WC2022 Program
WC2022 ProgramPlan your conference days with this brief daily schedule:
View the (final) detailed IN-PERSON program, including abstracts:
Check out a list of all the content that will be available for our VIRTUAL audience:
View the detailed VIRTUAL program, including abstracts:
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All IN-PERSON conference information can be found on our app as well.
- Go to your phone's app store. Search for Yapp. Install Yapp on your phone.
- Open Yapp.
- Click on "+" at the top.
- Type ACBS in the box that says Enter Yapp Id and click "Add".
- The ACBS World Conference logo will appear on your screen. Click on the logo and the app will open.
Haven't registered for the conference yet? Find out more about rates and registration here.
Please learn more about our fantastic 2022 Program Committee here.
2022 Presenter Resources
2022 Presenter Resources
Welcome to the ACBS World Conference Presenter Resources Page! This page contains valuable information to help you prepare for the upcoming conference.
Session Types
Learn about the various types of sessions in the ACBS program here.
Powerpoints and Handouts
For your convenience ACBS has provided a Powerpoint template that you may use. This file also includes disclosure slides that can be used when appropriate.
The Powerpoint template and suggestions provided will be helpful for the viewing experience of our virtual audience. Many of the in-person conference sessions will have their audio and ppt captured, and using the template as suggested with photos of the presenters will make for an improved viewing experience.
If you are participating in a panel and weren't planning on a robust ppt presentation, please consider at least creating slides with images of the presenters (as suggested in the template) if you are being recorded. This will improve the post-conference viewing experience.
As always we would like to collect as many powerpoint presentations as we can prior to the conference, to make them available for attendees on the conference platform. When your powerpoint or other handouts are ready, please submit them to this Dropbox folder: https://www.dropbox.com/request/qSDdlE0YMlH8IDWNwDW6
*Make sure your session number and a description are in the file name. For example, “56 ppt” or “56 handout”
We can only guarantee that powerpoints or handouts submitted by May 26 will be posted online prior to the conference. If you send your powerpoint or handouts after May 26, they may not be posted online until after the conference is over in June.
In an effort to reduce paper consumption at the conference, we will only be printing workshop handouts that are worksheets to be completed during sessions. (PPT slides with space for notes are not considered worksheets.) If you have a worksheet that you would like to make available to your attendees, add it to the Dropbox folder linked above by May 16 so that it can be printed. Make sure to indicate in the file name what needs to be printed (for example, “56 handout – print - 2 sided”). Copies will be delivered to your workshop room just prior to your session during the conference.
Additionally, we would like to collect as many powerpoint presentations as we can prior to the conference, to make them available for attendees and ACBS members. When your powerpoint or other handouts are ready, please email it to: acbsstaff@contextualscience.org with “WORKSHOP PPT” in the subject line, and the workshop Title and Authors in the body of the email, and we will post them on our website.
Audio Visual Equipment
Every room will come equipped with a projector. The projectors will have HDMI cables. ACBS will have limited adaptors for your use, but may not have all types. If you know that your laptop does not have an HDMI port, please bring the necessary adaptor with you.
Note: If you use a MAC laptop, please bring an adapter for hooking it up to the projector's HDMI cable. Likewise, please bring any needed international plug adapters if applicable. Also bring your presentation (PC capable) on a memory stick, as a back up.
There will be microphones in most of the breakout rooms – the type and quantity will be dependent on the session type and number of presenters.
Presenters are requested to provide their own laptops for their presentations. If you are unable to supply your own laptop, you must note this when answering the call for submissions.
Books for Sale
Our conference bookstore is operated by New Harbinger Publications, however they include books from other publishers in our bookstore. New Harbinger will make every reasonable effort to include your suggested book in the bookstore.
If you'd like your book considered for inclusion in the ACBS Conference bookstore, please submit your information here by April 15, 2022.
2022 WC Video with Louise McHugh and Alison Stapleton
2022 WC Video with Louise McHugh and Alison StapletonIn preparation for the upcoming #ACBSWC22 Louise McHugh and Alison Stapleton are sharing a humorous suggested "packing list" based on the program. Check it out!
Program Committee
Program Committee
Program Committee Chairs
Luisa Canon, Psy.D., BCBA-D
Dr. Canon is a Clinical Behavior Analyst and a Licensed Psychologist in California She has over two decades of experience working with families of children and adults with autism, developmental delays, and behavioral challenges from both Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) perspectives. She is the co-founder and director of research and development of the Institute for Effective Behavioral Interventions (IEBI), an organization that provides state-of-the-art behavioral intervention for children with autism, and the founder and director of ACT to Thrive, a center dedicated to the provision of ACT-focused training, consultation, and treatment services. Her current research projects include implementation of ACT with parents, youth, and staff; and training behavior analysts in relationship building, compassionate care, behavioral flexibility, and clinical behavior analysis. Dr. Canon has leadership roles within the Association for Contextual Behavioral Sciences (ACBS) and is currently a graduate research mentor for the University of Nevada Reno.
Evelyn Gould, Ph.D., BCBA-D LABA
Evelyn Gould is a Clinical Behavior Analyst and Licensed Psychologist from N. Ireland, currently based in Los Angeles, CA. Evelyn is a trainer and supervisor at The New England Center for OCD and Anxiety, and is an Assistant Clinical Professor at Keck School of Medicine at USC. She is also a Research Associate in Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. Evelyn provides clinical services to children, adolescents, young adults, and families, in addition to engaging in applied research and scholarship. She has published articles and book chapters on working with caregivers, clinical assessment and treatment design, training and supervision, ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) and practitioner well-being. She is passionate about the dissemination of contextual behavioral treatment approaches and addressing issues of diversity, equity and inclusion in Behavior Analysis. Evelyn is actively involved in a variety of Special Interest Groups and Task Forces within the ABAI and ACBS communities, and is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science.
2022 Program Committee:
Priscilla Almada
Meredith Andrews
Patricia Bach
Natalia Baires
Christopher Berghoff
Yash Bhambhani
Michael Bordieri
Sarah Cassidy
Robyn Catagnus
Angela Cathey Coreil
Yuen Yu Chong
Nelly Dixon
Joanna Dudek
Nuno Ferreira
Julia Fiebig
Sebastian Garcia Zambrano
Brandon Gaudiano
David Gillanders
Jennifer Gregg
Fernando Guerrero
Sandi James
Daniel Johnson
Valerie Kiel
Ali Kresch Levine
Raimo Lappalainen
Michael Levin
Lucia Loureiro
Mai Manchanda
Raul Manzione
Staci Martin
Michael May
Louise McHugh
Siri Ming
Charlene Moore
Sarah Mooy
Jose Moreno
Manuela O´Connell
Ray Owen
Dana Paliliunas
Dannel Petgrave
Amanda Rhodes
Patti Robinson
Tiffany Rochester
Francisco J. Ruiz
Emily Sandoz
Thomas Sease
Matthew Skinta
Wanda Smith
Debbie Sorensen
Dr. Gita Srikanth
Jill Stodddard
Niklas Törneke
Sanna Turakka
Janani Vaidya
Kevin Vowles
Interested in volunteering? Please reach out to one of the chairs above by clicking on their names!
WC2022 App Information
WC2022 App InformationAll IN-PERSON conference information can be found on our app.
1. Go to your phone's app store. Search for Yapp. Install Yapp on your phone.
2. Open Yapp.
3. Click on "+" at the top.
4. Type ACBS in the box that says Enter Yapp Id and click "Add".
5. The ACBS World Conference logo will appear on your screen. Click on the logo and the app will open.
WC2022 Powerpoints & Handouts
WC2022 Powerpoints & HandoutsUnder construction
The page includes all PowerPoints/Handouts/Materials supplied by our ACBS World Conference 2022 presenters for presentations delivered in San Francisco, that will not be recorded. Additional materials for presentations being recorded will be loaded directly to our Virtual Conference Website (registration and login required).
4. Bringing Compassion to Life in the Therapy Room: A Process-based Framework for Organizing and Delivering CFT
12. New Directions and Strategies in ACT for Physical Health: Treating Chronic Conditions with Flexibility and Care
Paper 1: PPT
Paper 2: PPT
Paper 4: PPT
18. Don’t Let Them See My Flaws: The Intersection of Perfectionism, Body Image and Eating Disorders
Handout 1
Handout 2
21. Learning by doing: A Practical Workshop on Prototyping Targeted Processes of Change for digital Intervention Design
25. Willingly ACT for Spiritual Development: Acknowledge, Choose, Teach others
30. Doing More But Never Doing Enough: Help your clients unhook from productivity anxiety and strive skillfully
31. Making SPACE to ACT: Supporting Parents with Resistant Youth
33.Making ACT Come Alive Using Humor,Metaphor, and Story
37. In Pursuit of Universal Wellbeing: Psychological Flexibility and Gender and Sexual Minoritized Individuals
40. Contextual behavioral approaches to understanding and intervening on issues of chronic health, cancer and suicide
Paper 3: PPT
45. Wearing Your Hexaflex Goggles During ACT-informed Exposure
49. All in the family: Mindfulness and flexibility in the context of parenting
Paper 4: PPT
54. Working with Suicidal Young People: ReThinking Risk and Integrating CBS and Attachment Theory: Children, Adolescents & Families SIG Sponsored
55. Flexible Applications: Using ACT with Healthcare Workers, Adolescents, and the LGBTQ+ Community
56. A Spectrum of Selves: Psychedelic and Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness SIG Sponsored
63. Psychological Flexibility and Experiences of burnout, imposter syndrome and vicarious trauma in the workplace
69. Addressing Righteous Indignation with Forgiveness and Reconciliation
80. "I hate to say this, but..": How Psychological Flexibility can help you have difficult conversations
81. Sex ACT - a workshop, not an offer
87. Uncovering the process and practice of ”Creative Hopelessness”
96. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Weight Loss
Paper 1: PPT
Paper 2: PPT
Paper 3: PPT
Paper 4: PPT
97. Self-as-Context: I will never understand what that really means... Or maybe I will?
109. Maximizing Achievement of Children and Adolescents in their Performance Endeavors Using the ACT Matrix: Sport, Health, and Human Performance SIG Sponsored
110. The ACT Trained Physical Therapist: Application and Tools for Altering Pain Care: Physiotherapy SIG Sponsored
Handout 1
Handout 2
112. Deepening Emotional and Relational Experiencing in ACT: San Francisco Bay Area Chapter Sponsored
121. Ignite Session
ACT Auntie's Island: The legacy of Louise Gardner PPT
122. CBS approaches to understanding and supporting individuals struggling with substance use and disordered eating: Applying ACT to Addictions SIG Sponsored
128. Acceptance - How do I actually use and teach it now?
131. Beyond a single time-point: Advances in longitudinal psychometric research of CBS-focused self-report measures
135. Learning to “Speak” RFT: The Art and Practice of Relational Framing for Clinicians: Asian Culture and CBS SIG Sponsored
Handout 1
Handout 2
Handout 3
Handout 4
141. Gaining footing in shifting sands: An experiential approach to identifying and actualizing values in team settings
148. From the lab to the world: Behavior analysis
149. Transcending Self (-as-Content): True Belonging from the Inside Out
150. CBS interventions for supporting caregivers and family members