiety (Pages 145-152)
A pilot randomized controlled trial of culturally-adapted, telehealth group acceptance and commitment therapy for iranian adolescent females reporting symptoms of anxiety (Pages 145-152) ms.marissadonahueAcceptance and commitment therapy group intervention for adolescents with type 1 diabetes: A randomized controlled trial (Pages 153-161)
Acceptance and commitment therapy group intervention for adolescents with type 1 diabetes: A randomized controlled trial (Pages 153-161) ms.marissadonahueVolume 24 (April 2022)
Volume 24 (April 2022)Associations of interpersonal and intrapersonal emotion regulation strategies to suicidal ideation and suicide attempts (Pages 1-9)
Associations of interpersonal and intrapersonal emotion regulation strategies to suicidal ideation and suicide attempts (Pages 1-9) ms.marissadonahueA randomised controlled trial of brief web-based acceptance and commitment Therapy on the general mental health, depression, anxiety and stress of college Students (Pages 10-17)
A randomised controlled trial of brief web-based acceptance and commitment Therapy on the general mental health, depression, anxiety and stress of college Students (Pages 10-17) ms.marissadonahueTesting Functional Analytic Psychotherapy's mediational model of change in social connectedness for people with fear of intimacy (Pages 18-22)
Testing Functional Analytic Psychotherapy's mediational model of change in social connectedness for people with fear of intimacy (Pages 18-22) ms.marissadonahueEmotion regulation and memory in response to a trauma analogue: An online experimental comparison of humor and acceptance (Pages 23-30)
Emotion regulation and memory in response to a trauma analogue: An online experimental comparison of humor and acceptance (Pages 23-30) ms.marissadonahueExamining the effects of prior Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) treatment among anxious cancer survivors during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial (Pages 31-37)
Examining the effects of prior Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) treatment among anxious cancer survivors during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial (Pages 31-37) ms.marissadonahueThe clinician, the clinician-researcher, and the contextual behavioral science research agenda (Pages 38-41)
The clinician, the clinician-researcher, and the contextual behavioral science research agenda (Pages 38-41) ms.marissadonahueThe impact of psychological flexibility in the relationship between discrimination and internalized transnegativity among transgender and gender expansive adults (Pages 42-50)
The impact of psychological flexibility in the relationship between discrimination and internalized transnegativity among transgender and gender expansive adults (Pages 42-50) ms.marissadonahueMechanisms of change in an Internet-Based ACT study for depression in China (Pages 51-59)
Mechanisms of change in an Internet-Based ACT study for depression in China (Pages 51-59) ms.marissadonahueThe relation of grit to weight loss maintenance outcomes (Pages 60-64)
The relation of grit to weight loss maintenance outcomes (Pages 60-64) ms.marissadonahueExperiential avoidance in depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive related, and posttraumatic stress disorders: A comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis (Pages 65-78)
Experiential avoidance in depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive related, and posttraumatic stress disorders: A comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis (Pages 65-78) ms.marissadonahueMindfulness, parenting behavior, and children's mental health: An investigation among diverse, low-income mothers of preschool aged children (Pages 79-86)
Mindfulness, parenting behavior, and children's mental health: An investigation among diverse, low-income mothers of preschool aged children (Pages 79-86) ms.marissadonahueThe “how” of exposures: Examining the relationship between exposure parameters and outcomes in obsessive-compulsive disorder (Pages 87-95)
The “how” of exposures: Examining the relationship between exposure parameters and outcomes in obsessive-compulsive disorder (Pages 87-95) ms.marissadonahueEnsuring interdisciplinary partnerships and commitment to Contextual Behavioral Science (CBS) principles among diverse scholars who serve diverse communities (Pages 96-101)
Ensuring interdisciplinary partnerships and commitment to Contextual Behavioral Science (CBS) principles among diverse scholars who serve diverse communities (Pages 96-101) ms.marissadonahueLinking process to outcome in Functional Analytic Psychotherapy: Evaluating the behavioral mechanism of change of a process-based therapy (Pages 102-111)
Linking process to outcome in Functional Analytic Psychotherapy: Evaluating the behavioral mechanism of change of a process-based therapy (Pages 102-111) ms.marissadonahueDifferential Crel and Cfunc acquisition through stimulus pairing (Pages 112-119)
Differential Crel and Cfunc acquisition through stimulus pairing (Pages 112-119) ms.marissadonahueIs giving receiving? The influence of autonomy on the association between prosocial behavior and well-being (Pages 120-125)
Is giving receiving? The influence of autonomy on the association between prosocial behavior and well-being (Pages 120-125) ms.marissadonahuePsychological flexibility and COVID-19 burnout in Chinese college students: A moderated mediation model (Pages 126-133)
Psychological flexibility and COVID-19 burnout in Chinese college students: A moderated mediation model (Pages 126-133) ms.marissadonahueAcceptance and Commitment Therapy for obsessive compulsive disorder in a Brazilian context: Treatment of three cases (Pages 134-140)
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for obsessive compulsive disorder in a Brazilian context: Treatment of three cases (Pages 134-140) ms.marissadonahueThe role of psychological inflexibility in adolescent satisfaction with the educational track and school dropout intentions (Pages 141-148)
The role of psychological inflexibility in adolescent satisfaction with the educational track and school dropout intentions (Pages 141-148) ms.marissadonahueExploring the contribution of psychological flexibility processes and self-compassion to depression, anxiety and adjustment in parents of preterm infants (Pages 149-159)
Exploring the contribution of psychological flexibility processes and self-compassion to depression, anxiety and adjustment in parents of preterm infants (Pages 149-159) ms.marissadonahueThe role of psychological flexibility in palliative care (Pages 160-170)
The role of psychological flexibility in palliative care (Pages 160-170) ms.marissadonahueAssessing mindfulness and self-compassion facets as mediators of change in patients with depressive, anxious and adjustment disorders: Secondary data analysis of a randomized controlled trial (Pages 171-178)
Assessing mindfulness and self-compassion facets as mediators of change in patients with depressive, anxious and adjustment disorders: Secondary data analysis of a randomized controlled trial (Pages 171-178) ms.marissadonahueThe importance of idiographic and functionally analytic strategies in the unified protocol for transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders (Pages 179-184)
The importance of idiographic and functionally analytic strategies in the unified protocol for transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders (Pages 179-184) ms.marissadonahueAcceptance and Commitment Therapy informed behavioral health interventions delivered by non-mental health professionals: A systematic review (Pages 185-196)
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy informed behavioral health interventions delivered by non-mental health professionals: A systematic review (Pages 185-196) ms.marissadonahueVolume 23 (January 2022)
Volume 23 (January 2022)Evidence and characteristics of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)-based interventions for insomnia: A systematic review of randomized and non-randomized trials (Pages 1-14)
Evidence and characteristics of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)-based interventions for insomnia: A systematic review of randomized and non-randomized trials (Pages 1-14) ms.marissadonahueAcceptance and Commitment Therapy for women living with Vulvodynia: A single-case experimental design study of a treatment delivered online (Pages 15-30)
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for women living with Vulvodynia: A single-case experimental design study of a treatment delivered online (Pages 15-30) ms.marissadonahueMeasuring psychological flexibility: The cultural adaptation and psychometric properties of the AAQ for substance abuse among Spanish speaking population in correctional and community settings (Pages 31-37)
Measuring psychological flexibility: The cultural adaptation and psychometric properties of the AAQ for substance abuse among Spanish speaking population in correctional and community settings (Pages 31-37) ms.marissadonahuePsychological flexibility and inflexibility in obsessive-compulsive symptom dimensions, disability, and quality of life: An online longitudinal study (Pages 38-47)
Psychological flexibility and inflexibility in obsessive-compulsive symptom dimensions, disability, and quality of life: An online longitudinal study (Pages 38-47) ms.marissadonahueValues matter in approach behaviors: A replication using contamination anxiety behavioral approach tasks (Pages 48-52)
Values matter in approach behaviors: A replication using contamination anxiety behavioral approach tasks (Pages 48-52) ms.marissadonahueSelf-compassion buffers the effects of perfectionistic self-presentation on social media on wellbeing (Pages 53-58)
Self-compassion buffers the effects of perfectionistic self-presentation on social media on wellbeing (Pages 53-58) ms.marissadonahueA brief pilot self-compassion intervention for women with overweight/obesity and internalized weight bias: Feasibility, acceptability, and future directions (Pages 59-63)
A brief pilot self-compassion intervention for women with overweight/obesity and internalized weight bias: Feasibility, acceptability, and future directions (Pages 59-63) ms.marissadonahueEmbracing complex models: Exploratory network analyses of psychological (In)Flexibility processes and unique associations with psychiatric symptomology and quality of life (Pages 64-74)
Embracing complex models: Exploratory network analyses of psychological (In)Flexibility processes and unique associations with psychiatric symptomology and quality of life (Pages 64-74) ms.marissadonahueIntensive outpatient acceptance and commitment therapy with exposure and response prevention for adolescents (Pages 75-84)
Intensive outpatient acceptance and commitment therapy with exposure and response prevention for adolescents (Pages 75-84) ms.marissadonahueWhen is your distress harder to tolerate? A qualitative analysis of situations in which distress tolerance is impaired and strengthened (Pages 85-91)
When is your distress harder to tolerate? A qualitative analysis of situations in which distress tolerance is impaired and strengthened (Pages 85-91) ms.marissadonahuePsychological inflexibility as a mediator of the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and dissociation (Pages 92-97)
Psychological inflexibility as a mediator of the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and dissociation (Pages 92-97) ms.marissadonahueACTing towards better living during COVID-19: The effects of Acceptance and Commitment therapy for individuals affected by COVID-19 (Pages 98-108)
ACTing towards better living during COVID-19: The effects of Acceptance and Commitment therapy for individuals affected by COVID-19 (Pages 98-108) ms.marissadonahueTracing the missteps of stepped care: Improving the implementation of stepped care through contextual behavioral science (Pages 109-116)
Tracing the missteps of stepped care: Improving the implementation of stepped care through contextual behavioral science (Pages 109-116) ms.marissadonahueGender differences in multidisciplinary pain rehabilitation: The mediating role of pain acceptance (Pages 117-124)
Gender differences in multidisciplinary pain rehabilitation: The mediating role of pain acceptance (Pages 117-124) ms.marissadonahueHow do people with acquired brain injury interpret the Valued Living Questionnaire? A cognitive interviewing study (Pages 125-136)
How do people with acquired brain injury interpret the Valued Living Questionnaire? A cognitive interviewing study (Pages 125-136) ms.marissadonahueThe moderating effects of psychological flexibility and psychological inflexibility on the relationship between climate concern and climate-related distress (Pages 137-143)
The moderating effects of psychological flexibility and psychological inflexibility on the relationship between climate concern and climate-related distress (Pages 137-143) ms.marissadonahueExploring the relationship between psychological flexibility and self-report and task-based measures of cognitive flexibility (Pages 144-150)
Exploring the relationship between psychological flexibility and self-report and task-based measures of cognitive flexibility (Pages 144-150) ms.marissadonahueCaring for someone with an acquired brain injury: The role of psychological flexibility (Pages 151-164)
Caring for someone with an acquired brain injury: The role of psychological flexibility (Pages 151-164) ms.marissadonahueExploring the role of contextual behavioural science variables and education in the prosocial domain of global poverty and human rights (Pages 165-173)
Exploring the role of contextual behavioural science variables and education in the prosocial domain of global poverty and human rights (Pages 165-173) ms.marissadonahueExploring the effectiveness of mindfulness-based and third wave interventions in addressing self-stigma, shame and their impacts on psychosocial functioning: A systematic review (Pages 174-189)
Exploring the effectiveness of mindfulness-based and third wave interventions in addressing self-stigma, shame and their impacts on psychosocial functioning: A systematic review (Pages 174-189) ms.marissadonahueImpact of Acceptance and Commitment Training on psychological flexibility and burnout in medical education (Pages 190-199)
Impact of Acceptance and Commitment Training on psychological flexibility and burnout in medical education (Pages 190-199) ms.marissadonahueDeveloping an item pool to assess processes of change in psychological interventions: The Process-Based Assessment Tool (PBAT) (Pages 200-213)
Developing an item pool to assess processes of change in psychological interventions: The Process-Based Assessment Tool (PBAT) (Pages 200-213) ms.marissadonahue2021 - Volumes 19-22
2021 - Volumes 19-22 CommunityVolume 22 (October 2021)
Volume 22 (October 2021) ms.marissadonahueTrait-level differences in constructs that underpin the contextual behaviour therapies between binge-eating disorder with and without overvaluation of weight and shape (Pages 1-6)
Trait-level differences in constructs that underpin the contextual behaviour therapies between binge-eating disorder with and without overvaluation of weight and shape (Pages 1-6) ms.marissadonahueFactors predicting quality of life in family carers of people with dementia: The role of psychological inflexibility (Pages 7-12)
Factors predicting quality of life in family carers of people with dementia: The role of psychological inflexibility (Pages 7-12) ms.marissadonahuePsy-Flex: A contextually sensitive measure of psychological flexibility (Pages 13-23)
Psy-Flex: A contextually sensitive measure of psychological flexibility (Pages 13-23) ms.marissadonahueDevelopmental trajectories of experiential avoidance and depressive symptoms and association to health behaviors among adolescents during brief guided online acceptance and commitment therapy (Pages 24-31)
Developmental trajectories of experiential avoidance and depressive symptoms and association to health behaviors among adolescents during brief guided online acceptance and commitment therapy (Pages 24-31) ms.marissadonahueThe Persian Personalized Psychological Flexibility Index (P-PPFI): Psychometric properties in a general population sample of Iranians (Pages 32-43)
The Persian Personalized Psychological Flexibility Index (P-PPFI): Psychometric properties in a general population sample of Iranians (Pages 32-43) ms.marissadonahueImplementation of ACT in correctional and forensic settings (Pages 44-51)
Implementation of ACT in correctional and forensic settings (Pages 44-51) ms.marissadonahueBehind the masks: A cross-sectional study on intolerance of uncertainty, perceived vulnerability to disease and psychological flexibility in relation to state anxiety and wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic (Pages 52-62)
Behind the masks: A cross-sectional study on intolerance of uncertainty, perceived vulnerability to disease and psychological flexibility in relation to state anxiety and wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic (Pages 52-62) ms.marissadonahueDoes the Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire measure more than frequency of negative thoughts? (Pages 63-67)
Does the Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire measure more than frequency of negative thoughts? (Pages 63-67) ms.marissadonahueAutomatic thoughts: Understanding the precursors of self-concealment within the psychological flexibility framework (Pages 68-73)
Automatic thoughts: Understanding the precursors of self-concealment within the psychological flexibility framework (Pages 68-73) ms.marissadonahueIntroduction to the special issue on COVID-19 (Pages 74-76)
Introduction to the special issue on COVID-19 (Pages 74-76) ms.marissadonahueIncremental validity of the AAQ-II for anxiety disorder symptomology (Pages 77-86)
Incremental validity of the AAQ-II for anxiety disorder symptomology (Pages 77-86) ms.marissadonahueReal-time fluctuations in mindful awareness, willingness, and values clarity, and their associations with craving and dietary lapse among those seeking weight loss (Pages 87-92)
Real-time fluctuations in mindful awareness, willingness, and values clarity, and their associations with craving and dietary lapse among those seeking weight loss (Pages 87-92) ms.marissadonahueAcceptance and commitment therapy for adolescents and adults with neurofibromatosis type 1, plexiform neurofibromas, and chronic pain: Results of a randomized controlled trial (Pages 93-101)
Acceptance and commitment therapy for adolescents and adults with neurofibromatosis type 1, plexiform neurofibromas, and chronic pain: Results of a randomized controlled trial (Pages 93-101) ms.marissadonahueInvestigating the role of psychological inflexibility, mindfulness, and self-compassion in PTSD (Pages 102-107)
Investigating the role of psychological inflexibility, mindfulness, and self-compassion in PTSD (Pages 102-107) ms.marissadonahueA mixed-methods evaluation of experiential intervention exercises for values and committed action from an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) mental health promotion program for university students (Pages 108-118)
A mixed-methods evaluation of experiential intervention exercises for values and committed action from an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) mental health promotion program for university students (Pages 108-118) ms.marissadonahueVolume 21 (July 2021)
Volume 21 (July 2021) ms.marissadonahueCan peer-tutored psychological flexibility training facilitate physical activity among adults with overweight? (Pages 1-11)
Can peer-tutored psychological flexibility training facilitate physical activity among adults with overweight? (Pages 1-11) ms.marissadonahueAcceptance and values clarification versus cognitive restructuring and relaxation: A randomized controlled trial of ultra-brief non-expert-delivered coaching interventions for social resilience (Pages 12-21)
Acceptance and values clarification versus cognitive restructuring and relaxation: A randomized controlled trial of ultra-brief non-expert-delivered coaching interventions for social resilience (Pages 12-21) ms.marissadonahueThe Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory (MPFI): Discriminant validity of psychological flexibility with distress (Pages 22-29)
The Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory (MPFI): Discriminant validity of psychological flexibility with distress (Pages 22-29) ms.marissadonahueComprehensive assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy processes (CompACT): Measure refinement and study of measurement invariance across Portuguese and UK samples (Pages 30-36)
Comprehensive assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy processes (CompACT): Measure refinement and study of measurement invariance across Portuguese and UK samples (Pages 30-36) ms.marissadonahuePredicting personal protective equipment use, trauma symptoms, and physical symptoms in the USA during the early weeks of the COVID-19 lockdown (April 9–18, 2020) (Pages 37-47)
Predicting personal protective equipment use, trauma symptoms, and physical symptoms in the USA during the early weeks of the COVID-19 lockdown (April 9–18, 2020) (Pages 37-47) ms.marissadonahueIntolerance of uncertainty and psychological symptoms among people with a missing loved one: Emotion regulation difficulties and psychological inflexibility as mediators (Pages 48-56)
Intolerance of uncertainty and psychological symptoms among people with a missing loved one: Emotion regulation difficulties and psychological inflexibility as mediators (Pages 48-56) ms.marissadonahueItalian validation of the Italian multidimensional psychological flexibility inventory (MPFI) (Pages 57-65)
Italian validation of the Italian multidimensional psychological flexibility inventory (MPFI) (Pages 57-65) ms.marissadonahueA trauma-focused intensive outpatient program integrating elements of exposure therapy with acceptance and commitment therapy: Program development and initial outcomes (Pages 66-72)
A trauma-focused intensive outpatient program integrating elements of exposure therapy with acceptance and commitment therapy: Program development and initial outcomes (Pages 66-72) ms.marissadonahueAdverse childhood experiences and adult psychopathological symptoms: The moderating role of dispositional mindfulness (Pages 73-79)
Adverse childhood experiences and adult psychopathological symptoms: The moderating role of dispositional mindfulness (Pages 73-79) ms.marissadonahueRelating, orienting and evoking functions in an IRAP study involving emotional pictographs (emojis) used in electronic messages (Pages 80-87)
Relating, orienting and evoking functions in an IRAP study involving emotional pictographs (emojis) used in electronic messages (Pages 80-87) ms.marissadonahueSelf and rules in a sample of adults experiencing homelessness: Relationships to shame, well-being, and psychological inflexibility (Pages 88-97)
Self and rules in a sample of adults experiencing homelessness: Relationships to shame, well-being, and psychological inflexibility (Pages 88-97) ms.marissadonahueRelationship between psychological flexibility and work-related quality of life for healthcare professionals: A systematic review and meta-analysis (Pages 98-112)
Relationship between psychological flexibility and work-related quality of life for healthcare professionals: A systematic review and meta-analysis (Pages 98-112) ms.marissadonahueSpanish adaptation of the Awareness, Courage and Responsiveness Scale: Preliminary psychometric properties in non-clinical samples (Pages 113-120)
Spanish adaptation of the Awareness, Courage and Responsiveness Scale: Preliminary psychometric properties in non-clinical samples (Pages 113-120) ms.marissadonahueAssessment methods in single case design studies of psychological treatments for chronic pain: A scoping review (Pages 121-135)
Assessment methods in single case design studies of psychological treatments for chronic pain: A scoping review (Pages 121-135) ms.marissadonahueInvestigating cognitive fusion, mindfulness and experiential avoidance in relation to psychosis-like symptoms in the general population (Pages 136-143)
Investigating cognitive fusion, mindfulness and experiential avoidance in relation to psychosis-like symptoms in the general population (Pages 136-143) ms.marissadonahueAn examination of transformation of evaluative and consequential functions through derived relations with participant-generated values-relevant stimuli (Pages 144-157)
An examination of transformation of evaluative and consequential functions through derived relations with participant-generated values-relevant stimuli (Pages 144-157) ms.marissadonahueAcceptance-based telephone support around the time of transition to secondary progressive multiple sclerosis: A feasibility randomised controlled trial (Pages 158-170)
Acceptance-based telephone support around the time of transition to secondary progressive multiple sclerosis: A feasibility randomised controlled trial (Pages 158-170) ms.marissadonahueResilience mediates the cross-sectional relationship between mindfulness and positive mental health in early adolescence (Pages 171-175)
Resilience mediates the cross-sectional relationship between mindfulness and positive mental health in early adolescence (Pages 171-175) ms.marissadonahueAggressiveness in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder as assessed by the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (Pages 176-186)
Aggressiveness in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder as assessed by the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (Pages 176-186) ms.marissadonahueDoes it help to talk about it? Co-rumination, internalizing symptoms, and committed action during the COVID-19 global pandemic (Pages 187-195)
Does it help to talk about it? Co-rumination, internalizing symptoms, and committed action during the COVID-19 global pandemic (Pages 187-195) ms.marissadonahueExploring the addition of self-compassion skills training to a behavioral weight loss program delivered using video conferencing software (Pages 196-202)
Exploring the addition of self-compassion skills training to a behavioral weight loss program delivered using video conferencing software (Pages 196-202) ms.marissadonahueRoads less travelled to self-forgiveness: Can psychological flexibility overcome chronic guilt/shame to achieve genuine self-forgiveness? (Pages 203-211)
Roads less travelled to self-forgiveness: Can psychological flexibility overcome chronic guilt/shame to achieve genuine self-forgiveness? (Pages 203-211) ms.marissadonahueDoes Cognitive Fusion show up similarly across two behavioral health samples? Psychometric properties and invariance of the Greek–Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire (G-CFQ) (Pages 212-221)
Does Cognitive Fusion show up similarly across two behavioral health samples? Psychometric properties and invariance of the Greek–Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire (G-CFQ) (Pages 212-221) ms.marissadonahueCorrigendum to “In search of scope: A response to Ruiz et al. (2020)” [Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 18 (2020) 306–311] (Page 222)
Corrigendum to “In search of scope: A response to Ruiz et al. (2020)” [Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 18 (2020) 306–311] (Page 222) ms.marissadonahueErratum Regarding Previously Published Articles in Volume 15, 16, 17 and 18 (Pages 223-226)
Erratum Regarding Previously Published Articles in Volume 15, 16, 17 and 18 (Pages 223-226) ms.marissadonahueVolume 20 (April 2021)
Volume 20 (April 2021) ms.marissadonahueThe Youth Compass -the effectiveness of an online acceptance and commitment therapy program to promote adolescent mental health: A randomized controlled trial (Pages 1-12)
The Youth Compass -the effectiveness of an online acceptance and commitment therapy program to promote adolescent mental health: A randomized controlled trial (Pages 1-12) ms.marissadonahuePreliminary findings on processes of change and moderators for cognitive defusion and restructuring delivered through mobile apps (Pages 13-19)
Preliminary findings on processes of change and moderators for cognitive defusion and restructuring delivered through mobile apps (Pages 13-19) ms.marissadonahuePsychological flexibility profiles, college adjustment, and subjective well-being among college students in China: A latent profile analysis (Pages 20-26)
Psychological flexibility profiles, college adjustment, and subjective well-being among college students in China: A latent profile analysis (Pages 20-26) ms.marissadonahueAn experimental investigation of the effects of perspective-taking on emotional discomfort, cognitive fusion and self-compassion (Pages 27-34)
An experimental investigation of the effects of perspective-taking on emotional discomfort, cognitive fusion and self-compassion (Pages 27-34) ms.marissadonahueAcceptance and Commitment Therapy to Promote Recovery from suicidal crises: A Randomized Controlled Acceptability and Feasibility Trial of ACT for life (Pages 35-45)
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to Promote Recovery from suicidal crises: A Randomized Controlled Acceptability and Feasibility Trial of ACT for life (Pages 35-45) ms.marissadonahueI won't comply because it is a hoax: Conspiracy beliefs, lockdown compliance, and the importance of psychological flexibility (Pages 46-51)
I won't comply because it is a hoax: Conspiracy beliefs, lockdown compliance, and the importance of psychological flexibility (Pages 46-51) ms.marissadonahueSingle-session acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) interventions for patients with chronic health conditions: A systematic review and meta-analysis (Pages 52-69)
Single-session acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) interventions for patients with chronic health conditions: A systematic review and meta-analysis (Pages 52-69) ms.marissadonahueThe effect of acceptance and commitment training on improving physical activity during the COVID-19 pandemic (Pages 70-78)
The effect of acceptance and commitment training on improving physical activity during the COVID-19 pandemic (Pages 70-78) ms.marissadonahueThe relationship between value-based actions, psychological distress and well-being: A multilevel diary study (Pages 79-88)
The relationship between value-based actions, psychological distress and well-being: A multilevel diary study (Pages 79-88) ms.marissadonahueInterrupting internalized racial oppression: A community based ACT intervention (Pages 89-93)
Interrupting internalized racial oppression: A community based ACT intervention (Pages 89-93) ms.marissadonahueExperiential avoidance and depression predict values engagement among people in treatment for borderline personality disorder (Pages 94-100)
Experiential avoidance and depression predict values engagement among people in treatment for borderline personality disorder (Pages 94-100) ms.marissadonahueThe empowerment plan: Enhancing the safety plan with a CBS approach to repertoire expansion (Pages 101-107)
The empowerment plan: Enhancing the safety plan with a CBS approach to repertoire expansion (Pages 101-107) ms.marissadonahueIn-person and online-delivered acceptance and commitment therapy for hoarding disorder: A multiple baseline study (Pages 108-117)
In-person and online-delivered acceptance and commitment therapy for hoarding disorder: A multiple baseline study (Pages 108-117) ms.marissadonahueCoherence and the merging of relational classes in self-organizing networks: Extending Relational Density Theory (Pages 118-128)
Coherence and the merging of relational classes in self-organizing networks: Extending Relational Density Theory (Pages 118-128) ms.marissadonahueThe role of thought suppression and psychological inflexibility in older family caregivers’ psychological symptoms and quality of life (Pages 129-136)
The role of thought suppression and psychological inflexibility in older family caregivers’ psychological symptoms and quality of life (Pages 129-136) ms.marissadonahueExperiential avoidance and the misinterpretation of intrusions as prospective predictors of postpartum obsessive-compulsive symptoms in first-time parents (Pages 137-143)
Experiential avoidance and the misinterpretation of intrusions as prospective predictors of postpartum obsessive-compulsive symptoms in first-time parents (Pages 137-143) ms.marissadonahueValues intervention as an establishing operation for approach in the presence of aversive stimuli (Pages 144-154)
Values intervention as an establishing operation for approach in the presence of aversive stimuli (Pages 144-154) ms.marissadonahueIntegrating storytelling into the theory and practice of contextual behavioral science (Pages 155-162)
Integrating storytelling into the theory and practice of contextual behavioral science (Pages 155-162) ms.marissadonahuePsychological flexibility and psychological inflexibility are independently associated with both hedonic and eudaimonic well-being (Pages 163-171)
Psychological flexibility and psychological inflexibility are independently associated with both hedonic and eudaimonic well-being (Pages 163-171) ms.marissadonahueReport of the ACBS Task Force on the strategies and tactics of contextual behavioral science research (Pages 172-183)
Report of the ACBS Task Force on the strategies and tactics of contextual behavioral science research (Pages 172-183) ms.marissadonahueLive with your body – participants’ reflections on an acceptance and commitment therapy group intervention for patients with residual eating disorder symptoms (Pages 184-193)
Live with your body – participants’ reflections on an acceptance and commitment therapy group intervention for patients with residual eating disorder symptoms (Pages 184-193) ms.marissadonahueInternalized transphobia, nondisclosure of gender identity, and life satisfaction among transgender and non-binary adults: The moderating roles of psychological flexibility and inflexibility (Pages 194-201)
Internalized transphobia, nondisclosure of gender identity, and life satisfaction among transgender and non-binary adults: The moderating roles of psychological flexibility and inflexibility (Pages 194-201) ms.marissadonahueVolume 19 (January 2021)
Volume 19 (January 2021)Pages 1-107 (January 2021)
In support of reacquainting functional contextualism and interbehaviorism (Pages 1-5)
In support of reacquainting functional contextualism and interbehaviorism (Pages 1-5) ms.marissadonahueSelection by consequence: A response to Hayes and Fryling (2019) (Pages 6-11)
Selection by consequence: A response to Hayes and Fryling (2019) (Pages 6-11) ms.marissadonahueGrowth in crisis: A mixed methods study of lessons from our patients with chronic pain during the COVID-19 pandemic (Pages 12-16)
Growth in crisis: A mixed methods study of lessons from our patients with chronic pain during the COVID-19 pandemic (Pages 12-16) ms.marissadonahueCoping with the invisible enemy: The role of emotion regulation and awareness in quality of life during the COVID-19 pandemic (Pages 17-27)
Coping with the invisible enemy: The role of emotion regulation and awareness in quality of life during the COVID-19 pandemic (Pages 17-27) ms.marissadonahueThe role of psychological flexibility in the context of COVID-19: Associations with depression, anxiety, and insomnia (Pages 28-35)
The role of psychological flexibility in the context of COVID-19: Associations with depression, anxiety, and insomnia (Pages 28-35) ms.marissadonahuePsychological inflexibility prospectively predicts client non-disclosure in outpatient psychotherapy (Pages 36-41)
Psychological inflexibility prospectively predicts client non-disclosure in outpatient psychotherapy (Pages 36-41) ms.marissadonahuePsychological inflexibility and mental health symptoms during the COVID-19 lockdown in Spain: A longitudinal study (Pages 42-49)
Psychological inflexibility and mental health symptoms during the COVID-19 lockdown in Spain: A longitudinal study (Pages 42-49) ms.marissadonahueAdolescents with poorly controlled type 1 diabetes: Psychological flexibility is associated with the glycemic control, quality of life and depressive symptoms (Pages 50-56)
Adolescents with poorly controlled type 1 diabetes: Psychological flexibility is associated with the glycemic control, quality of life and depressive symptoms (Pages 50-56) ms.marissadonahueA new treatment model for veterans?: Results from a program evaluation of a recovery-oriented intensive outpatient program for veterans with heterogeneous diagnostic presentations (Pages 57-63)
A new treatment model for veterans?: Results from a program evaluation of a recovery-oriented intensive outpatient program for veterans with heterogeneous diagnostic presentations (Pages 57-63) ms.marissadonahueOccupational stressors, mental health, and sleep difficulty among nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic: The mediating roles of cognitive fusion and cognitive reappraisal (Pages 64-71)
Occupational stressors, mental health, and sleep difficulty among nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic: The mediating roles of cognitive fusion and cognitive reappraisal (Pages 64-71) ms.marissadonahueAdaptability and psychological flexibility: Overlapping constructs? (Pages 72-78)
Adaptability and psychological flexibility: Overlapping constructs? (Pages 72-78) ms.marissadonahueChinese validation of the Brief Experiential Avoidance Questionnaire (BEAQ) in college students (Pages 79-85)
Chinese validation of the Brief Experiential Avoidance Questionnaire (BEAQ) in college students (Pages 79-85) ms.marissadonahueAcceptance and commitment group therapy among Saudi Muslim females with mental health disorders (Pages 86-91)
Acceptance and commitment group therapy among Saudi Muslim females with mental health disorders (Pages 86-91) ms.marissadonahueCurriculum-based yoga and acceptance and commitment training intervention for undergraduate students: A mixed-methods investigation (Pages 92-99)
Curriculum-based yoga and acceptance and commitment training intervention for undergraduate students: A mixed-methods investigation (Pages 92-99) ms.marissadonahueAlcohol, trait anger, and psychological flexibility: A laboratory investigation of intimate partner violence perpetration (Pages 100-107)
Alcohol, trait anger, and psychological flexibility: A laboratory investigation of intimate partner violence perpetration (Pages 100-107) ms.marissadonahue2020 - Volumes 15-18
2020 - Volumes 15-18 CommunityVolume 18 (October 2020)
Volume 18 (October 2020)Pages 1-311 (October 2020)
The effects of bilingual Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) on exercise in bilingual international university students (Pages 1-8)
The effects of bilingual Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) on exercise in bilingual international university students (Pages 1-8) CommunityAssociation of cognitive fusion with domains of health (Pages 9-15)
Association of cognitive fusion with domains of health (Pages 9-15) CommunityPsychological flexibility and inflexibility as sources of resiliency and risk during a pandemic: Modeling the cascade of COVID-19 stress on family systems with a contextual behavioral science lens (Pages 16-27)
Psychological flexibility and inflexibility as sources of resiliency and risk during a pandemic: Modeling the cascade of COVID-19 stress on family systems with a contextual behavioral science lens (Pages 16-27) CommunityPsychological flexibility in the context of COVID-19 adversity: Associations with distress (Pages 28-33)
Psychological flexibility in the context of COVID-19 adversity: Associations with distress (Pages 28-33) CommunityA psychometric comparison of psychological inflexibility measures: Discriminant validity and item performance (Pages 34-47)
A psychometric comparison of psychological inflexibility measures: Discriminant validity and item performance (Pages 34-47) CommunityMitigating behavioral assimilation to age stereotypes: A preliminary analogue investigation of a contextual behavioral science approach (Pages 48-52)
Mitigating behavioral assimilation to age stereotypes: A preliminary analogue investigation of a contextual behavioral science approach (Pages 48-52) CommunityAssessing the utility of the Clinical Behavioral Case Conceptualization categories: A contextual behavioral based formulation model (Pages 53-58)
Assessing the utility of the Clinical Behavioral Case Conceptualization categories: A contextual behavioral based formulation model (Pages 53-58) CommunityUncovering the links between parenting stress and parenting styles: The role of psychological flexibility within parenting and global psychological flexibility (Pages 59-67)
Uncovering the links between parenting stress and parenting styles: The role of psychological flexibility within parenting and global psychological flexibility (Pages 59-67) CommunityExamination of the relationship between affect, values, and physical activity among cancer survivors (Pages 68-74)
Examination of the relationship between affect, values, and physical activity among cancer survivors (Pages 68-74) ms.marissadonahueAn integrative contextual behavioral model of intimate relations (Pages 75-91)
An integrative contextual behavioral model of intimate relations (Pages 75-91) ms.marissadonahueInflexitext: A program assessing psychological inflexibility in unstructured verbal data (Pages 92-98)
Inflexitext: A program assessing psychological inflexibility in unstructured verbal data (Pages 92-98) ms.marissadonahueValidation of the english and french versions of the multidimensional psychological flexibility inventory short form (MPFI-24) (Pages 99-110)
Validation of the english and french versions of the multidimensional psychological flexibility inventory short form (MPFI-24) (Pages 99-110) ms.marissadonahueMindfulness predicts current risk of opioid analgesic misuse in chronic low back pain patients receiving opioid therapy (Pages 111-116)
Mindfulness predicts current risk of opioid analgesic misuse in chronic low back pain patients receiving opioid therapy (Pages 111-116) ms.marissadonahueModeling suicide risk among parents during the COVID-19 pandemic: Psychological inflexibility exacerbates the impact of COVID-19 stressors on interpersonal risk factors for suicide (Pages 117-127)
Modeling suicide risk among parents during the COVID-19 pandemic: Psychological inflexibility exacerbates the impact of COVID-19 stressors on interpersonal risk factors for suicide (Pages 117-127) ms.marissadonahueProcess-based functional analysis can help behavioral science step up to novel challenges: COVID - 19 as an example (Pages 128-145)
Process-based functional analysis can help behavioral science step up to novel challenges: COVID - 19 as an example (Pages 128-145) ms.marissadonahueThe Flourishing Footballers programme: Using psycho-education to develop resilience through ACT (Pages 146-151)
The Flourishing Footballers programme: Using psycho-education to develop resilience through ACT (Pages 146-151) ms.marissadonahueA preliminary investigation of the effect of acceptance and commitment therapy on neural activation in clinical perfectionism (Pages 152-161)
A preliminary investigation of the effect of acceptance and commitment therapy on neural activation in clinical perfectionism (Pages 152-161) ms.marissadonahuePsychological inflexibility and intolerance of uncertainty moderate the relationship between social isolation and mental health outcomes during COVID-19 (Pages 162-174)
Psychological inflexibility and intolerance of uncertainty moderate the relationship between social isolation and mental health outcomes during COVID-19 (Pages 162-174) ms.marissadonahueSeeking to be serviceable some reflections on Hayes and Fryling (2019) (Pages 175-180)
Seeking to be serviceable some reflections on Hayes and Fryling (2019) (Pages 175-180) ms.marissadonahueThe empirical status of acceptance and commitment therapy: A review of meta-analyses (Pages 181-192)
The empirical status of acceptance and commitment therapy: A review of meta-analyses (Pages 181-192) ms.marissadonahueExperiential avoidance and fear of intimacy: A contextual behavioral account of loneliness and resulting psychopathology symptoms (Pages 193-200)
Experiential avoidance and fear of intimacy: A contextual behavioral account of loneliness and resulting psychopathology symptoms (Pages 193-200) ms.marissadonahueEffects of acceptance and commitment therapy on process measures of family caregivers: A systematic review and meta-analysis (Pages 201-213)
Effects of acceptance and commitment therapy on process measures of family caregivers: A systematic review and meta-analysis (Pages 201-213) ms.marissadonahueExamining the correlates of psychological flexibility in romantic relationship and family dynamics: A meta-analysis (Pages 214-238)
Examining the correlates of psychological flexibility in romantic relationship and family dynamics: A meta-analysis (Pages 214-238) ms.marissadonahueAssessing psychological inflexibility in infertility: The development and validation study of the Psychological Inflexibility Scale – Infertility (PIS-I) (Pages 239-246)
Assessing psychological inflexibility in infertility: The development and validation study of the Psychological Inflexibility Scale – Infertility (PIS-I) (Pages 239-246) ms.marissadonahueAcceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) for adults with intellectual disabilities and/or autism spectrum conditions (ASC): A systematic review (Pages 247-255)
Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) for adults with intellectual disabilities and/or autism spectrum conditions (ASC): A systematic review (Pages 247-255) ms.marissadonahueAcceptance and commitment therapy and subjective wellbeing: A systematic review and meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials in adults (Pages 256-272)
Acceptance and commitment therapy and subjective wellbeing: A systematic review and meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials in adults (Pages 256-272) ms.marissadonahueInterbehavior as a clinical focus in CBS: A response to Hayes and Fryling (2019) (Pages 273-275)
Interbehavior as a clinical focus in CBS: A response to Hayes and Fryling (2019) (Pages 273-275) ms.marissadonahueThe moderating role of psychological inflexibility in the relationship between minority stress, substance misuse, and suicidality in LGB+ adolescents (Pages 276-286)
The moderating role of psychological inflexibility in the relationship between minority stress, substance misuse, and suicidality in LGB+ adolescents (Pages 276-286) ms.marissadonahueDevelopment and validation of the Adult OCD Impact Scale (AOIS): A measure of psychosocial functioning for adults with obsessive-compulsive disorder (Pages 287-293)
Development and validation of the Adult OCD Impact Scale (AOIS): A measure of psychosocial functioning for adults with obsessive-compulsive disorder (Pages 287-293) ms.marissadonahuePsychological mediators in the relationship between paediatric chronic pain and adjustment: An investigation of acceptance, catastrophising and kinesiophobia (Pages 294-305)
Psychological mediators in the relationship between paediatric chronic pain and adjustment: An investigation of acceptance, catastrophising and kinesiophobia (Pages 294-305) ms.marissadonahueIn search of scope: A response to Ruiz et al. (2020) (Pages 306-311)
In search of scope: A response to Ruiz et al. (2020) (Pages 306-311) ms.marissadonahueVolume 17 (July 2020)
Volume 17 (July 2020)Pages 1-176 (July 2020)
Acceptance and Action Questionnaire II: Measurement invariance and associations with distress tolerance among an ethnically diverse university sample (Pages 1-9)
Acceptance and Action Questionnaire II: Measurement invariance and associations with distress tolerance among an ethnically diverse university sample (Pages 1-9) CommunityExamining processes of change in an online acceptance and commitment therapy dismantling trial with distressed college students (Pages 10-16)
Examining processes of change in an online acceptance and commitment therapy dismantling trial with distressed college students (Pages 10-16) CommunityTesting the relationship between health values consistent living and health-related behavior (Pages 17-22)
Testing the relationship between health values consistent living and health-related behavior (Pages 17-22) CommunityEvaluating the factor structure of the Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory: An independent replication and extension (Pages 23-31)
Evaluating the factor structure of the Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory: An independent replication and extension (Pages 23-31) CommunityAcceptance and Action Questionnaire – II: Confirmatory factor analysis and measurement invariance between Non-Hispanic White and Hispanic/Latinx undergraduates (Pages 32-38)
Acceptance and Action Questionnaire – II: Confirmatory factor analysis and measurement invariance between Non-Hispanic White and Hispanic/Latinx undergraduates (Pages 32-38) CommunityA systematic and critical response to Pendrous et al. (2020) replication study (Pages 39-45)
A systematic and critical response to Pendrous et al. (2020) replication study (Pages 39-45) CommunityPersian adaptation of avoidance and fusion questionnaire for youth (AFQ-Y): A preliminary examination of its psychometric properties (Pages 46-54)
Persian adaptation of avoidance and fusion questionnaire for youth (AFQ-Y): A preliminary examination of its psychometric properties (Pages 46-54) CommunityCognitive fusion potentiates the effect of maladaptive posttraumatic cognitions on posttraumatic stress symptoms (Pages 55-61)
Cognitive fusion potentiates the effect of maladaptive posttraumatic cognitions on posttraumatic stress symptoms (Pages 55-61) CommunityDescriptive Contextualism in service of Functional Contextualistic aims: A practitioner's perspective on Hayes and Fryling (2019) (Pages 62-67)
Descriptive Contextualism in service of Functional Contextualistic aims: A practitioner's perspective on Hayes and Fryling (2019) (Pages 62-67) CommunityExperiential avoidance as a moderator for coping with a brief episode of ostracism: A pilot study (Pages 68-72)
Experiential avoidance as a moderator for coping with a brief episode of ostracism: A pilot study (Pages 68-72) CommunityChoosing not to follow rules that will reduce the spread of COVID-19 (Pages 73-78)
Choosing not to follow rules that will reduce the spread of COVID-19 (Pages 73-78) CommunityPsychological flexibility, self-compassion and daily functioning in chronic pain (Pages 79-85)
Psychological flexibility, self-compassion and daily functioning in chronic pain (Pages 79-85) CommunityEffect of acceptance and commitment therapy in improving interpersonal skills in adolescents: A randomized waitlist control trial (Pages 86-94)
Effect of acceptance and commitment therapy in improving interpersonal skills in adolescents: A randomized waitlist control trial (Pages 86-94) CommunityA contextual behavioral approach for responding to moral dilemmas in the age of COVID-19 (Pages 95-101)
A contextual behavioral approach for responding to moral dilemmas in the age of COVID-19 (Pages 95-101) CommunityDecreases in psychological inflexibility predict PTSD symptom improvement in inpatient adolescents (Pages 102-108)
Decreases in psychological inflexibility predict PTSD symptom improvement in inpatient adolescents (Pages 102-108) CommunityThe moderating roles of psychological flexibility and inflexibility on the mental health impacts of COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown in Italy (Pages 109-118)
The moderating roles of psychological flexibility and inflexibility on the mental health impacts of COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown in Italy (Pages 109-118) CommunityExploring the impact of carer stressors and psychological inflexibility on depression and anxiety in family carers of people with dementia (Pages 119-125)
Exploring the impact of carer stressors and psychological inflexibility on depression and anxiety in family carers of people with dementia (Pages 119-125) CommunityCOVID-19: Psychological flexibility, coping, mental health, and wellbeing in the UK during the pandemic (Pages 126-134)
COVID-19: Psychological flexibility, coping, mental health, and wellbeing in the UK during the pandemic (Pages 126-134) CommunityAcceptance and Commitment Therapy on physical activity: A systematic review (Pages 135-143)
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on physical activity: A systematic review (Pages 135-143) CommunityValidation of the Valuing Questionnaire (VQ) in adults with cardiovascular disease and risk (Pages 144-151)
Validation of the Valuing Questionnaire (VQ) in adults with cardiovascular disease and risk (Pages 144-151) CommunityA contextual-behavioral perspective on chronic pain during the COVID-19 pandemic and future times of mandated physical distancing (Pages 152-158)
A contextual-behavioral perspective on chronic pain during the COVID-19 pandemic and future times of mandated physical distancing (Pages 152-158) CommunityCompetence and adherence in an acceptance and values-based intervention: Effects on treatment outcome and early changes in depression (Pages 159-165)
Competence and adherence in an acceptance and values-based intervention: Effects on treatment outcome and early changes in depression (Pages 159-165) CommunityTracking measurement behavior and correcting course: Introduction to the special issue on measurement in JCBS (Pages 166-167)
Tracking measurement behavior and correcting course: Introduction to the special issue on measurement in JCBS (Pages 166-167) CommunityMediators of the association between COVID-19-related stressors and parents’ psychological flexibility and inflexibility: The roles of perceived sleep quality and energy (Pages 168-176)
Mediators of the association between COVID-19-related stressors and parents’ psychological flexibility and inflexibility: The roles of perceived sleep quality and energy (Pages 168-176) CommunityVolume 16 (April 2020)
Volume 16 (April 2020)Pages 1-208 (April 2020)
A multicultural examination of experiential avoidance: AAQ – II measurement comparisons across Asian American, Black, Latinx, Middle Eastern, and White college students (Pages 1-8)
A multicultural examination of experiential avoidance: AAQ – II measurement comparisons across Asian American, Black, Latinx, Middle Eastern, and White college students (Pages 1-8) CommunityUsing acceptance and commitment training to enhance the effectiveness of behavioral skills training (Pages 9-16)
Using acceptance and commitment training to enhance the effectiveness of behavioral skills training (Pages 9-16) CommunityAppetitive augmental functions and common physical properties in a pain-tolerance metaphor: An extended replication (Pages 17-24)
Appetitive augmental functions and common physical properties in a pain-tolerance metaphor: An extended replication (Pages 17-24) CommunityA pilot study of acceptance and commitment therapy for sexual minorities experiencing work stress (Pages 25-29)
A pilot study of acceptance and commitment therapy for sexual minorities experiencing work stress (Pages 25-29) CommunityModerating effect of IBS acceptance on psychosocial mediators of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Pages 30-36)
Moderating effect of IBS acceptance on psychosocial mediators of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Pages 30-36) CommunityPsychedelics and psychological flexibility – Results of a prospective web-survey using the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire II (Pages 37-44)
Psychedelics and psychological flexibility – Results of a prospective web-survey using the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire II (Pages 37-44) CommunityFurther validation of the cognitive fusion questionnaire – chronic illness (CFQ-CI) in different health condition samples (Pages 45-48)
Further validation of the cognitive fusion questionnaire – chronic illness (CFQ-CI) in different health condition samples (Pages 45-48) CommunityOn the failure to replicate past findings regarding positive affirmations and self-esteem (Pages 49-61)
On the failure to replicate past findings regarding positive affirmations and self-esteem (Pages 49-61) CommunityThe roles of emotion regulation difficulties and impulsivity in the associations between borderline personality disorder symptoms and frequency of nonprescription sedative use and prescription sedative/opioid misuse (Pages 62-70)
The roles of emotion regulation difficulties and impulsivity in the associations between borderline personality disorder symptoms and frequency of nonprescription sedative use and prescription sedative/opioid misuse (Pages 62-70) CommunityAcceptance and commitment therapy as a school-based group intervention for adolescents: An open-label trial (Pages 71-79)
Acceptance and commitment therapy as a school-based group intervention for adolescents: An open-label trial (Pages 71-79) CommunityAn exploratory analysis of Relational Density Theory: Relational resistance and gravity (Pages 80-95)
An exploratory analysis of Relational Density Theory: Relational resistance and gravity (Pages 80-95) CommunityIndividuals perspectives related to acceptance, values and mindfulness following participation in an acceptance-based pain management programme (Pages 96-102)
Individuals perspectives related to acceptance, values and mindfulness following participation in an acceptance-based pain management programme (Pages 96-102) CommunityInvestigating the role of negative and positive emotional avoidance in the relation between generalized anxiety disorder and depression symptom severity (Pages 103-108)
Investigating the role of negative and positive emotional avoidance in the relation between generalized anxiety disorder and depression symptom severity (Pages 103-108) CommunityRetrospective cohort study of a novel acceptance and commitment therapy group intervention for adolescents implemented in integrated primary care (Pages 109-118)
Retrospective cohort study of a novel acceptance and commitment therapy group intervention for adolescents implemented in integrated primary care (Pages 109-118) CommunityA quasi-experimental, multicenter study of acceptance and commitment therapy for antisocial youth in residential care. (Pages 119-127)
A quasi-experimental, multicenter study of acceptance and commitment therapy for antisocial youth in residential care. (Pages 119-127) CommunityExamining the relationship between public speaking anxiety, distress tolerance and psychological flexibility (Pages 128-133)
Examining the relationship between public speaking anxiety, distress tolerance and psychological flexibility (Pages 128-133) CommunityThe efficacy of group-based acceptance and commitment therapy on psychological capital and school engagement: A pilot study among Chinese adolescents (Pages 134-143)
The efficacy of group-based acceptance and commitment therapy on psychological capital and school engagement: A pilot study among Chinese adolescents (Pages 134-143) CommunityCompassion-focused acceptance and commitment therapy for women with restrictive eating and problematic body-checking: A multiple baseline across participants study (Pages 144-152)
Compassion-focused acceptance and commitment therapy for women with restrictive eating and problematic body-checking: A multiple baseline across participants study (Pages 144-152) CommunityReducing microaggressions and promoting interracial connection: The racial harmony workshop (Pages 153-161)
Reducing microaggressions and promoting interracial connection: The racial harmony workshop (Pages 153-161) CommunityOut of sight, out of mind? Exploring the long-term effects of Relational Mindfulness Training (RMT) (Pages 162-171)
Out of sight, out of mind? Exploring the long-term effects of Relational Mindfulness Training (RMT) (Pages 162-171) CommunityA pragmatic sign theory of truth for the behavioral sciences (Pages 172-177)
A pragmatic sign theory of truth for the behavioral sciences (Pages 172-177) CommunityThe relationship between three ACT core processes of change, PTSD, and depressive symptoms (Pages 178-182)
The relationship between three ACT core processes of change, PTSD, and depressive symptoms (Pages 178-182) CommunityImplementing a Web-Based Cognitive Defusion Program to Target Negative Self-Referential Thoughts in College Students: A Pilot Study (Pages 183-191)
Implementing a Web-Based Cognitive Defusion Program to Target Negative Self-Referential Thoughts in College Students: A Pilot Study (Pages 183-191) CommunityMeaning in life buffers the impact of experiential avoidance on anxiety (Pages 192-198)
Meaning in life buffers the impact of experiential avoidance on anxiety (Pages 192-198) CommunityMeasuring intimacy as a contextual behavioral process: Psychometric development and evaluation of the Awareness, Courage, and Responsiveness Scale (Pages 199-208)
Measuring intimacy as a contextual behavioral process: Psychometric development and evaluation of the Awareness, Courage, and Responsiveness Scale (Pages 199-208) CommunityVolume 15 (January 2020)
Volume 15 (January 2020)Pages 1-264 (January 2020)
Exploring the case for research on incorporating psychedelics within interventions for borderline personality disorder (Pages 1-11)
Exploring the case for research on incorporating psychedelics within interventions for borderline personality disorder (Pages 1-11) CommunityPsilocybin-assisted therapy of major depressive disorder using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as a therapeutic frame (Pages 12-19)
Psilocybin-assisted therapy of major depressive disorder using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as a therapeutic frame (Pages 12-19) CommunityThe development of the ‘Forms of Responding to Self-Critical Thoughts Scale’ (FoReST) (Pages 20-29)
The development of the ‘Forms of Responding to Self-Critical Thoughts Scale’ (FoReST) (Pages 20-29) CommunityThe centrality of sense of self in psychological flexibility processes: What the neurobiological and psychological correlates of psychedelics suggest (Pages 30-38)
The centrality of sense of self in psychological flexibility processes: What the neurobiological and psychological correlates of psychedelics suggest (Pages 30-38) CommunityPsychological flexibility mediates the relations between acute psychedelic effects and subjective decreases in depression and anxiety (Pages 39-45)
Psychological flexibility mediates the relations between acute psychedelic effects and subjective decreases in depression and anxiety (Pages 39-45) CommunityWillingness and Action Measure for Adolescents: Psychometric validation in Spanish adolescents (Pages 46-51)
Willingness and Action Measure for Adolescents: Psychometric validation in Spanish adolescents (Pages 46-51) CommunityA psychological flexibility -based intervention for Burnout: A randomized controlled trial (Pages 52-67)
A psychological flexibility -based intervention for Burnout: A randomized controlled trial (Pages 52-67) CommunityThe moderating effect of psychological flexibility on the link between learned helplessness and depression symptomatology: A preliminary study (Pages 68-72)
The moderating effect of psychological flexibility on the link between learned helplessness and depression symptomatology: A preliminary study (Pages 68-72) CommunityCross-cultural flexibility: Validation of the traditional Mandarin, simplified Mandarin, and Japanese translations of the Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory (Pages 73-84)
Cross-cultural flexibility: Validation of the traditional Mandarin, simplified Mandarin, and Japanese translations of the Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory (Pages 73-84) CommunityEffectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy for irritable bowel syndrome non-patients: A pilot randomized waiting list controlled trial (Pages 85-91)
Effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy for irritable bowel syndrome non-patients: A pilot randomized waiting list controlled trial (Pages 85-91) CommunityThe use of the psychological flexibility model to support psychedelic assisted therapy (Pages 92-102)
The use of the psychological flexibility model to support psychedelic assisted therapy (Pages 92-102) CommunityNorwegian Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (NAAQ): A psychometric evaluation (Pages 103-109)
Norwegian Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (NAAQ): A psychometric evaluation (Pages 103-109) CommunityChanges in psychological inflexibility as a potential mediator of longitudinal links between college students’ sleep problems and depressive symptoms (Pages 110-122)
Changes in psychological inflexibility as a potential mediator of longitudinal links between college students’ sleep problems and depressive symptoms (Pages 110-122) CommunityMediators of change in online acceptance and commitment therapy for psychological symptoms of parents of children with chronic conditions: An investigation of change processes (Pages 123-130)
Mediators of change in online acceptance and commitment therapy for psychological symptoms of parents of children with chronic conditions: An investigation of change processes (Pages 123-130) CommunityAdolescent correlates of the Generalized Pliance Questionnaire – Children (Pages 131-134)
Adolescent correlates of the Generalized Pliance Questionnaire – Children (Pages 131-134) CommunityChinese international student stress and coping: A pilot study of acceptance and commitment therapy (Pages 135-141)
Chinese international student stress and coping: A pilot study of acceptance and commitment therapy (Pages 135-141) CommunityExploring the relationship between implicit and explicit gender-STEM bias and behavior among STEM students using the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (Pages 142-152)
Exploring the relationship between implicit and explicit gender-STEM bias and behavior among STEM students using the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (Pages 142-152) CommunityBon Voyage: Developing a scale for measuring value among younger populations and examining its reliability and validity (Pages 153-161)
Bon Voyage: Developing a scale for measuring value among younger populations and examining its reliability and validity (Pages 153-161) CommunityAcceptability and preliminary test of efficacy of the Mind programme in women with breast cancer: An acceptance, mindfulness, and compassion-based intervention (Pages 162-171)
Acceptability and preliminary test of efficacy of the Mind programme in women with breast cancer: An acceptance, mindfulness, and compassion-based intervention (Pages 162-171) CommunityTheoretical grounds of Pain Tracker Self Manager: An Acceptance and Commitment Therapy digital intervention for patients with chronic pain (Pages 172-180)
Theoretical grounds of Pain Tracker Self Manager: An Acceptance and Commitment Therapy digital intervention for patients with chronic pain (Pages 172-180) CommunityBecoming flexible: Increase in parent psychological flexibility uniquely predicts better well-being following participation in a pediatric interdisciplinary pain rehabilitation program (Pages 181-188)
Becoming flexible: Increase in parent psychological flexibility uniquely predicts better well-being following participation in a pediatric interdisciplinary pain rehabilitation program (Pages 181-188) CommunityConfirmatory factor analysis of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire for Weight-Related Difficulties-Revised (AAQW-R) in a United States sample of adults with overweight and obesity (Pages 189-196)
Confirmatory factor analysis of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire for Weight-Related Difficulties-Revised (AAQW-R) in a United States sample of adults with overweight and obesity (Pages 189-196) CommunityValues, acceptance, and belongingess in graduate school: Perspectives from underrepresented minority students (Pages 197-206)
Values, acceptance, and belongingess in graduate school: Perspectives from underrepresented minority students (Pages 197-206) CommunityIntegrating contextual behavioral science with research on psychedelic assisted therapy: Introduction to the special section (Pages 207-209)
Integrating contextual behavioral science with research on psychedelic assisted therapy: Introduction to the special section (Pages 207-209) CommunityInvestigating the psychometric properties of the Values Wheel with a clinical cohort: A preliminary validation study (Pages 210-218)
Investigating the psychometric properties of the Values Wheel with a clinical cohort: A preliminary validation study (Pages 210-218) CommunityMindfulness profiles in a sample of self-reported sleep disturbance individuals (Pages 219-224)
Mindfulness profiles in a sample of self-reported sleep disturbance individuals (Pages 219-224) CommunityA meta-analysis of the efficacy of acceptance and commitment therapy for children (Pages 225-234)
A meta-analysis of the efficacy of acceptance and commitment therapy for children (Pages 225-234) CommunityHow much is enough in brief Acceptance and Commitment Therapy? A randomized trial. (Pages 235-244)
How much is enough in brief Acceptance and Commitment Therapy? A randomized trial. (Pages 235-244) CommunityThe nomological network of cognitive fusion among people living with HIV: Associations with rumination, shame, and depressive symptoms (Pages 245-252)
The nomological network of cognitive fusion among people living with HIV: Associations with rumination, shame, and depressive symptoms (Pages 245-252) CommunityMeasuring occurrences of self and other discriminations in relation to mental health in adolescent textual responses (Pages 253-263)
Measuring occurrences of self and other discriminations in relation to mental health in adolescent textual responses (Pages 253-263) Community2019 - Volumes 11-14
2019 - Volumes 11-14 CommunityVolume 14 (October 2019)
Volume 14 (October 2019)Pages 1-156 (October 2019)
Training perspective taking skills in individuals with intellectual disabilities: A functional approach (Pages 1-10)
Training perspective taking skills in individuals with intellectual disabilities: A functional approach (Pages 1-10) CommunityPerceived stress and professional quality of life in nursing staff: How important is psychological flexibility? (Pages 11-19)
Perceived stress and professional quality of life in nursing staff: How important is psychological flexibility? (Pages 11-19) CommunityDevelopment and initial validation of a short form of the diabetes acceptance and Action Scale: The DAAS-Revised (DAAS-R) (Pages 20-28)
Development and initial validation of a short form of the diabetes acceptance and Action Scale: The DAAS-Revised (DAAS-R) (Pages 20-28) CommunityWant to see more behavior? Consider institutional-level positive reinforcement (Pages 29-31)
Want to see more behavior? Consider institutional-level positive reinforcement (Pages 29-31) CommunityMindfulness, experiential avoidance, and affective experience in older adults (Pages 32-36)
Mindfulness, experiential avoidance, and affective experience in older adults (Pages 32-36) CommunityClarifying the nature and purpose of behavioral assessment: A response to Newsome et al. (Pages 37-39)
Clarifying the nature and purpose of behavioral assessment: A response to Newsome et al. (Pages 37-39) CommunityAssessing values – Psychometric properties of the Swedish version of the Valuing Questionnaire in adults with chronic pain (Pages 40-49)
Assessing values – Psychometric properties of the Swedish version of the Valuing Questionnaire in adults with chronic pain (Pages 40-49) CommunityDepressive symptoms, psychological flexibility, and binge eating in individuals seeking behavioral weight loss treatment (Pages 50-54)
Depressive symptoms, psychological flexibility, and binge eating in individuals seeking behavioral weight loss treatment (Pages 50-54) CommunityAcceptance-based interventions in the treatment of PTSD: Group and individual pilot data using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (Pages 55-64)
Acceptance-based interventions in the treatment of PTSD: Group and individual pilot data using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (Pages 55-64) Community“Using the implicit relational assessment procedure (IRAP) to explore common humanity as a dimension of self-compassion” (Pages 65-72)
“Using the implicit relational assessment procedure (IRAP) to explore common humanity as a dimension of self-compassion” (Pages 65-72) CommunityEffect of a group-based acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) intervention on illness cognition in breast cancer patients (Pages 73-81)
Effect of a group-based acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) intervention on illness cognition in breast cancer patients (Pages 73-81) CommunityPsychological inflexibility mediates the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and mental health outcomes (Pages 82-89)
Psychological inflexibility mediates the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and mental health outcomes (Pages 82-89) CommunityIt's all about the process: Examining the convergent validity, conceptual coverage, unique predictive validity, and clinical utility of ACT process measures (Pages 90-102)
It's all about the process: Examining the convergent validity, conceptual coverage, unique predictive validity, and clinical utility of ACT process measures (Pages 90-102) CommunityEvaluating the psychometric characteristics of the Work-related Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (WAAQ) in a sample of healthcare professionals (Pages 103-107)
Evaluating the psychometric characteristics of the Work-related Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (WAAQ) in a sample of healthcare professionals (Pages 103-107) CommunityMarching our values forward: Progressing contextual behavioral science in line with its core epistemic assumptions (Pages 108-110)
Marching our values forward: Progressing contextual behavioral science in line with its core epistemic assumptions (Pages 108-110) CommunityThe development of the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Fidelity Measure (ACT-FM): A delphi study and field test (Pages 111-118)
The development of the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Fidelity Measure (ACT-FM): A delphi study and field test (Pages 111-118) CommunityFunctional and descriptive contextualism (Pages 119-126)
Functional and descriptive contextualism (Pages 119-126) CommunityBrief acceptance-based therapy for women with high-risk pregnancies: Uncontrolled pilot of an intervention for inpatients (Pages 127-135)
Brief acceptance-based therapy for women with high-risk pregnancies: Uncontrolled pilot of an intervention for inpatients (Pages 127-135) CommunityToward a contextual psychedelic-assisted therapy: Perspectives from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and contextual behavioral science (Pages 136-145)
Toward a contextual psychedelic-assisted therapy: Perspectives from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and contextual behavioral science (Pages 136-145) CommunityCutoff scores for the 8-item version of the Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire (CPAQ-8) to identify different profiles of pain acceptance patterns, levels of function and behavioral flexibility (Pages 146-156)
Cutoff scores for the 8-item version of the Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire (CPAQ-8) to identify different profiles of pain acceptance patterns, levels of function and behavioral flexibility (Pages 146-156) CommunityVolume 13 (July 2019)
Volume 13 (July 2019)Pages 1-140 (July 2019)
Cross-sectional relations between psychological inflexibility and symptoms of depression and anxiety among adults reporting migraines or risk factors for cardiovascular disease (Pages 1-6)
Cross-sectional relations between psychological inflexibility and symptoms of depression and anxiety among adults reporting migraines or risk factors for cardiovascular disease (Pages 1-6) CommunityThe role of psychological inflexibility and self-compassion in acceptance and commitment therapy for clinical perfectionism (Pages 7-16)
The role of psychological inflexibility and self-compassion in acceptance and commitment therapy for clinical perfectionism (Pages 7-16) CommunityA Single-Session of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Health-Related behavior change: An Open Trial with a nonconcurrent matched comparison group (Pages 17-26)
A Single-Session of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Health-Related behavior change: An Open Trial with a nonconcurrent matched comparison group (Pages 17-26) CommunityCompassion focused therapy for anger: A pilot study of a group intervention for veterans with PTSD (Pages 27-33)
Compassion focused therapy for anger: A pilot study of a group intervention for veterans with PTSD (Pages 27-33) CommunityAcceptance and commitment therapy for autistic adults: An open pilot study in a psychiatric outpatient context (Pages 34-41)
Acceptance and commitment therapy for autistic adults: An open pilot study in a psychiatric outpatient context (Pages 34-41) CommunityEffects of a brief mindfulness-infused behavioral parent training for mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder (Pages 42-51)
Effects of a brief mindfulness-infused behavioral parent training for mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder (Pages 42-51) CommunityLong-term stability of early sudden gains in an acceptance and values-based intervention (Pages 52-59)
Long-term stability of early sudden gains in an acceptance and values-based intervention (Pages 52-59) CommunityHow can process-based researchers bridge the gap between individuals and groups? Discover the dynamic p-technique (Pages 60-65)
How can process-based researchers bridge the gap between individuals and groups? Discover the dynamic p-technique (Pages 60-65) CommunityMight psychological flexibility processes and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) apply in adults with painful diabetic neuropathy? A cross-sectional survey (Pages 66-73)
Might psychological flexibility processes and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) apply in adults with painful diabetic neuropathy? A cross-sectional survey (Pages 66-73) CommunityAcceptance- and mindfulness-based interventions for health behavior change: Systematic reviews and meta-analyses (Pages 74-93)
Acceptance- and mindfulness-based interventions for health behavior change: Systematic reviews and meta-analyses (Pages 74-93) CommunityEffectiveness of a web-based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy intervention for wellbeing of parents whose children have chronic conditions: A randomized controlled trial (Pages 94-102)
Effectiveness of a web-based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy intervention for wellbeing of parents whose children have chronic conditions: A randomized controlled trial (Pages 94-102) CommunityFrom psychological distress to academic procrastination: Exploring the role of psychological inflexibility (Pages 103-108)
From psychological distress to academic procrastination: Exploring the role of psychological inflexibility (Pages 103-108) CommunityPsychological flexibility-based interventions versus first-line psychosocial interventions for substance use disorders: Systematic review and meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials (Pages 109-120)
Psychological flexibility-based interventions versus first-line psychosocial interventions for substance use disorders: Systematic review and meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials (Pages 109-120) CommunityTreatment sensitivity: Its importance in the measurement of psychological flexibility (Pages 121-125)
Treatment sensitivity: Its importance in the measurement of psychological flexibility (Pages 121-125) CommunityThe role of present moment awareness and cognitive fusion with food craving in the relationship between depression and binge eating (Pages 126-133)
The role of present moment awareness and cognitive fusion with food craving in the relationship between depression and binge eating (Pages 126-133) CommunityA Service Member's experience of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Moral Injury (ACT-MI) via telehealth: “Learning to accept my pain and injury by reconnecting with my values and starting to live a meaningful life” (Pages 134-140)
A Service Member's experience of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Moral Injury (ACT-MI) via telehealth: “Learning to accept my pain and injury by reconnecting with my values and starting to live a meaningful life” (Pages 134-140) CommunityVolume 12 (April 2019)
Volume 12 (April 2019)Pages 1-358 (April 2019)
Understanding meaning and racial prejudice: Examining self-transcendence and psychological inflexibility in a sample of White college students (Pages 1-6)
Understanding meaning and racial prejudice: Examining self-transcendence and psychological inflexibility in a sample of White college students (Pages 1-6) CommunityElucidating the relationships between shame, anger, and self-destructive behaviors: The role of aversive responses to emotions (Pages 7-12)
Elucidating the relationships between shame, anger, and self-destructive behaviors: The role of aversive responses to emotions (Pages 7-12) CommunityAcceptance of shame and embarrassment: Scale development and initial findings in a clinical sample (Pages 13-21)
Acceptance of shame and embarrassment: Scale development and initial findings in a clinical sample (Pages 13-21) CommunityNext-day effects of dysfunctional and functional emotion regulation and the moderating role of experiential avoidance (Pages 22-28)
Next-day effects of dysfunctional and functional emotion regulation and the moderating role of experiential avoidance (Pages 22-28) CommunityA web-based self-guided program to promote valued-living in college students: A pilot study (Pages 29-38)
A web-based self-guided program to promote valued-living in college students: A pilot study (Pages 29-38) CommunityThe development and preliminary psychometric properties of the Values Wheel (Pages 39-46)
The development and preliminary psychometric properties of the Values Wheel (Pages 39-46) CommunityA pilot of acceptance and commitment therapy for public speaking anxiety delivered with group videoconferencing and virtual reality exposure (Pages 47-54)
A pilot of acceptance and commitment therapy for public speaking anxiety delivered with group videoconferencing and virtual reality exposure (Pages 47-54) CommunityEffects of deictic framing and defusion on the development of self-as-context in individuals with disabilities (Pages 55-58)
Effects of deictic framing and defusion on the development of self-as-context in individuals with disabilities (Pages 55-58) CommunityChange in domain-specific but not general psychological flexibility relates to greater weight loss in acceptance-based behavioral treatment for obesity (Pages 59-65)
Change in domain-specific but not general psychological flexibility relates to greater weight loss in acceptance-based behavioral treatment for obesity (Pages 59-65) CommunityPartner trust and childhood emotional maltreatment: The mediating and moderating roles of maladaptive schemas and psychological flexibility (Pages 66-73)
Partner trust and childhood emotional maltreatment: The mediating and moderating roles of maladaptive schemas and psychological flexibility (Pages 66-73) CommunityPatterns of relational responding and a healthy self in older adolescents (Pages 74-80)
Patterns of relational responding and a healthy self in older adolescents (Pages 74-80) CommunityAcceptance and commitment training focused on repetitive negative thinking for clinical psychology trainees: A randomized controlled trial (Pages 81-88)
Acceptance and commitment training focused on repetitive negative thinking for clinical psychology trainees: A randomized controlled trial (Pages 81-88) CommunityAcceptance & Commitment Therapy for ME/CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) – A feasibility study (Pages 89-97)
Acceptance & Commitment Therapy for ME/CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) – A feasibility study (Pages 89-97) CommunityUsing an acceptance-based behavioral approach as a supplement to obesity treatment: A stepped-care approach (Pages 98-105)
Using an acceptance-based behavioral approach as a supplement to obesity treatment: A stepped-care approach (Pages 98-105) CommunityFlexibly and/or inflexibly embracing life: Identifying fundamental approaches to life with latent profile analyses on the dimensions of the Hexaflex model (Pages 106-118)
Flexibly and/or inflexibly embracing life: Identifying fundamental approaches to life with latent profile analyses on the dimensions of the Hexaflex model (Pages 106-118) CommunityACT for sleep - Internet-delivered self-help ACT for sub-clinical and clinical insomnia: A randomized controlled trial (Pages 119-127)
ACT for sleep - Internet-delivered self-help ACT for sub-clinical and clinical insomnia: A randomized controlled trial (Pages 119-127) CommunityA systematic review of derived verbal behavior research (Pages 128-148)
A systematic review of derived verbal behavior research (Pages 128-148) CommunityQuality Improvement and applied behavior analysis: Another name for a rose that smells just as sweet (Pages 149-153)
Quality Improvement and applied behavior analysis: Another name for a rose that smells just as sweet (Pages 149-153) CommunityRandomized controlled trial of a brief acceptance and commitment training for parents of individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (Pages 154-159)
Randomized controlled trial of a brief acceptance and commitment training for parents of individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (Pages 154-159) CommunityThe impact of mindfulness skills on interactions between direct care staff and adults with developmental disabilities (Pages 160-169)
The impact of mindfulness skills on interactions between direct care staff and adults with developmental disabilities (Pages 160-169) CommunitySurfing the Urge: An informal mindfulness practice for the self-management of aggression by adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (Pages 170-177)
Surfing the Urge: An informal mindfulness practice for the self-management of aggression by adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (Pages 170-177) CommunityAcceptance and Commitment Training for reducing inflexible behaviors in children with autism (Pages 178-188)
Acceptance and Commitment Training for reducing inflexible behaviors in children with autism (Pages 178-188) CommunityDevelopment and initial validation of the Generalized Pliance Questionnaire (Pages 189-198)
Development and initial validation of the Generalized Pliance Questionnaire (Pages 189-198) CommunityAssessing psychological inflexibility in university students: Development and validation of the acceptance and action questionnaire for university students (AAQ-US) (Pages 199-206)
Assessing psychological inflexibility in university students: Development and validation of the acceptance and action questionnaire for university students (AAQ-US) (Pages 199-206) CommunityThe initial validation of a state version of the Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire (Pages 207-215)
The initial validation of a state version of the Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire (Pages 207-215) CommunityScaling-up assessment from a contextual behavioral science perspective: Potential uses of technology for analysis of unstructured text data (Pages 216-224)
Scaling-up assessment from a contextual behavioral science perspective: Potential uses of technology for analysis of unstructured text data (Pages 216-224) CommunityAssessing the valuing process in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: Experts' review of the current status and recommendations for future measure development (Pages 225-233)
Assessing the valuing process in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: Experts' review of the current status and recommendations for future measure development (Pages 225-233) CommunityAssessing psychological inflexibility in hoarding: The Acceptance and Action Questionnaire for Hoarding (AAQH) (Pages 234-242)
Assessing psychological inflexibility in hoarding: The Acceptance and Action Questionnaire for Hoarding (AAQH) (Pages 234-242) CommunityPreliminary psychometric properties of the Everyday Psychological Inflexibility Checklist (Pages 243-252)
Preliminary psychometric properties of the Everyday Psychological Inflexibility Checklist (Pages 243-252) CommunityAssessing psychological flexibility: Validation of the Open and Engaged State Questionnaire (Pages 253-260)
Assessing psychological flexibility: Validation of the Open and Engaged State Questionnaire (Pages 253-260) CommunityPsychometric properties of acceptance measures: A systematic review (Pages 261-277)
Psychometric properties of acceptance measures: A systematic review (Pages 261-277) CommunityThe Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II) as a measure of experiential avoidance: Concerns over discriminant validity (Pages 278-284)
The Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II) as a measure of experiential avoidance: Concerns over discriminant validity (Pages 278-284) CommunityNetwork analysis: A new psychometric approach to examine the underlying ACT model components (Pages 285-289)
Network analysis: A new psychometric approach to examine the underlying ACT model components (Pages 285-289) CommunityA systematic review of values measures in acceptance and commitment therapy research (Pages 290-304)
A systematic review of values measures in acceptance and commitment therapy research (Pages 290-304) CommunityPsychometric properties of the Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire – Youth in Colombia (Pages 305-313)
Psychometric properties of the Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire – Youth in Colombia (Pages 305-313) CommunityFurther validation of the Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire for Adolescents in a broader paediatric context (Pages 314-321)
Further validation of the Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire for Adolescents in a broader paediatric context (Pages 314-321) CommunityPreliminary validation and reliability assessment of a 10-item Tacting of Function Scale (Pages 322-328)
Preliminary validation and reliability assessment of a 10-item Tacting of Function Scale (Pages 322-328) CommunityA review of AAQ variants and other context-specific measures of psychological flexibility (Pages 329-346)
A review of AAQ variants and other context-specific measures of psychological flexibility (Pages 329-346) CommunityHow contextual behavioral scientists measure and report about behavior: A review of JCBS (Pages 347-354)
How contextual behavioral scientists measure and report about behavior: A review of JCBS (Pages 347-354) CommunityIntroduction to the special issue on conceptual developments in relational frame theory: Background, content, and the challenge going forward (Pages 355-357)
Introduction to the special issue on conceptual developments in relational frame theory: Background, content, and the challenge going forward (Pages 355-357) CommunityVolume 11 (January 2019)
Volume 11 (January 2019)Pages 1-54 (January 2019)
A review of anger, hostility, and aggression from an ACT perspective
A review of anger, hostility, and aggression from an ACT perspective CommunityAn examination of the construct validity of the Generalized Pliance Questionnaire
An examination of the construct validity of the Generalized Pliance Questionnaire CommunityExamination of sex-specific publication trends within the Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science between 2012 and 2017
Examination of sex-specific publication trends within the Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science between 2012 and 2017 CommunityPsychological inflexibility as it relates to stress, worry, generalized anxiety, and somatization in an ethnically diverse sample of college students
Psychological inflexibility as it relates to stress, worry, generalized anxiety, and somatization in an ethnically diverse sample of college students CommunitySuicide prevention training for Christian faith-based organizations using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: a pilot controlled trial of The HOLLY Program
Suicide prevention training for Christian faith-based organizations using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: a pilot controlled trial of The HOLLY Program CommunitySymptoms of social anxiety and depression: Acceptance of socially anxious thoughts and feelings as a moderator
Symptoms of social anxiety and depression: Acceptance of socially anxious thoughts and feelings as a moderator CommunityThe effect of brief mindfulness training on momentary impulsivity
The effect of brief mindfulness training on momentary impulsivity CommunityTurning self-compassionate engagement into action: Impact on body appreciation among Portuguese women
Turning self-compassionate engagement into action: Impact on body appreciation among Portuguese women Community2018 - Volumes 7-10
2018 - Volumes 7-10 CommunityVolume 10 (October 2018)
Volume 10 (October 2018)Pages 1-126 (October 2018)
A brief contextual behavioral intervention to improve relationships: A randomized trial
A brief contextual behavioral intervention to improve relationships: A randomized trial CommunityA brief Acceptance and Commitment Therapy intervention for depression: A randomized controlled trial with 3-year follow-up for the intervention group
A brief Acceptance and Commitment Therapy intervention for depression: A randomized controlled trial with 3-year follow-up for the intervention group CommunityA preliminary validation of the Swedish short version of the Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire for Youth (AFQ-Y8) for children and adolescents with cancer
A preliminary validation of the Swedish short version of the Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire for Youth (AFQ-Y8) for children and adolescents with cancer CommunityAcceptance and Commitment Therapy to Promote Value Attainment Among Individuals with overweight: A multiple baseline evaluation
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to Promote Value Attainment Among Individuals with overweight: A multiple baseline evaluation CommunityAn experimental comparison of two Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) values exercises to increase values-oriented behavior
An experimental comparison of two Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) values exercises to increase values-oriented behavior CommunityBurnout-related ill-being at work: Associations between mindfulness and acceptance skills, worksite factors, and experienced well-being in life
Burnout-related ill-being at work: Associations between mindfulness and acceptance skills, worksite factors, and experienced well-being in life CommunityComplexity of emotion regulation strategies in changing contexts: A study of varsity athletes
Complexity of emotion regulation strategies in changing contexts: A study of varsity athletes CommunityEarly sudden gains in an acceptance and values-based intervention: Effects on treatment outcome for depression and psychological flexibility
Early sudden gains in an acceptance and values-based intervention: Effects on treatment outcome for depression and psychological flexibility CommunityExperimental manipulation of emotion regulation self-efficacy: Effects on emotion regulation ability, perceived effort in the service of regulation, and affective reactivity
Experimental manipulation of emotion regulation self-efficacy: Effects on emotion regulation ability, perceived effort in the service of regulation, and affective reactivity CommunityFeasibility of contextual behavioral speech analyses of US presidents: Inaugural addresses of Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump, 1993–2017
Feasibility of contextual behavioral speech analyses of US presidents: Inaugural addresses of Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump, 1993–2017 CommunityImproving relations among conservatives and liberals on a college campus: A preliminary trial of a contextual-behavioral intervention
Improving relations among conservatives and liberals on a college campus: A preliminary trial of a contextual-behavioral intervention CommunityThe Self-as-Context Scale: Development and preliminary psychometric properties
The Self-as-Context Scale: Development and preliminary psychometric properties CommunityThe evidence base of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) in psychosis: A systematic review
The evidence base of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) in psychosis: A systematic review CommunityThe reciprocal relations between experiential avoidance and social anxiety among early adolescents: A prospective cohort study
The reciprocal relations between experiential avoidance and social anxiety among early adolescents: A prospective cohort study CommunityValidation of the Swedish Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (SAAQ) for parents of children with cancer
Validation of the Swedish Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (SAAQ) for parents of children with cancer CommunityValue-guided action: Within-day and lagged relations of experiential avoidance, mindful awareness, and cognitive fusion in a non-clinical sample
Value-guided action: Within-day and lagged relations of experiential avoidance, mindful awareness, and cognitive fusion in a non-clinical sample CommunityVolume 9 (July 2018)
Volume 9 (July 2018)Pages 1-110 (July 2018)
A multiple-baseline evaluation of a brief acceptance and commitment therapy protocol focused on repetitive negative thinking for moderate emotional disorders
A multiple-baseline evaluation of a brief acceptance and commitment therapy protocol focused on repetitive negative thinking for moderate emotional disorders CommunityAcceptance-based behavioural treatment for insomnia in chronic pain: A clinical pilot study
Acceptance-based behavioural treatment for insomnia in chronic pain: A clinical pilot study CommunityConcept and validation of the German version of the Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire (CFQ-D)
Concept and validation of the German version of the Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire (CFQ-D) CommunityDevelopment of an ACT prototype for therapeutic skill assessment
Development of an ACT prototype for therapeutic skill assessment CommunityMeasuring perceptions of self and others in what people say: A replication and extension of the functional self-discrimination measure
Measuring perceptions of self and others in what people say: A replication and extension of the functional self-discrimination measure CommunityObsessive beliefs, experiential avoidance, and cognitive fusion as predictors of obsessive-compulsive disorder symptom dimensions
Obsessive beliefs, experiential avoidance, and cognitive fusion as predictors of obsessive-compulsive disorder symptom dimensions CommunityPilot of an acceptance and commitment therapy and schema group intervention for mental health carer's interpersonal problems
Pilot of an acceptance and commitment therapy and schema group intervention for mental health carer's interpersonal problems CommunityRandomized controlled trial of acceptance and commitment therapy versus traditional cognitive behavior therapy for social anxiety disorder: Symptomatic and behavioral outcomes
Randomized controlled trial of acceptance and commitment therapy versus traditional cognitive behavior therapy for social anxiety disorder: Symptomatic and behavioral outcomes CommunityRecovery through affiliation: A compassionate approach to schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder (COMPASS)
Recovery through affiliation: A compassionate approach to schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder (COMPASS) CommunityTelephone-supported acceptance and commitment bibliotherapy for people with multiple sclerosis and psychological distress: A pilot randomised controlled trial
Telephone-supported acceptance and commitment bibliotherapy for people with multiple sclerosis and psychological distress: A pilot randomised controlled trial CommunityThe Mindful Way through the Semester: Evaluating the feasibility of delivering an acceptance-based behavioral program online
The Mindful Way through the Semester: Evaluating the feasibility of delivering an acceptance-based behavioral program online CommunityThe utility of the Valuing Questionnaire in Chronic Pain
The utility of the Valuing Questionnaire in Chronic Pain CommunityValidation of the Hungarian version of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II)
Validation of the Hungarian version of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II) CommunityVolume 8 (April 2018)
Volume 8 (April 2018)Pages 1-82 (April 2018)
Acceptance and commitment therapy using finnish sign language: Training counselors in signed ACT for the deaf – A pilot study
Acceptance and commitment therapy using finnish sign language: Training counselors in signed ACT for the deaf – A pilot study CommunityAn examination of generalised implicit biases towards ‘wanting more’ as a proxy measure of materialistic behaviour: A Relational Frame Theory (RFT) perspective
An examination of generalised implicit biases towards ‘wanting more’ as a proxy measure of materialistic behaviour: A Relational Frame Theory (RFT) perspective CommunityAssessing the validity of implicit and explicit measures of stigma toward clients with substance use disorders among mental health practitioners
Assessing the validity of implicit and explicit measures of stigma toward clients with substance use disorders among mental health practitioners CommunityCognitive fusion and post-trauma functioning in veterans: Examining the mediating roles of emotion dysregulation
Cognitive fusion and post-trauma functioning in veterans: Examining the mediating roles of emotion dysregulation CommunityCommunity sample evidence on the relations among behavioural inhibition system, anxiety sensitivity, experiential avoidance, and social anxiety in adolescents
Community sample evidence on the relations among behavioural inhibition system, anxiety sensitivity, experiential avoidance, and social anxiety in adolescents CommunityExamining self-compassion in romantic relationships
Examining self-compassion in romantic relationships CommunityFacilitating relational framing of classification in young children
Facilitating relational framing of classification in young children CommunityImproving flexible parenting with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: A case study
Improving flexible parenting with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: A case study CommunityMindfulness and self-compassion as tools in health behavior change: An evaluation of a workplace intervention pilot study
Mindfulness and self-compassion as tools in health behavior change: An evaluation of a workplace intervention pilot study CommunityVolume 7 (January 2018)
Volume 7 (January 2018)Pages 1-104 (January 2018)
A quantitative synthesis of functional analytic psychotherapy single-subject research
A quantitative synthesis of functional analytic psychotherapy single-subject research CommunityAn investigation into the relationship between the three selves (Self-as-Content, Self-as-Process and Self-as-Context) and mental health in adolescents
An investigation into the relationship between the three selves (Self-as-Content, Self-as-Process and Self-as-Context) and mental health in adolescents CommunityCognitive fusion among Hispanic college students: Further validation of the Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire
Cognitive fusion among Hispanic college students: Further validation of the Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire CommunityDo attachment anxiety and hostility mediate the relationship between experiential avoidance and interpersonal problems in mental health carers?
Do attachment anxiety and hostility mediate the relationship between experiential avoidance and interpersonal problems in mental health carers? CommunityEvaluating the effects of Acceptance and Commitment Training on the overt behavior of parents of children with autism
Evaluating the effects of Acceptance and Commitment Training on the overt behavior of parents of children with autism CommunityProbing the relative psychometric validity of three measures of psychological inflexibility
Probing the relative psychometric validity of three measures of psychological inflexibility CommunityPsychological flexibility and ostracism: Experiential avoidance rather than cognitive fusion moderates distress from perceived ostracism over time
Psychological flexibility and ostracism: Experiential avoidance rather than cognitive fusion moderates distress from perceived ostracism over time CommunityPsychological inflexibility and stigma: A meta-analytic review
Psychological inflexibility and stigma: A meta-analytic review CommunityThe PI IRAP: An alternative scoring algorithm for the IRAP using a probabilistic semiparametric effect size measure
The PI IRAP: An alternative scoring algorithm for the IRAP using a probabilistic semiparametric effect size measure CommunityUsing conceptual developments in RFT to direct case formulation and clinical intervention: Two case summaries
Using conceptual developments in RFT to direct case formulation and clinical intervention: Two case summaries CommunityValidation of the acceptance and action questionnaire for weight-related difficulties in an eating disorder population
Validation of the acceptance and action questionnaire for weight-related difficulties in an eating disorder population CommunityValued living, life fulfillment, and suicide ideation among psychiatric inpatients: The mediating role of thwarted interpersonal needs
Valued living, life fulfillment, and suicide ideation among psychiatric inpatients: The mediating role of thwarted interpersonal needs Community2017 - Volume 6
2017 - Volume 6 CommunityVolume 6, Issue 1 (January 2017)
Volume 6, Issue 1 (January 2017)Pages 1-124 (January 2017)
A pilot study of an acceptance-based behavioral treatment for binge eating disorder
A pilot study of an acceptance-based behavioral treatment for binge eating disorder adminA preliminary examination of willingness and importance as moderators of the relationship between statistics anxiety and performance
A preliminary examination of willingness and importance as moderators of the relationship between statistics anxiety and performance jessicaauzenneAssessment of the Body Image-Acceptance and Action Questionnaire in a female residential eating disorder treatment facility
Assessment of the Body Image-Acceptance and Action Questionnaire in a female residential eating disorder treatment facility jessicaauzenneChanges of valued behaviors and functioning during an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Intervention
Changes of valued behaviors and functioning during an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Intervention jessicaauzenneCognitive Fusion Questionnaire: Exploring measurement invariance across three groups of Brazilian women and the role of cognitive fusion as a mediator in the relationship between rumination and depression
Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire: Exploring measurement invariance across three groups of Brazilian women and the role of cognitive fusion as a mediator in the relationship between rumination and depression jessicaauzenneCognitive fusion, experiential avoidance, and their interactive effect: Examining assocaitions with thwarted belongingness and perceived burdersomeness
Cognitive fusion, experiential avoidance, and their interactive effect: Examining assocaitions with thwarted belongingness and perceived burdersomeness jessicaauzenneCorrelates of psychological inflexibility mediate the relation between alexithymic traits and positive emotions
Correlates of psychological inflexibility mediate the relation between alexithymic traits and positive emotions jessicaauzenneEstablishing derived conditioned symmetrical and transitive gustatory-visual-auditory relations in children with autism and related intellectual disabilities using the PEAK-E curriculum
Establishing derived conditioned symmetrical and transitive gustatory-visual-auditory relations in children with autism and related intellectual disabilities using the PEAK-E curriculum jessicaauzenneEvaluation of a web-based acceptance and commitment therapy program for women with trauma-related problems: A pilot study
Evaluation of a web-based acceptance and commitment therapy program for women with trauma-related problems: A pilot study jessicaauzenneExamining gender-STEM bias among STEM and non-STEM students using the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (IRAP)
Examining gender-STEM bias among STEM and non-STEM students using the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (IRAP) jessicaauzenneFeasibility and preliminary effectiveness of acceptance and commitment training for academic success of at-risk college students from low income families
Feasibility and preliminary effectiveness of acceptance and commitment training for academic success of at-risk college students from low income families jessicaauzennePosttraumatic stress symptom severity and functional impairment in a trauma-exposed sample: A preliminary examination into the moderating role of valued living
Posttraumatic stress symptom severity and functional impairment in a trauma-exposed sample: A preliminary examination into the moderating role of valued living jessicaauzenneShowing up for class: Training graduate students in acceptance and commitment therapy
Showing up for class: Training graduate students in acceptance and commitment therapy jessicaauzenneThe relative importance of rumination, experiential avoidance and mindfulness as predictors of depressive symptoms
The relative importance of rumination, experiential avoidance and mindfulness as predictors of depressive symptoms jessicaauzenneThe role of experiential avoidance in the relation between anxiety disorder diagnoses and future physical health symptoms in a community sample of young adult women
The role of experiential avoidance in the relation between anxiety disorder diagnoses and future physical health symptoms in a community sample of young adult women jessicaauzenneUnderstanding the effect of attachment styles in paranoid ideation: The mediator role of experiential avoidance
Understanding the effect of attachment styles in paranoid ideation: The mediator role of experiential avoidance jessicaauzenneValidation and invariance testing of the Greek adaptation of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II across clinical vs. nonclincal samples and sexes
Validation and invariance testing of the Greek adaptation of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II across clinical vs. nonclincal samples and sexes jessicaauzenneVolume 6, Issue 2 (April 2017)
Volume 6, Issue 2 (April 2017)Pages 125-244 (April 2017)
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for adolescent depression: Application with a diverse and predominantly socioeconomically disadvantaged sample
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for adolescent depression: Application with a diverse and predominantly socioeconomically disadvantaged sample jessicaauzenneAdding a functional utility score to the evaluation of behavioral health screens in integrated care settings: What's all the FUS about?
Adding a functional utility score to the evaluation of behavioral health screens in integrated care settings: What's all the FUS about? jessicaauzenneAn Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) intervention for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS): A case series approach
An Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) intervention for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS): A case series approach jessicaauzenneAn implementation trial of ACT-based bibliotherapy for irritable bowel syndrome
An implementation trial of ACT-based bibliotherapy for irritable bowel syndrome jessicaauzenneAssessing and training children with autism spectrum disorder using the relational evaluation procedure (REP)
Assessing and training children with autism spectrum disorder using the relational evaluation procedure (REP) jessicaauzenneCase study: A novel application of mindfulness- and acceptance-based components to treat misophonia
Case study: A novel application of mindfulness- and acceptance-based components to treat misophonia jessicaauzenneCitation analysis of relational frame theory: 2009-2016
Citation analysis of relational frame theory: 2009-2016 jessicaauzenneCoping through avoidance may explain gender disparities in anxiety
Coping through avoidance may explain gender disparities in anxiety jessicaauzenneMindfulness, self-compassion and psychological flexibility mediate the effects of a mindfulness-based intervention in a sample of oncology nurses
Mindfulness, self-compassion and psychological flexibility mediate the effects of a mindfulness-based intervention in a sample of oncology nurses jessicaauzenneOn the efficacy of mindfulness, defusion, and behavioral skills training on job interviewing skills in dually-diagnosed adults with developmental disorders
On the efficacy of mindfulness, defusion, and behavioral skills training on job interviewing skills in dually-diagnosed adults with developmental disorders jessicaauzennePsychological flexibility as a malleable public health target: Evidence from a representative sample
Psychological flexibility as a malleable public health target: Evidence from a representative sample jessicaauzennePsychological inflexibility as a mediator of the relationship between depressive symptom severity and public stigma in depression
Psychological inflexibility as a mediator of the relationship between depressive symptom severity and public stigma in depression jessicaauzenneReliance on experiential avoidance in the context of relational aggression: Links to internalizing and externalizing problems and dysphoric mood among urban, minority adolescent girls
Reliance on experiential avoidance in the context of relational aggression: Links to internalizing and externalizing problems and dysphoric mood among urban, minority adolescent girls jessicaauzenneThe role of psychological flexibility in migraine headache impact and depression
The role of psychological flexibility in migraine headache impact and depression jessicaauzenneUnmet psychosocial supportive care needs and psychological distress in haematological cancer survivors: The moderating role of psychological flexibility
Unmet psychosocial supportive care needs and psychological distress in haematological cancer survivors: The moderating role of psychological flexibility jessicaauzenneUsefulness of the ACT model for nurses in psychiatric inpatient care: A qualitative content analysis
Usefulness of the ACT model for nurses in psychiatric inpatient care: A qualitative content analysis jessicaauzenneWhat happens after five years?: The long-term effects of a four-session Acceptance and Commitment Therapy delivered by student therapists for depressive symptoms
What happens after five years?: The long-term effects of a four-session Acceptance and Commitment Therapy delivered by student therapists for depressive symptoms jessicaauzenneVolume 6, Issue 3 (July 2017)
Volume 6, Issue 3 (July 2017)Pages 245-346 (July 2017)
A preliminary exploration of education values, distress, and acceptance among self-identified white and non-white incoming college freshmen at a private university
A preliminary exploration of education values, distress, and acceptance among self-identified white and non-white incoming college freshmen at a private university jessicaauzenneCarrying the baton: Evolution science and a contextual behavioral analysis of language and cognition
Carrying the baton: Evolution science and a contextual behavioral analysis of language and cognition jessicaauzenneConceptual advances in the cognitive neuroscience of learning: Implications for relational frame theory
Conceptual advances in the cognitive neuroscience of learning: Implications for relational frame theory jessicaauzenneContextual behavioral science and global mental health: Synergies and opportunities
Contextual behavioral science and global mental health: Synergies and opportunities jessicaauzenneDimensionality and validity of the Committed Action Questionnaire (CAQ-8) in a chronic pain and university student population
Dimensionality and validity of the Committed Action Questionnaire (CAQ-8) in a chronic pain and university student population jessicaauzenneEmpirical advances in studying relational networks
Empirical advances in studying relational networks jessicaauzenneEnvironmental regularities as a concept for carving up the realm of learning research: Implications for Relational Frame Theory
Environmental regularities as a concept for carving up the realm of learning research: Implications for Relational Frame Theory jessicaauzenneFurther validation of the Chronic Pain Values Inventory in a Swedish chronic pain sample
Further validation of the Chronic Pain Values Inventory in a Swedish chronic pain sample jessicaauzennePre-deployment trait anxiety, anxiety sensitivity and experiential avoidance predict war-zone stress-evoked psychopathology
Pre-deployment trait anxiety, anxiety sensitivity and experiential avoidance predict war-zone stress-evoked psychopathology jessicaauzenneTeaching perspective-taking skills to an adult with Down syndrome: A case study
Teaching perspective-taking skills to an adult with Down syndrome: A case study jessicaauzenneThe acceptance and commitment therapy matrix mobile app: A pilot randomized trial on health behaviors
The acceptance and commitment therapy matrix mobile app: A pilot randomized trial on health behaviors jessicaauzenneThe relationship between derived mutually entailed relations and the function of challenging behavior in children with autism: Comparing the PEAK-E-PA and the QABF
The relationship between derived mutually entailed relations and the function of challenging behavior in children with autism: Comparing the PEAK-E-PA and the QABF jessicaauzenneVolume 6, Issue 4 (October 2017)
Volume 6, Issue 4 (October 2017)Pages 347-446 (October 2017)
A functional approach to understanding and treating military-related moral injury
A functional approach to understanding and treating military-related moral injury jessicaauzenneBeyond symptom severity: The differential impact of distress tolerance and reward responsiveness on quality of life in depressed and non-depressed individuals
Beyond symptom severity: The differential impact of distress tolerance and reward responsiveness on quality of life in depressed and non-depressed individuals jessicaauzenneBurnout and depression in medical students: Relations with avoidance and disengagement
Burnout and depression in medical students: Relations with avoidance and disengagement jessicaauzenneCorrigendum to "Teaching perspective-taking skills to an adult with Down syndrome: A case study"
Corrigendum to "Teaching perspective-taking skills to an adult with Down syndrome: A case study" jessicaauzenneDevelopment of a motivational interviewing/acceptance and commitment therapy model for adolescent substance abuse treatment
Development of a motivational interviewing/acceptance and commitment therapy model for adolescent substance abuse treatment jessicaauzenneExploring process variables through which acceptance-based behavioral interventions may improve weight loss maintenance
Exploring process variables through which acceptance-based behavioral interventions may improve weight loss maintenance jessicaauzenneFrom the IRAP and REC model to a multi-dimensional multi-level framework for analyzing the dynamics of arbitrarily applicable relational responding
From the IRAP and REC model to a multi-dimensional multi-level framework for analyzing the dynamics of arbitrarily applicable relational responding jessicaauzenneHow do we cope with ostracism? Psychological flexibility moderates the relationship between everyday ostracism experiences and psychological distress
How do we cope with ostracism? Psychological flexibility moderates the relationship between everyday ostracism experiences and psychological distress jessicaauzenneMindfulness and acceptance-based trainings for fostering self-care and reducing stress in mental health professionals: A systematic review
Mindfulness and acceptance-based trainings for fostering self-care and reducing stress in mental health professionals: A systematic review jessicaauzenneRelationship science informed clinically relevant behaviors in Functional Analytic Psychotherapy: The Awareness, Courage, and Love Model
Relationship science informed clinically relevant behaviors in Functional Analytic Psychotherapy: The Awareness, Courage, and Love Model jessicaauzenneTrusting homeostatic cues versus accepting hedonic cues: A randomized control trial comparing two distinct mindfulness-based intervention components
Trusting homeostatic cues versus accepting hedonic cues: A randomized control trial comparing two distinct mindfulness-based intervention components jessicaauzenneWhat is the evidence for the efficacy of self-help acceptance and commitment therapy? A systematic review and meta-analysis
What is the evidence for the efficacy of self-help acceptance and commitment therapy? A systematic review and meta-analysis jessicaauzenne2016 - Volume 5
2016 - Volume 5 CommunityVolume 5, Issue 1 (January 2016)
Volume 5, Issue 1 (January 2016)Pages 1-70 (January 2016)
A preliminary evaluation of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) training in Sierra Leone
A preliminary evaluation of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) training in Sierra Leone Jennifer KrafftChallenge, focus, inspiration and support: Processes of values clarification and congruence
Challenge, focus, inspiration and support: Processes of values clarification and congruence Jennifer KrafftChanging problematic parent–child interaction in child anxiety disorders: The promise of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
Changing problematic parent–child interaction in child anxiety disorders: The promise of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Jennifer KrafftEvaluations of self-referential thoughts and their association with components of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Evaluations of self-referential thoughts and their association with components of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Jennifer KrafftPractice-based evidence for outpatient, acceptance & commitment therapy for veterans with chronic, non-cancer pain
Practice-based evidence for outpatient, acceptance & commitment therapy for veterans with chronic, non-cancer pain Jennifer KrafftRunning acceptance and commitment therapy groups for psychosis in community settings
Running acceptance and commitment therapy groups for psychosis in community settings Jennifer KrafftThe interactive effect of cognitive fusion and experiential avoidance on anxiety, depression, stress and posttraumatic stress symptoms
The interactive effect of cognitive fusion and experiential avoidance on anxiety, depression, stress and posttraumatic stress symptoms Jennifer KrafftThe role of smoking-specific experiential avoidance in the relation between perceived stress and tobacco dependence, perceived barriers to cessation, and problems during quit attempts among treatment-seeking smokers
The role of smoking-specific experiential avoidance in the relation between perceived stress and tobacco dependence, perceived barriers to cessation, and problems during quit attempts among treatment-seeking smokers Jennifer KrafftWhatever gets your heart pumping: the impact of implicitly selected reinforcer-focused statements on exercise intensity
Whatever gets your heart pumping: the impact of implicitly selected reinforcer-focused statements on exercise intensity Jennifer KrafftVolume 5, Issue 2 (April 2016)
Volume 5, Issue 2 (April 2016)Pages 71-126 (April 2016)
A pilot test of a mindfulness-based communication training to enhance resilience in palliative care professionals
A pilot test of a mindfulness-based communication training to enhance resilience in palliative care professionals Jennifer KrafftCommitted action: An initial study on its association to procrastination in academic settings
Committed action: An initial study on its association to procrastination in academic settings Jennifer KrafftMeasuring self and rules in what people say: exploring whether self-discrimination predicts long-term wellbeing
Measuring self and rules in what people say: exploring whether self-discrimination predicts long-term wellbeing Jennifer KrafftNeurological evidence of acceptance and commitment therapy effectiveness in college-age gamblers
Neurological evidence of acceptance and commitment therapy effectiveness in college-age gamblers Jennifer KrafftParent's psychological flexibility: Associations with parenting and child psychosocial well-being
Parent's psychological flexibility: Associations with parenting and child psychosocial well-being Jennifer KrafftPsychometric properties of the Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire for Youth: A psychological measure of psychological inflexibility in youth
Psychometric properties of the Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire for Youth: A psychological measure of psychological inflexibility in youth Jennifer KrafftThe role of self-compassion and control belief about learning in university students' self-efficacy
The role of self-compassion and control belief about learning in university students' self-efficacy Jennifer KrafftVolume 5, Issue 3 (July 2016)
Volume 5, Issue 3 (July 2016)Pages 127-200 (July 2016)
Derived rule-following and transformations of stimulus function in a children's game: An application of PEAK-E with children with developmental disabilities
Derived rule-following and transformations of stimulus function in a children's game: An application of PEAK-E with children with developmental disabilities adminExploration of caregiver behavior on fear of emotion, spirituality, and self-compassion
Exploration of caregiver behavior on fear of emotion, spirituality, and self-compassion jessicaauzenneHow Bayesian estimation might improve CBS measure development: A case study with body-image flexibility in Hispanic students
How Bayesian estimation might improve CBS measure development: A case study with body-image flexibility in Hispanic students jessicaauzenneLearn and ACT: Changing prejudice towards people with mental illness using stigma reduction interventions
Learn and ACT: Changing prejudice towards people with mental illness using stigma reduction interventions jessicaauzenneNew developments in the assessment of weight-related experiential avoidance (AAQW-Revised)
New developments in the assessment of weight-related experiential avoidance (AAQW-Revised) jessicaauzenneThe Self Experiences Questionnaire (SEQ): Preliminary analyses for a measure of self in people with chronic pain
The Self Experiences Questionnaire (SEQ): Preliminary analyses for a measure of self in people with chronic pain jessicaauzenneThe development and validation of the Comprehensive assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy processes (CompACT)
The development and validation of the Comprehensive assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy processes (CompACT) jessicaauzenneThe effects of a voice hearing simulation on implicit fear of voices
The effects of a voice hearing simulation on implicit fear of voices jessicaauzenneThe relationship between psychological flexibility, early maladaptive schemas, perceived parenting and psychopathology
The relationship between psychological flexibility, early maladaptive schemas, perceived parenting and psychopathology jessicaauzenneVolume 5, Issue 4 (October 2016)
Volume 5, Issue 4 (October 2016)Pages 201-270 (October 2016)
A contextual behavioral approach to the study of (persecutory) delusions
A contextual behavioral approach to the study of (persecutory) delusions CommunityA psychological flexibility model of medication adherence in psychotic-spectrum disorders
A psychological flexibility model of medication adherence in psychotic-spectrum disorders CommunityAcceptance and commitment therapy for co-occurring PTSD and substance use: A manual development study
Acceptance and commitment therapy for co-occurring PTSD and substance use: A manual development study CommunityBetter living with illness: A transdiagnostic acceptance and commitment therapy group intervention for chronic physical illness
Better living with illness: A transdiagnostic acceptance and commitment therapy group intervention for chronic physical illness CommunityOn the role of values clarification and committed actions in enhancing the engagement of direct care workers with clients with severe developmental disorders
On the role of values clarification and committed actions in enhancing the engagement of direct care workers with clients with severe developmental disorders CommunityPerspectives on the use of acceptance and commitment therapy related mobile apps: Results from a survey of students and professionals
Perspectives on the use of acceptance and commitment therapy related mobile apps: Results from a survey of students and professionals CommunitySuppressing spiritual struggles: The role of experiential avoidance in mental health
Suppressing spiritual struggles: The role of experiential avoidance in mental health CommunityThe relationship between cognitive fusion, stigma, and well-being in people with multiple sclerosis
The relationship between cognitive fusion, stigma, and well-being in people with multiple sclerosis CommunityUsing the IRAP to explore natural language statements
Using the IRAP to explore natural language statements Community2015 - Volume 4
2015 - Volume 4 CommunityVolume 4, Issue 1 (January 2015)
Volume 4, Issue 1 (January 2015)Pages 1-68 (January 2015)
A preliminary exploration of the moderating role of valued living in the relationships between racist experiences and anxious and depressive symptoms
A preliminary exploration of the moderating role of valued living in the relationships between racist experiences and anxious and depressive symptoms Ben PierceAcceptance-based treatment and quality of life among patients with an eating disorder
Acceptance-based treatment and quality of life among patients with an eating disorder Ben PierceApplications and adaptations of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for adolescents
Applications and adaptations of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for adolescents Ben PierceFear of self-compassion and psychological inflexibility interact to predict PTSD symptom severity
Fear of self-compassion and psychological inflexibility interact to predict PTSD symptom severity Ben PierceMechanisms of change: Exploratory outcomes form a randomised controlled trial of acceptance and commitment therapy for anxious adolescents
Mechanisms of change: Exploratory outcomes form a randomised controlled trial of acceptance and commitment therapy for anxious adolescents Ben PierceThe role of disordered eating cognition and body image flexibility in disordered eating behavior in college men
The role of disordered eating cognition and body image flexibility in disordered eating behavior in college men Ben PierceThe role of experiential avoidance in the relationship between family conflict and depression among early adolescents
The role of experiential avoidance in the relationship between family conflict and depression among early adolescents Ben PierceThe role of therapist experiential avoidance in predicting therapist preference for exposure treatment for OCD
The role of therapist experiential avoidance in predicting therapist preference for exposure treatment for OCD Ben PierceVolume 4, Issue 2 (April 2015)
Volume 4, Issue 2 (April 2015)Pages 69-138 (April 2015)
A brief, interpersonally oriented mindfulness intervention incorporating Functional Analytic Psychotherapy's model of awareness, courage, and love
A brief, interpersonally oriented mindfulness intervention incorporating Functional Analytic Psychotherapy's model of awareness, courage, and love Ben PierceAcceptance and Commitment Therapy for children: A systematic review of intervention studies
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for children: A systematic review of intervention studies Ben PierceConnect and shape: A parenting meta-strategy
Connect and shape: A parenting meta-strategy Ben PierceExploring attitudes towards gender and science: The advantages of an IRAP approach versus the IAT
Exploring attitudes towards gender and science: The advantages of an IRAP approach versus the IAT Ben PierceHonest politics: Evaluating candidate perceptions for the 2012 U.S election with the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure
Honest politics: Evaluating candidate perceptions for the 2012 U.S election with the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure Ben PiercePerspective taking reduces the fundamental attribution error
Perspective taking reduces the fundamental attribution error Ben PierceThe application of a cognitive defusion technique to negative body image thoughts: A preliminary analogue investigation
The application of a cognitive defusion technique to negative body image thoughts: A preliminary analogue investigation Ben PierceThe chronic illness acceptance questionnaire: Confirmatory factor analysis and prediction of perceived disability in an online chronic illness support group sample
The chronic illness acceptance questionnaire: Confirmatory factor analysis and prediction of perceived disability in an online chronic illness support group sample Ben PierceThe impact of a cognitive defusion intervention on behavioral and psychological flexibilty: An experimental evaluation in a spider fearful non-clinical sample
The impact of a cognitive defusion intervention on behavioral and psychological flexibilty: An experimental evaluation in a spider fearful non-clinical sample Ben PierceVolume 4, Issue 3 (July 2015)
Volume 4, Issue 3 (July 2015)Pages 139-212 (July 2015)
Acceptance and commitment therapy for depression following psychosis: An examination of clinically significant change
Acceptance and commitment therapy for depression following psychosis: An examination of clinically significant change Ben PierceActing in light of the future: How do future-oriented cultural practices evolve and how can we accelerate their evolution
Acting in light of the future: How do future-oriented cultural practices evolve and how can we accelerate their evolution Ben PierceBody image flexibility contributes to explaining the link between body dissatisfaction and body appreciation in White college-bound females
Body image flexibility contributes to explaining the link between body dissatisfaction and body appreciation in White college-bound females Ben PierceChanges in psychological flexibility during acceptance and commitment therapy for obsessive compulsive disorder
Changes in psychological flexibility during acceptance and commitment therapy for obsessive compulsive disorder Ben PierceCoping with rejection concerns in romantic relationships: An experimental investigation of social anxiety and risk regulation
Coping with rejection concerns in romantic relationships: An experimental investigation of social anxiety and risk regulation Ben PierceCreating a peer-led acceptance and commitment therapy consultation group: The Portland model
Creating a peer-led acceptance and commitment therapy consultation group: The Portland model Ben PierceDevelopment and validation of the parental acceptance questionnaire (6-PAQ)
Development and validation of the parental acceptance questionnaire (6-PAQ) Ben PierceFurther investigation of the association between anxiety sensitivity and posttraumatic stress disorder: Examining the influence of emotional avoidance
Further investigation of the association between anxiety sensitivity and posttraumatic stress disorder: Examining the influence of emotional avoidance Ben PierceHumans are the selection criterion in psychological science, not "reality": A reply to Herbert and Padovani
Humans are the selection criterion in psychological science, not "reality": A reply to Herbert and Padovani Ben PierceInterpreting and inverting with less cursing: A guide to interpreting IRAP data
Interpreting and inverting with less cursing: A guide to interpreting IRAP data Ben PierceRecognizing common clinical mistakes in ACT: A quick analysis and call to awareness
Recognizing common clinical mistakes in ACT: A quick analysis and call to awareness Ben PierceVolume 4, Issue 4 (October 2015)
Volume 4, Issue 4 (October 2015)Pages 213-324 (October 2015)
A functional-contextualist account of locus of control: Generalized control expectancies as derived relational responding
A functional-contextualist account of locus of control: Generalized control expectancies as derived relational responding Ben PierceBeyond what "is" and what "is-not"
Beyond what "is" and what "is-not" Ben PierceBreaking the ontology taboo: Reply to Monestes and Villatte
Breaking the ontology taboo: Reply to Monestes and Villatte Ben PierceContextualism, psychological science, and the question of ontology
Contextualism, psychological science, and the question of ontology Ben PierceExperimentally reducing event centrality using a modified expressive writing intervention
Experimentally reducing event centrality using a modified expressive writing intervention Ben PierceIllness cognitions, cognitive fusion, avoidance and self-compassion as predictors of distress and quality of life in a heterogenous sample of adults, after cancer
Illness cognitions, cognitive fusion, avoidance and self-compassion as predictors of distress and quality of life in a heterogenous sample of adults, after cancer Ben PierceIn search of the person in pain: A systematic review of conceptualization, assessment methods, and evidence for self and identity in chronic pain
In search of the person in pain: A systematic review of conceptualization, assessment methods, and evidence for self and identity in chronic pain Ben PierceMeaningful, reminiscent, and evocative: An initial examination of four methods of selecting idiographic values-relevant stimuli
Meaningful, reminiscent, and evocative: An initial examination of four methods of selecting idiographic values-relevant stimuli Ben PiercePerspectives on the nature of being, becoming and reality from contextual behavioral science
Perspectives on the nature of being, becoming and reality from contextual behavioral science Ben PiercePilot testing of a mindfulness- and acceptance-based intervention for increasing cardiorespiratory fitness in sedentary adults: A feasibility study
Pilot testing of a mindfulness- and acceptance-based intervention for increasing cardiorespiratory fitness in sedentary adults: A feasibility study Ben PiercePsychological flexibility as a dimension of resilience for posttraumatic stress, depression, and risk for suicidal ideation among Air Force personnel
Psychological flexibility as a dimension of resilience for posttraumatic stress, depression, and risk for suicidal ideation among Air Force personnel Ben PierceReinforcement matters: A preliminary, laboratory-based component-process analysis of Functional Analytic Psychotherapy's model of social connection
Reinforcement matters: A preliminary, laboratory-based component-process analysis of Functional Analytic Psychotherapy's model of social connection Ben PierceThe Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (IRAP) and attractiveness bias
The Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (IRAP) and attractiveness bias Ben PierceThe functional contextual a-ontological stance and Bas C. van Fraassen's constructive empiricism
The functional contextual a-ontological stance and Bas C. van Fraassen's constructive empiricism Ben PierceThe language of ontology is the subject matter of behavioral science
The language of ontology is the subject matter of behavioral science Ben Pierce2014 - Volume 3
2014 - Volume 3 CommunityVolume 3, Issue 1 (January 2014)
Volume 3, Issue 1 (January 2014)Pages 1-68 (January 2014)
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for weight control: Model, evidence, and future directions
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for weight control: Model, evidence, and future directions adminAcceptance, mindfulness, and cognitive reappraisal as longitudinal predictors of depression and quality of life in educators
Acceptance, mindfulness, and cognitive reappraisal as longitudinal predictors of depression and quality of life in educators adminEfficacy of an acceptance-based behavioral intervention for weight gain prevention in young adult women
Efficacy of an acceptance-based behavioral intervention for weight gain prevention in young adult women adminMeasuring the effect of cognitive defusion using the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure: An experimental analysis with a highly socially anxious sample
Measuring the effect of cognitive defusion using the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure: An experimental analysis with a highly socially anxious sample adminPutting values into words: An examination of the text characteristics of values articulation
Putting values into words: An examination of the text characteristics of values articulation adminRandomization tests for single-case experiments: State of the art, state of the science, and state of the application
Randomization tests for single-case experiments: State of the art, state of the science, and state of the application adminRandomization tests: A new gold standard?
Randomization tests: A new gold standard? adminThe Acceptance and Action Questionnaire – Stigma (AAQ-S): Developing a measure of psychological flexibility with stigmatizing thoughts
The Acceptance and Action Questionnaire – Stigma (AAQ-S): Developing a measure of psychological flexibility with stigmatizing thoughts adminThe role of responsibility and threat appraisals in contamination fear and obsessive-compulsive tendencies at the implicit level
The role of responsibility and threat appraisals in contamination fear and obsessive-compulsive tendencies at the implicit level adminThrough the windows of the soul: A pilot study using photography to enhance meaning in life
Through the windows of the soul: A pilot study using photography to enhance meaning in life adminVolume 3, Issue 2 (April 2014)
Volume 3, Issue 2 (April 2014)Pages 69-154 (April 2014)
A behavior analytic interpretation of alexithymia
A behavior analytic interpretation of alexithymia katemorrison@j…A pilot of an acceptance-based risk reduction program for relational aggression for adolescents
A pilot of an acceptance-based risk reduction program for relational aggression for adolescents katemorrison@j…A preliminary investigation of the role of psychological inflexibility in academic procrastination
A preliminary investigation of the role of psychological inflexibility in academic procrastination katemorrison@j…Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for chronic pain: A diary study of treatment process in relation to reliable change in disability
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for chronic pain: A diary study of treatment process in relation to reliable change in disability katemorrison@j…Comparing paths to quality of life: Contributions of ACT and cognitive therapy intervention targets in two highly anxious samples
Comparing paths to quality of life: Contributions of ACT and cognitive therapy intervention targets in two highly anxious samples katemorrison@j…Experiential avoidance and male dating violence perpetration: An initial investigation
Experiential avoidance and male dating violence perpetration: An initial investigation katemorrison@j…Single case designs in clinical practice: A contemporary CBS perspective on why and how to
Single case designs in clinical practice: A contemporary CBS perspective on why and how to katemorrison@j…Technical, practical and analytic innovations in single case designs for contextual behavioral scientists
Technical, practical and analytic innovations in single case designs for contextual behavioral scientists katemorrison@j…The Functional Idiographic Assessment Template-Questionnaire (FIAT-Q): Initial psychometric properties
The Functional Idiographic Assessment Template-Questionnaire (FIAT-Q): Initial psychometric properties katemorrison@j…The promise of mobile technologies and single case designs for the study of individuals in their natural environment
The promise of mobile technologies and single case designs for the study of individuals in their natural environment katemorrison@j…Where is the love? Contextual behavioral science and behavior analysis
Where is the love? Contextual behavioral science and behavior analysis katemorrison@j…Volume 3, Issue 3 (July 2014)
Volume 3, Issue 3 (July 2014)Pages 155-216 (July 2014)
A pilot study of processes of change in group-based acceptance and commitment therapy for health anxiety
A pilot study of processes of change in group-based acceptance and commitment therapy for health anxiety katemorrison@j…Acceptance and Commitment Therapy group for treatment-resistant participants: A randomized controlled trial
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy group for treatment-resistant participants: A randomized controlled trial katemorrison@j…Body image avoidance: An under-explored yet important factor in the relationship between body image dissatisfaction and disordered eating
Body image avoidance: An under-explored yet important factor in the relationship between body image dissatisfaction and disordered eating katemorrison@j…Development of the Valuing Questionnaire (VQ)
Development of the Valuing Questionnaire (VQ) katemorrison@j…Examining psychological inflexibility as a transdiagnostic process across psychological disorders
Examining psychological inflexibility as a transdiagnostic process across psychological disorders katemorrison@j…Parenting in context
Parenting in context katemorrison@j…Relationships between amount of post-intervention mindfulness practice and follow-up outcome variables in an acceptance-based behavior therapy for Generalized Anxiety Disorder: The importance of informal practice
Relationships between amount of post-intervention mindfulness practice and follow-up outcome variables in an acceptance-based behavior therapy for Generalized Anxiety Disorder: The importance of informal practice katemorrison@j…The phenomenology of weight stigma in everyday life
The phenomenology of weight stigma in everyday life katemorrison@j…Volume 3, Issue 4 (October 2014)
Volume 3, Issue 4 (October 2014)Pages 217-322 (October 2014)
A systematic review of randomized controlled trials of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for adults with chronic pain: Outcome domains, design quality, and efficacy
A systematic review of randomized controlled trials of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for adults with chronic pain: Outcome domains, design quality, and efficacy Ben PierceDispositional coping in individuals with anxiety disorder symptomatology: Avoidance predicts distress
Dispositional coping in individuals with anxiety disorder symptomatology: Avoidance predicts distress Ben PierceExperiential avoidance and interpersonal problems: A moderated mediation model
Experiential avoidance and interpersonal problems: A moderated mediation model Ben PierceImpact of values clarification on cortisol reactivity to an acute stressor
Impact of values clarification on cortisol reactivity to an acute stressor Ben PierceImproving novel food choices in preschool children using acceptance and commitment therapy
Improving novel food choices in preschool children using acceptance and commitment therapy Ben PierceOn the orderliness of behavioral variability: Insights from generativity theory
On the orderliness of behavioral variability: Insights from generativity theory Ben PiercePractical considerations in the design and development of smartphone apps for behavior change
Practical considerations in the design and development of smartphone apps for behavior change Ben PiercePsychological flexibility is not a single dimension: The distinctive flexibility profiles of underweight, overweight, and obese people
Psychological flexibility is not a single dimension: The distinctive flexibility profiles of underweight, overweight, and obese people Ben PierceRFT for clinical use: The example of metaphor
RFT for clinical use: The example of metaphor Ben PierceThe moderating role of experiential avoidance in the relationship between posttraumatic stress disorder symptom severity and cannabis dependence
The moderating role of experiential avoidance in the relationship between posttraumatic stress disorder symptom severity and cannabis dependence Ben PierceUsing acceptance and commitment therapy to increase self-compassion: A randomized controlled trial
Using acceptance and commitment therapy to increase self-compassion: A randomized controlled trial Ben PierceValue congruence, importance and success and in the workplace: Links to well-being and burnout amongst mental health practitioners
Value congruence, importance and success and in the workplace: Links to well-being and burnout amongst mental health practitioners Ben PierceWhere's the beef?: Reply to Kanter, Holman, and Wilson
Where's the beef?: Reply to Kanter, Holman, and Wilson Ben Pierce2013 - Volume 2
2013 - Volume 2 CommunityVolume 2, Issues 1-2 (April 2013)
Volume 2, Issues 1-2 (April 2013)Pages 1-60 (April 2013)
Assessment of body image flexibility: The Body Image-Acceptance and Action Questionnaire
Assessment of body image flexibility: The Body Image-Acceptance and Action Questionnaire adminCorrigendum to “Modelling the direct and indirect effects of thought suppression on personal choice”
Corrigendum to “Modelling the direct and indirect effects of thought suppression on personal choice” adminDirect and indirect associations between experiential avoidance and reduced delay of gratification
Direct and indirect associations between experiential avoidance and reduced delay of gratification adminFunctioning in the face of racism: Preliminary findings on the buffering role of values clarification in a Black American sample
Functioning in the face of racism: Preliminary findings on the buffering role of values clarification in a Black American sample adminThe Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (IRAP) as a measure of obsessive beliefs in relation to disgust
The Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (IRAP) as a measure of obsessive beliefs in relation to disgust adminThe Training and Assessment of Relational Precursors and Abilities (TARPA): A follow-up study with typically developing children
The Training and Assessment of Relational Precursors and Abilities (TARPA): A follow-up study with typically developing children adminThe impact of the active components of functional analytic psychotherapy on idiographic target behaviors
The impact of the active components of functional analytic psychotherapy on idiographic target behaviors adminThe role of value importance and success in understanding suicidal ideation among Veterans
The role of value importance and success in understanding suicidal ideation among Veterans adminVolume 2, Issues 3-4 (October 2013)
Volume 2, Issues 3-4 (October 2013)Pages 61-134 (October 2013)
A framework for intentional cultural change
A framework for intentional cultural change adminAcceptance and Commitment Therapy for eating disorders: Clinical applications of a group treatment
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for eating disorders: Clinical applications of a group treatment adminBaseline eating disorder severity predicts response to an acceptance and commitment therapy-based group treatment
Baseline eating disorder severity predicts response to an acceptance and commitment therapy-based group treatment adminCourage, self-compassion, and values in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Courage, self-compassion, and values in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder adminExtinction of aversive eliciting functions as an analog of exposure to conditioned fear: Does it alter avoidance responding?
Extinction of aversive eliciting functions as an analog of exposure to conditioned fear: Does it alter avoidance responding? adminPragmatism, realism, and psychology: Understanding theory selection criteria
Pragmatism, realism, and psychology: Understanding theory selection criteria adminThe Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure: Emerging reliability and validity data
The Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure: Emerging reliability and validity data adminValues are not just goals: Online ACT-based values training adds to goal setting in improving undergraduate college student performance
Values are not just goals: Online ACT-based values training adds to goal setting in improving undergraduate college student performance admin2012 - Volume 1
2012 - Volume 1 CommunityVolume 1, Issues 1-2 (December 2012)
Volume 1, Issues 1-2 (December 2012)Pages 1-82 (December 2012)
Contextual Behavioral Science: Creating a science more adequate to the challenge of the human condition
Contextual Behavioral Science: Creating a science more adequate to the challenge of the human condition adminAcceptance-based exposure therapy for public speaking anxiety
Acceptance-based exposure therapy for public speaking anxiety adminConsilience: Making contextual behavioral science part of the United Ivory Archipelago
Consilience: Making contextual behavioral science part of the United Ivory Archipelago adminCrying Babies
Crying Babies adminHolding on to our functional roots when exploring new intellectual islands: A voyage through implicit cognition research
Holding on to our functional roots when exploring new intellectual islands: A voyage through implicit cognition research adminModelling the direct and indirect effects of thought suppression on personal choice
Modelling the direct and indirect effects of thought suppression on personal choice adminPsychological flexibility and self-concealment as predictors of disordered eating symptoms
Psychological flexibility and self-concealment as predictors of disordered eating symptoms adminThe Drexel defusion scale: A new measure of experiential distancing
The Drexel defusion scale: A new measure of experiential distancing adminPast JCBS Articles Relevant to COVID-19
Past JCBS Articles Relevant to COVID-19Currently we are living through a pandemic that is unprecedented in most of our lifetimes. While new empirical and conceptual papers are being published that focus specifically on COVID-19, we put together a small working group to sort through previous issues of JCBS that contain articles relevant to the current crisis. We will be regularly posting brief descriptions and links to several of these articles on topics such as the use of e-health interventions, self-compassion, interpersonal connection, anxiety, trauma, and stigma/prejudice. We hope that readers will find them useful. (Click here for the JCBS Special Issue on CBS Perspectives on COVID-19)
COVID-19 Workgroup Members: Staci Martin Peron, Ph.D., Maria Karekla, Ph.D., Ronald Rogge, Ph.D., Caitlyn Loucas, MA, and Stephanie Reda, BA.
Some relevant articles:
1. Raftery-Helmer, J.N., Moore, P.S., Coyne, L., & Palm Reed, K. (2016). Changing problematic parent-child interaction in child anxiety disorders: The promise of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 5(1), 64-69.
This article by Raftery-Helmer and colleagues from 2016 describes the interaction between parent behavior and child anxiety. The authors explain the role of ACT in helping parents accept their thoughts about their child’s anxiety and connect with values surrounding parenting. With many families staying home together during quarantine as well as the propensity for some children to experience anxiety about the coronavirus and its impact, this article is particularly relevant right now.
2. Yadavaia, J. E., Hayes, S. C., & Vilardaga, R. (2014). Using acceptance and commitment therapy to increase self-compassion: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 3(4), 248-257.
Yadavaia, Hayes and Vilardaga (2014) presented results of a randomized trial that compared a group receiving a 6-hour ACT workshop targeting self-compassion with a wait-list control group. The intervention group improved not only in self-compassion but also in general psychological distress and anxiety, with psychological flexibility identified as a significant mediator of change. In current times, many of our clients (and many of us!) are suffering from self-criticism, e.g., pressuring themselves to be coping better than they are, to be more productive, etc. Applying some of the techniques from this study’s intervention, which are detailed in the Methods section, may be very helpful for our clients.
3. Pierce, B., Twohig, M.P., & Levin, M.E. (2016). Perspectives on the use of acceptance and commitment therapy related mobile apps: Results from a survey of students and professionals. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 5(4), 215-224.
Pierce and colleagues (2016) provide a useful summary of ACT-related mobile apps for complementing in-person therapy. They found that apps were used for things like supporting out-of-session mindfulness practice, setting reminders for practicing ACT skills, and monitoring symptoms. While there were some barriers identified to using mental health apps, this article may be useful for therapists who are searching for alternative ways to help clients remotely.
4. Päivi, L., Sitwat, L., Harri, O. K., Joona, M., & Raimo, L. (2019). ACT for sleep-internet-delivered self-help ACT for sub-clinical and clinical insomnia: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 12, 119-127.
This recent article by Päivi and colleagues examines the effectiveness of an internet-delivered ACT intervention that targets symptoms of insomnia and psychological distress. The authors found support for their intervention that was maintained over six months, and additionally highlighted the role that thought suppression might play as a central process in sleep disturbance. As increases in worry or disruptions to daily routines related to COVID-19 may reduce sleep quality, this article highlights how ACT-based support could be disseminated in an accessible and cost-effective manner without substantial therapist contact.
5. Duarte, J. & Pinto-Gouveia, J. (2017). Mindfulness, self-compassion and psychological inflexibility mediate the effects of a mindfulness-based intervention in a sample of oncology nurses. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 6(2), 125-133.
Duarte and Pinto-Gouveia describe the effects of a six-week group mindfulness-based intervention in a sample of oncology nurses. Mindfulness, self-compassion, and psychological inflexibility mediated the effect of the intervention on burnout and mental health outcomes. With the current chronic physical, mental, and emotional demands being placed on healthcare and other essential workers, this article offers a timely exploration of potential mechanisms of change to treat burnout and emotional fatigue.
6. Fiorillo, D., McLean, C., Pistorello, J., Hayes, S.C., & Follette, V.M. (2017). Evaluation of a web-based acceptance and commitment therapy program for women with trauma-related problems: A pilot study. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 6(1), 104-113.
Fiorillo and colleagues conducted a six-week web-based ACT program for adult women who had experienced trauma. Program targets were met with participants showing decreased psychological inflexibility, increased ACT knowledge, and improvements on measures of PTSD, depression and anxiety. Results support the efficacy of web-based interventions, which are especially useful given current travel restrictions and the traumatizing nature of the pandemic.
7. Haworth, K., Kanter, J.W., Tsai, M., Kuczynski, A.M., Rae, J.R., & Kohlenberg, R.J. (2015). Reinforcement matters: A preliminary laboratory-based component-process analysis of Functional Analytic Psychotherapy’s model of social connection. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 4(4), 281-291.
In this article, Haworth and colleagues examine the role of self-disclosure and responsiveness on feelings of connectedness through the lens of Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP). The authors highlight the importance of social connection, and through two studies shine light on the mechanisms through which intimate therapeutic relationships are formed. Results showed that when self-disclosure occurred and was reinforced by responsiveness, participants' feelings of connectedness increased and their depth of disclosure improved. As the ways in which we connect with others are shifting, how we choose to communicate with our loved ones deserves careful attention.
8. Tavakoli, N., Broyles, A., Reid, E. K., Sandoval, J. R., & Correa-Fernández, V. (2019). Psychological inflexibility as it relates to stress, worry, generalized anxiety, and somatization in an ethnically diverse sample of college students. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 11, 1-5.
This article by Tavakoli and colleagues explored the relationship between psychological inflexibility and anxiety among individuals of varying racial/ethnic groups. A difference was found between psychological inflexibility and worry among Hispanic-Americans compared to European-Americans. Results highlight the role of psychological inflexibility on anxiety and the potential for ACT interventions to increase psychological flexibility in ethnically diverse samples. Given the global impact of COVID-19 (as well as other issues in the forefront of our minds lately), this study is a reminder to incorporate sociocultural considerations for enhancing psychological wellbeing.
9. Levin, M.E., Pierce, B., & Schoendorff, B. (2017). The acceptance and commitment therapy matrix mobile app: A pilot randomized trial on health behaviors. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 6(3), 268-275.
Levin and colleagues conducted a pilot RCT of an ACT-based mobile app intervention aimed at improving diet and exercise, two behaviors that many people are struggling with during quarantine. Participants randomized to the intervention rated high satisfaction with the app and displayed reasonable engagement. Program completers saw significant improvements in health behaviors compared to the waitlist condition. The authors identify the app’s shortcomings and highlight the need for future work developing mobile-based interventions, something that is extremely relevant given the restrictions of the current pandemic.
10. Halliburton, A. E., & Cooper, L. D. (2015). Applications and adaptations of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for adolescents. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 4(1), 1- 11.
Halliburton and Cooper (2015) provide a comprehensive review of existing literature examining the efficacy of ACT-related treatment for adolescents. Across a wide range of medical and psychological conditions, the authors cite evidence that ACT-based therapies are effective in reducing distress and improving functioning. As there is limited research in this area, the authors go on to suggest additional ways to make developmental adaptations to ACT strategies in order to make them more accessible and appropriate for adolescents. With many adolescents potentially having important developmental milestones impacted by COVID-19, this article is a helpful reminder of how ACT-related strategies may offer some helpful support.
11. Kenny, A., & Bizumic, B. (2016). Learn and ACT: Changing prejudice towards people with mental illness using stigma reduction interventions. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 5(3), 178-185.
Kenny and Bizumic (2016) compared the efficacy of two group-based interventions (ACT vs. education) designed to reduce stigma towards individuals with mental illness. The researchers found that prejudicial attitudes decreased in both conditions but showed the largest reduction for those receiving ACT. At a time when many are facing stigma due to their ethnicity or health status, this article offers a gentle reminder of how to help others adopt an increasingly compassionate and non-judgmental approach.
12. Wetterneck, C. T., Lee, E. B., Smith, A. H., & Hart, J. M. (2013). Courage, self-compassion, and values in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 2(3-4), 68-73.
In a study by Wetterneck and colleagues (2013), higher self-compassion, courage, and valued living were associated with lower OCD severity, with courage and valued living predicting symptom severity. People with OCD may be struggling more than ever during the pandemic and this article provides input about what may be helpful to target in therapy. Moreover, the article’s implications are broadly applicable beyond just those with OCD and underscore the role that valued living has in symptom and distress reduction - especially when engagement with values may feel more restricted or challenging.
13. Whittingham, K. (2015). Connect and shape: A parenting meta-strategy. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 4(2), 103-106.
Whittingham outlines a parenting strategy for targeting child misbehavior that pulls from previously distinct behavioral and social/emotional approaches, combining them into one effective parenting model. The author explains how attachment behavior can be viewed within a behavioral framework grounded in evolutionary science. The article describes key features of the Connect and Shape model and how it can be taught to parents. Given the increase in time that children are spending at home with parents, the proposed framework may be especially useful for managing child behavior during the pandemic.
14. Steger, M. F., Shim, Y., Barenz, J., & Shin, J. Y. (2014). Through the windows of the soul: A pilot study using photography to enhance meaning in life. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 3(1), 27-30.
Steger and colleagues discuss how meaning in life plays an important role in psychological well-being. In this study, participants took photos of things that made their lives feel meaningful over one week and then wrote about why they found each photo meaningful. This simple intervention was associated with increases in positive affect, meaning in life, and life satisfaction, as well as decreases in negative affect. With the pandemic making it harder to connect with values in the ways we did previously, this intervention offers a creative method for helping individuals focus on meaningful life experiences. Providers may consider incorporating similar assignments into their online practices.
15. White, R.G., Gregg, J., Batten, S., Hayes, L.L., & Kasujja, R. (2017). Contextual behavioral science and global mental health: Synergies and opportunities. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 6(3), 245-251.
Here White and colleagues discuss the current goals of the global mental health field, particularly the need for more accessible care initiatives. The authors highlight that a majority of the world’s population lives in areas that lack mental healthcare resources. The article discusses strategies to combat the limitations of current models of mental health services and future directions for the development of feasible, wide-reaching mental health interventions. The authors also note that contextual behavioral science is particularly suitable for meeting the needs of global mental health and discuss its potential applications. These global gaps in healthcare are only aggravated by the current pandemic and thus deserve particular attention right now.